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Friend Ticked at me for teasin' him....

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    Friend Ticked at me for teasin' him....

    .....about him participating in online triangle/ponzi schemes. He tried to hook me up with these schemes he's been participating in...typically you make first....been these schemes turn to crap after a time. Of course he sees them as legit.

    I even did my research on it, and I found a lot of bad "ju ju" on these schemes....according to the FTC it's the FEDS that has even shut these places down.

    If the law don't get 'em, the owners take the money and hear the news, you've seen the "problem solvers" segments of the local news on how someone got scammed.

    Apparently, he joined up with 2 or 3 systems that failed (I followed the news on one of them....they got shut down). He tried to even loan me money (the money had made from these get me started with one of them.

    A good deal of time had passed since I heard back from him...but we kept in touch on occasion though. He said something about moving downtown from the suburbs. And I mentioned how it's pretty expensive to live downtown area. And he said, "Well, with the new stuff I'm doing these days, I'm well off."

    And I kinda joked with him...since all those schemes were water under the bridge.....I tease him...."So you actually found a system that works, eh? LOL"

    And he goes, "Well, I just cashed in XX,000 dollars in today, loaned my mother XXXXX to get started under me....and another friend to get started, etc etc.

    What do you think?"

    I guess he got was a chat session.

    He's on this "Power of positive" thinking approach, and people who are me....are "negative thinkers"

    ANd I said, "Man, when you tried to get me on board with that stuff, I'd been screwed" And he goes, "Get a clue dude...that's glass half empty thinking"

    I was like "dude...the FEDS shut that one place down

    I was thinking I didnt want to say I "told him so....but"

    Then he bailed from the chat. So I guess he's ticked. Not sure if this puts a strain on our friendship....but I guess I pushed his buttons......I was thinking it was one of those situations since that was all in the past, I could rib him some....guess not

    I think callin' him "Madoff, Jr." would have taken it a bit too far, though.

    This is kind of a unique of those people who got involved in these triangle schemes....and calling it "positive thinking", and those who call it illegal "Negative thinkers"

    Ever met people who had the wrong idea about "positive" thinking?

    Welcome to the real world...

    Get used to it, ppl no matter who they are will always think what they do is right, and there is no other way about it.

    I just let them get on with it, ensure they dont do stupid moves wile doing a stupid thing.
    Catch them as they fall and gently let them see the reason why...

    You can not force someone to see something, they need to see it, and also learn it...
    Be it experence or reading about it.

    Example, I got a friend, who well lets say her partner wont cook, wont pay for the lil things,
    always round for food, sleeps, never lets her out of his sight (ie when he has 2mins spare he phones, or visits) and more...
    and has to mother him essentially...

    She thinks its cute, and lovely...

    he's bad for her... basically...

    wants someone to run around after him like mommy...
    I wont tell her that, but i will point my elbow, and look at it...
    its up to her to see that...

    I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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      I still dont know what you were talking about.


        Originally posted by Hammy View Post
        I still dont know what you were talking about.
        Meh, sorry, kind of a long friend tried to hook me up with a triangle scheme, I kept saying, "Those things are scams" he was in denial.....there was some friction between us when I disagreed with him, even if the money making schemes tanked.....and tried to half-heartedly say, "I don't want to say I told ya so.....but......"

        And thus his irritation with my remark.


          Well, there are people out there who are just so consistently negative they're no fun to be around.

          But, IMO, most of the people who constantly rail against "negativity" just don't want to hear the truth. They want to believe what they want to believe and are just unwilling to be questioned or accept criticism.


            Originally posted by Tuck View Post
            But, IMO, most of the people who constantly rail against "negativity" just don't want to hear the truth. They want to believe what they want to believe and are just unwilling to be questioned or accept criticism.
            Agreed, just look at George W Bush....


              Those people who think only positive can be lying to themselves too.


                Originally posted by Pumpkin_Jack View Post
                Those people who think only positive can be lying to themselves too.
                Right thinking "Positively" can only go so far in situations. I think the fact is that sales people use the "Think Positively and you succeed" Shctick as a sales tactic to lure people into thinking that they are negative thinkers.

                "You think you won't succeed, you're skeptical? Then DON'T do it, because unless you think OTHERWISE, you WILL fail!"

                They lead people into thinking the reason they are unsuccessful in life

                I think that book/DVD video that came out called "The Secret" started this trend and they tied into sales.

                The "Law of Attraction" You picture yourself living in "abundance" and you'll ATTRACT it. You "Manifest" it. (Yeah, its hard to wrap your mind around it, LOL)

                "Want to learn how to be successful? Just buy my book for 50 bucks, and you'll learn everything you can know about being successful!"

                Here's that first 20 minutes of "The Secret"

                YouTube - The Secret: 1st 20 minutes

                That "Thoughts send out signals that draw



                  Critical thinking has saved many lives in the history of the planet.

                  Either extreme: always positive or always negative is most likely one's downfall in the long run, as extremes usually are (note I don't use "always"). Listening to opposing viewpoints can make one more rounded and therefore better prepared for what the future might even allow one to see the follies in their current path.

                  If your friend is truly your friend he should understand the reason for your statements and someday get over his anger. If he cannot do that, then I'm guessing that buddy time is over...crunch time reveals true colors...and if he doesn't come through, there's plenty of good folks on the Lair!

                  I do hope that he gets beyond his brainwashing someday, for your sake, man. When I jest above it is not meant to take this lightly...was just trying to put a positive light on things (you know: positive thinking [dammit...sorry]).


                    Sounds like an asshat. Some people will make a living getting in early on these scams and get out just before the crash comes. They do it over and over and, yes, they can make a pretty good living at it. Still doesn't make it right. It's just prettied up white collar crime. Stay out ET.



                      Originally posted by JohnyRico View Post
                      Sounds like an asshat.


                        Originally posted by JohnyRico View Post
                        Sounds like an asshat. Some people will make a living getting in early on these scams and get out just before the crash comes. They do it over and over and, yes, they can make a pretty good living at it. Still doesn't make it right. It's just prettied up white collar crime. Stay out ET.

                        Cool....I think you get exactly what my meaning...."Online Ponzi Scheming" Like Madhoff, but online.

                        Yep.....if you DO want to make money, you get in early as possible, make money for a year, then make sure you draw all your money out before it crashes, and then wash, rinse, repeat.

                        Of course to him, it's not Ponzi. It's a "Legitimate Business"

                        When I was hanging out with him at a social gathering, someone asked him what he did for a living.

                        He said, "I sell dreams". Don't mean to make fun, but I almost spit out my beverage stifling a laugh, because it reminded me of an episode of "King of the Hill" where he attended one of those Hotel Seminars of guys doing the same thing. And, Hank Hill, the most practical person on the show, asked him, "So what is it you're selling in those kits?" and they respond, "They are dreams!"

                        You know what else positive thinkers think? To stay away from negative thinkers ( like me ), they don't like to surround themselves around "negative" people....thus which means, he probably can't hang with me.


                          This has been said many times,

                          Friends + Money ...

                          Family + Money ...

                          Most Other People + Money ...

                          Usually doesn't work.


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                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Sirex
                            All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                            7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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