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Need to Get My Wife's Ring Size...Help?

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    Need to Get My Wife's Ring Size...Help?

    okay so she has her rings in the safe at her mothers.
    her mother is a big mouth, so I cant trust her to keep a secret.

    SO- I need to figure this out so I can buy my wife a ring for a special occasion.....

    HOW do I get the ring size?

    Apache would be the man
    K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

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      The most accurate way is to buy the ring first and then get it sized after you give it to her. You really need to size her finger to get it right. Measuring another ring is not very accurate. Two rings that are the same size can fit the finger totally different. For example width of the ring can affect the fit. Hollow shoulders, as opposed to solid shoulders, can affect the fit. If you size it before you give it to her, and have to re-size the ring, you are causing additional stress to the metal. Not to mention changing the seats for any stones. Another thing to be aware of is that some rings should not be sized but, should be manufactured in the correct size. Some setting methods used can change with sizing and you may have to pay extra to fix or even lose stones because of sizing. Most sales clerks have no idea about what I am talking about and, unfortunately, don't care either. All they want to do is sell you a ring.
      I think you should pick out the ring and then go with her to have it sized. Also, if you take a picture of it I will be glad to give you my opinion of the ring. Provided I can see enough detail of the ring.

      Where do you put the Bayonet?
      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
      Frank Lloyd Wright


        Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
        Also, if you take a picture of it I will be glad to give you my opinion of the ring. Provided I can see enough detail of the ring.
        Oh I want to see it too
        K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

        Support Cainslair. Donate here! Cain's Lair Forums


          Originally posted by Minerva View Post
          Oh I want to see it too

          Girls....your all the same


            Originally posted by mapes View Post
            Girls....your all the same
            Diamonds are a girl's best friend....
            Or so I'm told, lol.

            My wife got one over on me once in this regard. She decided to get me a ring as a surprise gift, but of course didn't know the size. Since she's an Occupational Therapist, she came to me with some story about needing to practice taking measurements for special burn bandage fittings. So, I let her practice taking various measurements of the hand and finger length, circumference etc. But the only measurement she really needed was that one finger...

            It fit perfectly, and I never suspected a thing.


              So Apache-

              Wont too big make it too hard to size?
              I brought home an engagement ring from Italy when I was there in 1999 and it wasnt able to size well so we had the stone removed and the metal reduced into a pendant for a necklace.

              Thanks for the help.


                I wana see it too


                  It is not the size that can make a ring difficult to size. It is more likely to be the design. For example, a ring that is channel set with the channels running across the ring, instead of down. If you size this style down you are pulling the channels away from the stones. You then have to tighten all of the stones. If you size it down enough you may have to rebuild the channels, to have enough metal covering the stones.

                  Where do you put the Bayonet?
                  Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                  I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                  Frank Lloyd Wright


                    Nice idea. I have been trying to do something similar with some uncut diamonds I found while in a daimond field in Saudi Arabia but getting them cut is so difficult. Hey Apache how are your diamond cutting It is such a specialist field I have not been able to find any cutters in the UK. When in Saudi Arabia the guys used to take them over to Thailand but I never got there or really wanted to.



                      Originally posted by jaspurr View Post
                      some uncut diamonds I found while in a daimond field in Saudi Arabia
                      And all I find are mushrooms......... ! I'll have to plan a trip there
                      K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

                      Support Cainslair. Donate here! Cain's Lair Forums


                        Diamond cutters are specialists and that is all they do. The best places to find cutters are India, Thailand, Israel, New York City and Amsterdam.

                        Where do you put the Bayonet?
                        Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                        I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                        Frank Lloyd Wright


                          Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
                          Diamond cutters are specialists and that is all they do. The best places to find cutters are India, Thailand, Israel, New York City and Amsterdam.
                          I reckon it may be Amsterdam for a weekend scouting trip or even India. What worries me is that they were returned with my gear as I had to stay home at short notice so I reckon the customs would be very interested in my They are only industrial quality but they look nice cut. I will try to take a picture and post them.

                          Originally posted by Minerva View Post
                          And all I find are mushrooms......... ! I'll have to plan a trip there
                          It is more difficult to get into Saudi Arabia than the USA. No visa no way in and then you need a visa to leave. It has changed considerably since I was there and not necessarily for the better. Like Iraq the dictatorship is losing it's grip and before long it will kick off there too.



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