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    A cousin of mine calls me today and tells me that her step son started a fight at school and put in in school suspension for the day. She said that the other kid got tired of her step son harassing him and kicked him. Well, her step son wouldn't walk to the principle's office, he had the principle carry him saying that his knee hurt to bad.

    Now this boy is always getting in trouble, he's only 12 and has already spent a year in alternative school because the regular school couldn't handle him. He's going to be the kid that takes guns to school, he needs serious help but his dad refuses.

    Anyways, she calls me back tonight asking if my husband is working (he was working nights after my son had surgery) because she took the boy to the ER and needed someone to carry him in. I asked her where her husband was and of course, he don't do hospitals and so he stayed home. I told her just to go in and get a wheel chair for him, sorry no sympathy from me.

    Well, she just called me back to tell me that he's got go have surgery on Fri. He's got a bone fragment on his knee cap and has to be fixed. The Dr told her that kid had to of kicked him rather hard. So then she starts to tell me that she found out, her step son had kicked the other boy first BUT, she still plans on calling the school tomorrow and pursuing the parents of the kid. She also plans on taking action against the school.

    I'm sorry, I have NO sympathy for this kid. In all honesty, since my cousin and her husband have gotten custody of him, this school has gone above and beyond to try to help him fit in but the parents won't follow through. I used to let him come over to my house because I felt sorry for him but it didn't last very long.
    So go on, go on be your own, go on be your own star!
    A superstar in my eyes!


    Sounds like the parents are blaming everyone but the persons responsible for their son's behavior. It sounds like the boy is endangering other children, in which case your cousin might be going on the attack as a smoke screen to cover their own deficiencies. If they don't hold theirselves and their child accountable for his behavior, it will never is not the job of the teachers or the school...but someday, from what you say, it could be the job of the penal institutions of your state, unfortunately.

    Those are just some thoughts...My father was a middle school teacher for his entire brother is a high school is a tech college prof. I've heard from most of them how often the parents of problem children blame the school the most, yet come to parent-teacher conferences and such the least...and teachers and schools are severely (legally) limited as to what they can do with/to problem, their job is to teach math, science, etc., not manners, work ethics, those have to come from the fam.

    Well, I hope that you understand that I am on your side, Lady. Good luck with the situation. It sounds like you've said what you need to, and you've said the right things. Good job!


      Get Family and Children's Services involved. They sometimes drop the ball but, overall, they are best equipped to handle this type of problem.

      Where do you put the Bayonet?
      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
      Frank Lloyd Wright


        Unfortunately not a lot you can do other than getting the proper authorities involved. Like said above, it sounds like they're trying to lay the blame everywhere else without looking at what they can do, or should be doing.

        It's a real shame that schools can no longer engage in physical punishments.


          No, that's what's sadder. Is child service's have been called and they won't do anything. Also, there is a cop at the school where the boy goes. He has asked the parents to put the boy in a weekend program to where he goes to juvenile hall and the jail to see what happens when you get in trouble when you are older and they won't do it. The officer has told them many times that their next step would be to kick the kid out of school. So I guess the cop has sent out so many empty threats to where they know he's not going to do anything either.

          I think it's the area I live in. You see parents driving around town with toddlers on there lap and the cops don't do anything until someone calls them, and then when they do, then it's all over the newspapers patting the officers on the back for getting someone so irresponsible.
          So go on, go on be your own, go on be your own star!
          A superstar in my eyes!


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            All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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            :O hey Pidgeot!

            Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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