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Guess what happened!

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    Guess what happened!

    I was in SanFrancisco in CA and i was walking to the bart train after a long day of walking around and shopping and some guy runs past me.Then 3 or 4 people come running a corner and say "stop that guy" i guess he had stole something but i was not sure. What was funny to me were the 2 cops eating donuts and walking after the guy not running. Not sure what happened in the end but i think the guy got away.
    Anyone else got some interesting stories to tell???


    I worked for a German company, this happened like 13 years ago or more. There was this British guy who would come twice a week to the office to teach English to my boss. I never talked to him much, but he came like twice a week for months. He was polite, kind of shy...anyway.. he was going to get married one of those days.

    One day I go to Cuba, with my girlfriends in the University. On a Tuesday night in Havana, at 2 am in the Tropicana club, I see him "dancing" and drunk holding two Cuban girls. I am walking in the club and I meet him face to face. You can imagine... I say "hello " He says..." hi", his face was as pale as death, I keep walking and processing all the information.

    I came back from my vacation. I saw him at the office again next week, doing his regulars classes, back to the routine.. like nothing has ever happened. And still today, I am thinking how curious life is sometimes.
    K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

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      Early January 2009. I’m sitting in a local coffee shop, on a cold and somewhat snowy day, drinking a green tea before I head up to my evening class.

      There are a few other people in the place, including 3 girls sitting at the table behind me discussing whatever 3 girls in their mid 20s discuss. A couple walks into the place and the only reason I look up to notice is that they left the door open a little longer than most and I got a draft of cold air.

      They don’t go order anything, they just walk by the area where I and the girls are sitting. After 20 seconds, the woman walks towards the door somewhat quickly and the man follows. As the man leaves the area, one of the girl calls out:

      “hey, what did you do with my bag?”

      The guy stops, looks at her and says nothing.

      “I saw and felt my bag move as you walked by it. My bag is open. Did you take my wallet?”

      They go back and forth for a min or so, everyone in the place looking at them. Being a photography student, I pull out my camera and snapped a few candid shots of the guy. The guy makes a hurried walk towards the door. I get up and follow him, along with another guy and the girl whose bag was disturbed.

      Outside, she continues to tell him that he took her wallet, he continues to insist he didn’t take anything. By this time, his female accomplice is no where to be seen. The coffee shop manager is outside with us, after instructing one of his employee’s to call 911.

      Suddenly, the girl with the missing wallet spots her wallet inside the guy’s jacket. She makes a quick move and grabs it from him. Confused, the guy just bolts down the street. The other guy that went out with me made a run after him but the would-be thief’s adrenaline must have been pumping and he was way too fast.

      Cops show up about 1 min after the call. She gives quick statement, I show them the picture, offer to give them my memory card. They said no, but would contact me if they need it as they have a good idea who the suspect is and they took off in the direction the guy fled.

      Probably never found him. But the more I talk to people about this, specially those who frequent the same coffee shop, the more I realise that other people have seen him and have had things stolen by him.

      I was never contacted by the cops
      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
      So all you get is this crappy text]


        Late 2007,

        Me and my family has just moved into an new apartment, but was still in the
        process of transferring furniture and stuff from the old apartment to the
        new. My parents have just left one afternoon and left me to watch my little
        brother (barely speaks English well, hes 4 years old) in the new apartment
        while they were gone. What one of the things we did have in the new place
        was our television and xbox360 in the living room.

        I watched my little brother play Sonic, though fun for him, it was ultimately
        boring for me, I grew bored and tired, since we had no couches or beds
        moved in the new apartment, I just fell asleep in the middle of the living
        room carpet floor next to my brother.

        Now then...

        I was disrupted in sleep by a cold object on my chest, and a touch on my
        neck, followed by a hard tapping on my shoulder, thinking it was my brother
        annoying me about the Sonic game, I still didn't want to wake up and had
        my eyes closed. My shoulder was then shaken vigorously, followed by
        a deep voice saying "Sir, are you alright?!" I was shocked and realized that
        this is obviously NOT my little brother. I opened my eyes to find 3 uniformed
        men in my apartment home, wondering "WTF is going on?!!"

        After recollecting my tired self, my eyes and brain focused and realized
        that there was an officer and 2 paramedics standing around me, staring. It
        was probably a good minute before I said something, and the first thing
        that came out of my mouth was "uhhhhhhhh?"

        Paramedic:"Sir, are you alright?"

        killa:"Uh, yeah, whats wrong?"

        Paramedic: "We got a call from your neighbor saying you were unconscious in
        the middle of the floor, not moving"

        killa:"I was sleeping dude"

        I stand up to realize that my brother is not beside me, I stood up and looked
        around frantically wondering where was he. I noticed my front door
        wide open and I noticed another officer, my brother, and another person
        (who turned out to be my concerned neighbor who I should thank for this
        damn predicament) standing outside talking. Which I think is going
        quite uncessful since my brother can't quite put sentences together well.

        Little brother: "Kuya...down, der" (Kuya is a Tagalog term meaning "older brother")

        Officer: "Are you sure your okay?"

        Killa:"Yes, I'm quite alright"

        Apparently my brother went outside and played with the neighbors kids.
        He left the front door wide open, and was playing with the kids just right
        outside. The mother of the kids, my "neighbor 'n savior" was walking by
        and noticed the door opened, looked right in and apparently saw me and my
        "lifeless" body in the middle of the floor, said "hello?" and ran back next door
        to call 911.

        The rest of what the paramedics and officers said to me as they left where a blur. As at that point I was pretty embarrassed, and pissed at my brother for
        not waking me up if he wanted to play outside, and that left the front door
        wide open. Though have somewhat myself to blame for not keeping a proper
        eye on my brother. Not exactly happy about my neighbor and her mediocre
        way on checking on a dead somebody either.


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        • Reply to hey yall!
          by Sirex
          All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

          Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
          7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
        • Reply to hey yall!
          by Pidgeot_Girl
          Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
          2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
        • Reply to hey yall!
          by Apache Warrior
          Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
          I am not playing anything right...
          2 Mar 2025, 09:04 AM
        • Reply to Hi guys!
          by Pidgeot_Girl
          Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
          1 Mar 2025, 07:24 PM
        • Reply to hey yall!
          by Pidgeot_Girl
          Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
          1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
        • Reply to hey yall!
          by Sirex
          :O hey Pidgeot!

          Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
          Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
          23 Feb 2025, 06:31 PM