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    where are the other maps? italy? nuke? etc...

    Would love to play these again but I don't want to go to another server to try them out . :/

    Up until today we were playing every map in the rotation.

    Everytime I connect we are playing Italy.


      well dang, i just might be coming in at the wrong times then. Thnks for the heads up!


        We played train last night. First time for me on cainslair. You can call for a map switch though.

        I wonder if it starts back into the starting rotation after a map switch


          golden... you know there might actually be a good chance of that happening. maybe that's the reason i haven't seen any maps. is there anyway we can block map votes? I don't want to block vote kicking b/c that's really helpful when an admin isn't around.


            I right now am against blocking map votes. Either way its cains choice.

            One of the maps I have only seen once.

            Maybe Cain can play with the rotation schedule?

            The trains one seems like most didn't like it because there were no bottlenecks.


              Here's Cain's gametracker page:
     Competitive - No AWP/AUTO [csgo] Counter Strike Global Offensive

              I scrolled down to check map percentages. Don't see Italy & Nuke. They have probably slipped into the "other" group (played least). Don't know if due to voting...


                to me train is the least favorite and i believe on the server as well along with nuke. Italy can be good at times. I wouldn't block map voting tho. really helpful at times when people start to grief at maps they dislike. so the map voting helps. Although i don't like when we team scramble and the match has to reset, it a pain in the butt, also spending more time on the map

                any way to team scramble without restarting the round?
                Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                  Originally posted by AmazingRedd View Post
                  Although i don't like when we team scramble and the match has to reset, it a pain in the butt, also spending more time on the map

                  any way to team scramble without restarting the round?
                  I vote for this.

                  Where do you put the Bayonet?
                  Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                  I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                  Frank Lloyd Wright


                    That team scramble is hard coded I believe.


                      Wanted to get to this discussion.
                      Votemap is awesome, def keep that.

                      Everytime nuke and train comes uo, the server starts to empty.
                      I dont care much about that, we can build the loyal base on the server to get around that issue...though people need to play something other than dust.

                      I would definitely like to see (i was talking about it with the hs guys last night in mumble so they agree) some variety maybe.
                      The maps now are dust, dust2, aztec, inferno, train and nuke.
                      Thats all that was on the votemap option.
                      Possible to add italy and office? Bit of a different style but popular maps.
                      How about something non strategic like iceworld? Does scoutzknivez and deaglemap still exist? Piranesi?
                      Another input for your decision.

                      Love the server. Keep up good work

                      *pardon the grammar and format. Sending from my phone


                        Thx Mosh.

                        The map rotation has been a HUGE PITA for me and other Admins.

                        At present I think every map is on the rotation but it may be only the De maps, right now.

                        The same maps and a full server are more fun than new maps and an empty server, but right now I'm having problems setting the map rotation for this game.

                        I love custom maps, what are some really good ones that people like?


                          Iceworld for sure.
                          Scoutzknivez, westwood, csdeagle, are pretty good

                          Its fun to have a few customs in the rotation. Tends to break up the droning bomb plant/diffuse repetition. Definitely would suggest putting in some hostage maps before that though


                            I have played Office and Italy many times including last night. If they ever port CSS custom maps, I like de_Temple, de_Blue Corridor and de_Boston.

                            Where do you put the Bayonet?
                            Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                            I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                            Frank Lloyd Wright


                              So, Office and Italy ARE still in the rotation Apache??


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