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FallOut3!! HELP!!!!!

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    FallOut3!! HELP!!!!!

    I just got and played an hour of FallOut3 earlier today and my first impressions were good. It looks like a good game and a fun one too. There is soo much to do and im not sure where to start, or even how or where to buy guns/food/ext. I just left the Valt and am in the nearest city. Any tips or pointers that u would have would be very helpful.


    In megatown there is a diner (located just in front of the bomb) and craterside supplies which is located on the top level that sell food. Craterside will also supply you with guns, ammo, and gear. there are a couple quests to be done inside megatown, but most require certain levels of skills.
    Always carry as many Stimpaks as you can get a hold of/afford or lots of food when starting out as you will likely die running into nests of raiders otherwise.
    Open anything that does not say [EMPTY] below it as it will contain items to sell or use (trash cans, dumpsters, mailboxes etc.)


      Anything that you can pick up will have a weight and a value (in bottlecaps). At the start opf the game try to pick up anything that is worth more that 1 bottle cap and sell it at Craterside Supply. The girl there can buy your stuff, sell you stuff and give you quests. Also, talk to everyone that isn't trying to kill you at the moment. You can get a quest from the sheriff in Megaton that will give you an extremely helpful prize at the end.


        You should follow the story line up until you reach rivet city. Then you can start doing all the sidequests. There is alot of them in rivet city and many of them are really interesting. Overall its a really fun game and don't blow megaton up.
        X...Noob Slasher...X


          depending if planning in doing good deeds or bad ones. but yea follow the quest that u are giving at first. dont go wonder off like i did, and end up killing/failing future quests.

          and always point out the right quest in you pipbot so u get the right direction signal so you know where u going. so u wont get lost.
          Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


            had to explore some myself, ran out of ammo
            and none to buy at the supply store.

            after visiting everyone in megaton, there are quest directions everywhere.. mines SE, a school due north w gobs of goodies (And bandits).. i walked out of there weighing over 500lbs....

            The Lady at the supply shop also has quests. One is to pick up food from an abandoned store, (Full of Bandits) and another to absorb +600 radiation (Rad) points for experimentation. Rad is easy, just drink from the pool where the big bad bomb is...
            The supply shop shuts down at dark, and reopens in daylight... FYI

            What specs to pick, and all, are purely yours to choose. No right/wrong ones really.
            lock picking, computer hacking, equipment repair, better dmg from melee or small arms, you pickem... Just remember that if you spread your points around, you will have a hard time getting good at any one thing. Like one computer requires a skill of 50 in Science that you run into early. But is it more fun to get good at lock picking? Your choice....
            ??Click me to donate??


              Thanks guys that really helps me out


                yea u might want to get your first points to go for science,lockpicks. repairs at first. forget the rest, not important in the beginning.
                Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                  Originally posted by RuThLeSsKiLLa View Post
                  yea u might want to get your first points to go for science,lockpicks. repairs at first. forget the rest, not important in the beginning.
                  Take science OR lockpicks. You don't need both to start because most doors with anything good behind them have both a lock and a computer to open them. Put the third point into the weapon style of your choice.


                  Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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                    Originally posted by ChrisWW11 View Post
                    ...and don't blow megaton up.
                    Do it! It was soooo much fun!
                    [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

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                      Put your points in Intelligence and Repair to start out. Those come in handy in the early going. The lockpicking and hacking are annoying at first, but you can quickly pick up on it if you follow the basic rules:

                      Rotate the lockpick at an angle, then carefully and slowly rotate the screwdriver. if the lockpick starts to shake, stop immediately and try a new angle. Find the right one and it will turn a full 90 degrees clockwise and it will open. If the bobby pin resists at the beginning of your pick attempt, you know you are entirely in the wrong position.
                      Also, you can nudge the bobby pin twice before it will snap, so do not force it more than two times. Back out and try to re-pick the lock, and the bobby pin will regain its 'durability' enough to perform like it was new.

                      The way the game tells you if you are close is by saying the number of correct characters that were in your guess. What this means is that if you get 3/9 of the letters correct 3 letters in the word you chose were in the same place as 3 letters in the actual answer. 3/9 does not mean that 3 different letters are correct, it means three of the letters in the word are at the right place !!

                      Bythe time you finish the game, both of thee skills will be MUCH easier to do.
                      Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                        Choose one or the other. You don't need both. I went with lockpicking b/c of some bobbleheads are in locked places. I'm pro at both but it's just a waste of points with a lvl 20 cap out. Energy weapons are best weapon type unless you did the searching for M.I.R.V. gun. Mysterious Stranger is very useful as well so if you can get your Luck to 6, do it. Comes in handy when you are running low on hp or ammo, etc and you just need tha target DEAD. To activate him, you must reach a certain level and Luck at 6 and use VATS and he will show up randomly.

                        Good luck, buddy!

                        And for future posting, we have many threads for Fallout 3 in the "Other PC Games" section.
                        [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

                        [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


                          I was quite happy with small guns. By the way, take the perks for extra skill point per level, and 1 extra point per skill book, as soon as possible. They're VERY useful, especially the longer you have them.


                          Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                          Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                            Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
                            I was quite happy with small guns. By the way, take the perks for extra skill point per level, and 1 extra point per skill book, as soon as possible. They're VERY useful, especially the longer you have them.

                            I agree totally. In addition, I like the "Grim Reaper's Spirit" perk. If you kill a target in VATS you get all you action points back.

                            Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
                            Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                              Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
                              I agree totally. In addition, I like the "Grim Reaper's Spirit" perk. If you kill a target in VATS you get all you action points back.
                              Which means more Mysterious Stranger chances and Criticals strikes for insta-kills!

                              I love that combo.
                              [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

                              [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


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