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Earthquake anyone

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    Earthquake anyone

    yep 5.6, @ 8.04 now its 8.30 lasted at least 3 sec..

    pretty big!
    I was playing bf2..

    I should get off.

    Pacific Grove, California. Right on the ocean in central CA. It was felt here pretty decently.




        yeah, felt it


          Where are you sopek?


            Central, CA: Didn't feel it. But then, I rarely do, even when I lived in So Cal.


              I'm in Hayward, "the heart of the bay area"

              couple cities away from the epi-center. I would get there in a 45 min drive: alum rock

              Did I mention I live a BLOCK (yes a Block,couple of yards) from the San Andreas faults.


              Awesome/scary feeling 2nd time feeling one...

              "I always missed them" not this one


                Originally posted by sopek_
                I'm in Hayward, "the heart of the bay area"
                heart of the bay area?

                I'm in Berkeley, CA


                  Originally posted by sopek_
                  I'm in Hayward, "the heart of the bay area"

                  couple cities away from the epi-center. I would get there in a 45 min drive: alum rock

                  Did I mention I live a BLOCK (yes a Block,couple of yards) from the San Andreas faults.


                  Awesome/scary feeling 2nd time feeling one...

                  "I always missed them" not this one
                  I was born in Hayward. I was about half a year old or something when that big earthquake in 89 happened.


                    I meant Hayward faults...still big deal

                    alpha we are so close... a city away--->Oakland
                    heart of the bay area? Confused
                    'donn know' that's our slogan, I guess...
                    Born in hayward you say!
                    I moved here in 2001 from mountain view/ Palo Alto


                      Originally posted by sopek_
                      I meant Hayward faults...still big deal

                      alpha we are so close... a city away--->Oakland
                      heart of the bay area? Confused
                      'donn know' that's our slogan, I guess...
                      Born in hayward you say!
                      I moved here in 2001 from mountain view/ Palo Alto
                      Hahah! I now live near Palo Alto, an hour or so, I am not sure. We keep switching around.


                        Yep I felt it too...In Santa Cruz


                          dang, we almost have enough for a bay area lan party


                            WTB disasters in Oregon. All we got was Mt St Helens about 28 years ago.

                            Sure destruction is all depressing and people dying, but I played in a F-15 on BF2 dammit, and blowing the crap out of crap was one of my favorite things.

                            Destruction ftw!

                            Anywho, hopefully you all are alright and the destruction doesn't happen to you... but I am freaking evil damn.


                              Meh.....earthquakes are cake. Anything less than ~7 is barely even an issue, and nothing below 8 ever seriously damages much.

                              I'll take earthquakes over ice storms and hurricanes anyday
                              (and I didn't feel it down here in so cal.....just wasn't strong enough)


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