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Senior prank @ my school

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    Senior prank @ my school

    Well, the Seniors actually came up with a nice prank this year at school. Its always been a touchy subject when it comes down to it, as sometimes its just blatant vandalism (two local schools had a 2 hour delay to inflate all of their buses tires ), but our kids ended up filling an entire stairwell from bottom to top with over 6,000 balloons.

    The stairwell was closed off for 2 hours until volunteers went in armed with pins from the Home Economics room to dispose of said balloons. We went to the 2nd floor and snapped two pics to show the view, but I can't post them from work so I'll have them up later tonight.

    PS - I thought this would make a great MythBusters episode to see if you could spread eagle dive onto the pile and not get hurt falling to the first floor. Remember, you can't walk on water, but you CAN float !
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin

    Our senior prank involved a VW Beetle, some fish, and the brains of one of the people who go on to be one of the first 10 people hired by Google.

    We hoisted the shell of a VW Bug onto the roof of a second floor causeway, meaning that you can see the 1st floor roof from a second floor hallway.

    We then rigged the vehicle with a battery, a horn, and some kind of electronic system that played our School Fight Song.

    The Beetle was then sealed tightly, tires put on and blocked, and then we filled it full of water in the cabin area. In went several barrels of goldfish (it took us 4 weeks to buy the amount of goldfish we bought).

    Then someone hooked up a fish tank pump so the critters wouldnt suffer and could breath, and we painted the sides with things like "off to Mazatlan" and "Hawaii here we come" and etc.

    The whole theme of the car was Tropical and every day at 10am the car would play the song. This was the last school day before finals, but because it was so ingenious, the faculty let it stay up there for the last two weeks of finals.

    I wish I had taken pictures- I was honestly afraid of getting booted out of there, the year before, there were 8 expulsions thanks to their prank involving releasing several hundred crickets into the Administration Offices


      Hahaaa, that is classic, Hammy !!

      Yea, these kids aren't aware of the ramifications if they get caught (or assume they won't), and it does not start off their post grade school careers on a good note.
      Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


        Thats great WT! I wonder as well about diving into a stairway full of balloons. hehe.

        My latest office prank, may be an old one, was paging one of the few people with pagers his own pager number. Its the emergency "on call" pager, which doesn't ring during the day. I sit beside the guy, and I heard him calling his own pager, leaving a number, and being paged again.
        [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
        So all you get is this crappy text]


          Shoulda jumped WT I'da come and visited you in the hospital, heh.


            Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
            Thats great WT! I wonder as well about diving into a stairway full of balloons. hehe.

            My latest office prank, may be an old one, was paging one of the few people with pagers his own pager number. Its the emergency "on call" pager, which doesn't ring during the day. I sit beside the guy, and I heard him calling his own pager, leaving a number, and being paged again.
            you need to page him with the time services number- here in the states it is no longer available, but it used to be found by dialing "popcorn". Then they changed it to 767 and eany next 4 numbers, which allowed me to mess with plenty of people that way


              [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
              So all you get is this crappy text]


                Pictures as promised !!

                Some were helium, as they floated upwards and touched the ceiling.

                Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                  Wow that musta took forever, this year there realy hasnt been a good prank yet. But last year there were 2 good ones, they got a dumptruck of sand covered the student parking lot, had a fisher price pool, and a volleyball net. They(seniors) sat outside and partied all day. And the second one no-one owned up to b/c the cops were looking for the person who did it, but someone(guessing 3-4people) went into the bus garage at night and took the valve's outta the tires to all the air went out, gave us the last day of school off.

                  My idea for my senior year is nuke the schools computers and just spam everyone with senior memories and other random crap.


                    Ah yes, to be 18 again..................


                      At the high school I would've gone to if I didn't go to a private school:

                      At my school the administration sends out letters to all senior parents saying that their student won't graduate if they are caught. A few years ago some seniors brought a dead deer into one of the courtyards and gutted it, and now the teachers are very strict. They hire cops to watch the grounds at night, for the whole month of May - they are no fun!
                      "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist."
                      - Dom Helder Camara


                        The best school pranks I've ever witnessed were pulled off during live, legitimate performances by the Rice Owl marching band....aka "The Mob". The band that's been in more hot water than tea. Here's a list of some half time show scripts.
                        I don't know if it's listed here but one time after a particularly scandelous event (I don't remember what it was) the band came on the field completely covered in a tarp. The announcer whispered over the PA "Ladies and gentelmen...the Rice Owl Marching Band....incognito. The band played very softly under the tarp, wandered around the field at random and left the way they came.


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                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Sirex
                          All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                          Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                          7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Pidgeot_Girl
                          Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                          2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                          Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                          Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Sirex
                          :O hey Pidgeot!

                          Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                          Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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