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What's legal where you live

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    I'm not too sure I understand the question.
    What is legal where you live?

    On the broad topic of firearms?

    National Rifle Association - NRA Website Gateway

    I'll let you do the reading for yourself and learn from experts on the topic.
    Also, you can look up federal laws on your own here:

    There you go.

    So why dont YOU learn something and report back here.
    "schooled" as you say I think.


      Here's some stuff

      All fit within the legal specs for Wisconsin.
      Last edited by Skud; 13 Jan 2009, 01:06 AM. Reason: link not working


        In Washington state it is legal to buy a rifle or shotgun over the counter with no delay. Handguns have a 3 day wait for a background check on your initial weapon but I believe it is speedier on subsequent purchases. Of course weapons can only be of the semi automatic variety. No pics but I have a S&W .40 automatic. 12 in the clip, 1 in the chamber. I don't have the laser yet but it's already dovetailed.


          Baller, I highly suggest you go out and make about $100 and send $50 to me, like that both of us can benefit from your work and not just you.
          [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
          So all you get is this crappy text]


            My uncle is a retired Oceanside SWAT officer (California) and he has a few weapons that are illegal to purchase. I actually got to shoot them.

            Steyr AUG

            Heckler & Koch SL8
            We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

            Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


              Nice, Kyle.

              Originally posted by KyleRiley View Post
              My uncle is a retired Oceanside SWAT officer (California) and he has a few weapons that are illegal to purchase. I actually got to shoot them.

              Steyr AUG

              Heckler & Koch SL8
              How'd you like that Steyr?


                Well...this isnt legal where I live:

                And neither is this:

                Or this:

                And this isnt legal either where I live (Prop 8 ):

                Now that I learned and been schooled.....


                  Originally posted by mapes View Post
                  Yep I'm a wanna be AWP whore... Remington 700 .308 in AICS chasis. I believe CA is the worst for firearm laws nation wide. However check this out..... Pretty much if it's a bolt rifle you can do whatever you want to it....except no .50 cal and no mags over 10 rounds.

                  Nice remmington .700 I use that to hunt down in the southern teir. Its nice.


                    The steyr was pretty sick
                    Personally I liked the H&K SL8 the best
                    My uncle said I was a natural shot fo my first time and I hit the bullseye multiple times with a tight grouping of my shots
                    We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

                    Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


                      where i live in australia u cnt have guns or else u will go in jail unless u have license but da license is only for hunting animals so dat sucs i wish i lived whre u guys live


                        Originally posted by andiie69 View Post
                        where i live in australia u cnt have guns or else u will go in jail unless u have license but da license is only for hunting animals so dat sucs i wish i lived whre u guys live

                        Well I'd be worried if they gave you permits for hunting people


                          I live in California but dont own any guns yet...

                          Have yet to own my new sniper


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