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Jeremy Lusk (Motocross)

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    Jeremy Lusk (Motocross)

    This is was very sad. I hope he makes it out O.K.

    The video is in there but I'm not sure if it's the one I saw. I don't dare watch it again cuz it's graphic. No blood but just the landing alone makes you sick.
    So go on, go on be your own, go on be your own star!
    A superstar in my eyes!

    oh my.. poor guy...that's an instant death.
    K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

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      Sad to say that he died from the injuries. Very sad, he was a very talented motocross racer.

      The Associated Press: Freestyle motocross racer Jeremy Lusk dies
      A change of Pace.
      "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


        When I posted this, it seemed as if he was pulling through. The swelling was going down and they were able to close his skull

        It's all just horrible. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
        So go on, go on be your own, go on be your own star!
        A superstar in my eyes!


          He basically had the same accident two years ago, so many people expected him to pull through.
          Gotta say, that is one sport that may fill an adrenaline junkies need, but it will kill you easily if you make one mistake after a hundred jumps.
          Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin



            That's terrible...I cringed watching it.

            I don't understand, though, how it's illegal for people not to wear a seatbelt; but such sports as motocross, mountain climbing (how many million dollar rescues for folks who get stuck in storms, avalanches, altitude sickness, etc?) and the like are legal, when there is suck a huge risk of injury or death.


              Originally posted by Skud View Post
              That's terrible...I cringed watching it.

              I don't understand, though, how it's illegal for people not to wear a seatbelt; but such sports as motocross, mountain climbing (how many million dollar rescues for folks who get stuck in storms, avalanches, altitude sickness, etc?) and the like are legal, when there is suck a huge risk of injury or death.
              Well IMO seatbelts shouldnt be mandatory... I dont think its the gov. job to protect u from urself, if ur dumb enough not to wear one then so be it. + I do understand the thrill of MX, its all I do lol



                Originally posted by Hawkeye426 View Post
                Well IMO seatbelts shouldnt be mandatory... I dont think its the gov. job to protect u from urself, if ur dumb enough not to wear one then so be it. + I do understand the thrill of MX, its all I do lol
                that's kind of my point...if someone's dumb enough to do any of those things: fine with me, it's on them. I just don't understand why the more dangerous ones are legal and others are not (ie., seatbelts and pot).


                  Originally posted by Skud View Post
                  I don't understand, though, how it's illegal for people not to wear a seatbelt; but such sports as motocross, mountain climbing (how many million dollar rescues for folks who get stuck in storms, avalanches, altitude sickness, etc?) and the like are legal, when there is suck a huge risk of injury or death.
                  Because the Government knows what's best for you.... Give it time, anything with any risk may soon be illegal, or taxed so highly that you won't want to do it.

                  Said only half in jest.
                  A change of Pace.
                  "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


                    My sister in law's boyfriend is a well known motorcross professional in california and he said that this guy was a very nice guy.



                      Originally posted by Hammy View Post
                      My sister in law's boyfriend is a well known motorcross professional in california and he said that this guy was a very nice guy.

                      Ask him if I can have one of his hand-me-down motorcycles.....
                      A change of Pace.
                      "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


                        That's a sad story.

                        Such a talent should not be lost. It takes alot to do what they do.
                        Many may not agree with the whole sport and its risks but think about the very first time these guys attempt these tricks and
                        the amount of determination it takes to just try it for the first time.

                        I'm scared to do a 360 on my trampoline !!!

                        Sad Story indeed.

                        btw...being in the North I cant get enough of this sport !!!

                        YouTube - Snowmobile flip Jostein Stenberg

                        YouTube - 08' X Games back flip crash

                        When did it become acceptable to 360 a SNOWMOBILE !!
                        Think about the first guy to try THAT !!

                        If you have ever rode a snowmobile think about setting up for that ramp....NO THANKS !!



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                          by Sirex
                          All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                          Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                          7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Pidgeot_Girl
                          Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                          2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                          Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                          Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                          by Sirex
                          :O hey Pidgeot!

                          Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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