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What's legal where you live

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    What's legal where you live

    Seeing as most of you are old on here.. No offense and I love you all :]
    I have a question for all of you.

    What state do you live in.. And what firearms are legal where you live?

    I live in california.. And its about as strict as it can be here.
    Ide like to know what is legal where.
    Even if you dont have guns.. learn a thing or two today. Do some research for me. :]
    NRA Gun laws by state

    That is what is legal by state. I have a life and dont want to look up 50 states.
    If you could all help that would be great.

    PS If you do own firearms.. pictures would be nice. :]

    Sounds to me like "I have this research project for school on gun laws and I am too lazy to do the research."

    "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist."
    - Dom Helder Camara


      Originally posted by H0ly-H@nd-Gr3nade View Post
      Sounds to me like "I have this research project for school on gun laws and I am too lazy to do the research."


      It's called homework for a reason. lol.


        Originally posted by H0ly-H@nd-Gr3nade View Post
        Sounds to me like "I have this research project for school on gun laws and I am too lazy to do the research."

        Not at all.
        Im not even back in school yet.
        I would do the research if it was for a project. I just wanna know.
        I like guns. xD
        I just want to know what is legal where.
        But YOU probably don't know whats legal where you live. So why don't you learn something and report back here. And two will learn instead of one.



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            I live in new york and i know a few of the "weapons" i own are "not technicaly legal" but heres a photo of my nice new gun... well i got it in july

            PSG-1 sniper rifle.. its a beauty.


              Damn pumpkin that sure is beautiful.
              Haha. That is a nice gun.

              Thanks for your input.



                Nice gun PJ!

                I live in NY also and I believe we can own a bunch of different guns. The main thing is what you can hunt with.


                  Here in Oklahoma we have gun shows and exhibits. And it's perfectly legal to buy guns there. No background check, no ID required except to check that you're of legal age. Bring your cash, leave with your gun that's it.

                  There is no need to go checking for exactly what gun is legal because if you can find it on sale it's legal to buy it. Nice little loop hole that only applies to gun shows.

                  Oh, and It's illegal to sell ammo there, but ya......

                  Edit: I've pasted a little paragraph that shows the loophole allowing you to buy and carry off from gun shows.

                  No state requirement that a Brady criminal background check be done on people buying guns at gun shows if they are sold by "private" individuals or gun "collectors." Gun shows can operate on a "no questions asked, cash-and-carry" basis, making it easy for criminals and even juveniles to buy as many guns as they want at gun shows, including assault weapons. No records are required to be kept on gun show sales by private individuals or gun collectors, making it almost impossible for police to trace such weapons if they are used in a crime.

                  So I guess if you want more relaxed gun laws, you gotta move to a more rural state.


                    New York City and The District of Columbia are probably the most strict on firearms which means basicaly you can't have a gun there...period! Any worse and you will have to move to another country to find more control.

                    Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Louisiana, Texas...and most other "rural" states are the most friendly to gun ownership.

                    I don't know if it is true, but I've heard that in Switzerland, every citizen is required to own a gun and know how to use it.


                      Every citizen between the ages of 18 and 52 (if I remember correctly) is required to be a member of the Swiss Militia.

                      Read this:



                      Where do you put the Bayonet?
                      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                      Frank Lloyd Wright


                        Originally posted by Murder Simulator View Post
                        Here in Oklahoma we have gun shows and exhibits. And it's perfectly legal to buy guns there. No background check, no ID required except to check that you're of legal age. Bring your cash, leave with your gun that's it.

                        There is no need to go checking for exactly what gun is legal because if you can find it on sale it's legal to buy it. Nice little loop hole that only applies to gun shows.
                        [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                        So all you get is this crappy text]


                          Yep I'm a wanna be AWP whore... Remington 700 .308 in AICS chasis. I believe CA is the worst for firearm laws nation wide. However check this out..... Pretty much if it's a bolt rifle you can do whatever you want to it....except no .50 cal and no mags over 10 rounds.


                            oh my jesus CHRIST lol im fron England and i own a .22 air rifle and thats extreme here lol and you guys have sniper riffles..... wow... lol
                            *mental note to self: be kind to the americans*



                              Originally posted by Kaeben View Post
                              oh my jesus CHRIST lol im fron England and i own a .22 air rifle and thats extreme here lol and you guys have sniper riffles..... wow... lol
                              *mental note to self: be kind to the americans*


                              My stock is made in the UK the company is Accuracy International. So it's not just the US who like snipers...


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