I was playing UT for like 4 Hours yesterday and im looking at my clock thinking "Right im gonna stop playing after this game"....Then BAMM
I woke up in hospital....i had, had some kind of Epileptic Fit from loooking at the screen for so long....well thats what the doc said.
My girlfriend said that she was down stairs doing the cleaning and all that she heard was a bang and then lots of thumping.
The Bang was me falling off my chair and the thumping was my head bouncing off the table leg as i was fitting (Hehehe)
It wasnt funny at the time but now its past i can laugh about it.
The thing is that i have never had a fit before and there was no warning, i felt fine one mintue and the next i was in hospital...i dont remember the ambulance or anything
And now the doc says i can only play UT for 20mins then i have to have a 20 mintue break....
Somtimes just one round lasts 20 mintues.
So be warned if it can happen to me then it can happen to anyone!!!

I was playing UT for like 4 Hours yesterday and im looking at my clock thinking "Right im gonna stop playing after this game"....Then BAMM
I woke up in hospital....i had, had some kind of Epileptic Fit from loooking at the screen for so long....well thats what the doc said.
My girlfriend said that she was down stairs doing the cleaning and all that she heard was a bang and then lots of thumping.
The Bang was me falling off my chair and the thumping was my head bouncing off the table leg as i was fitting (Hehehe)
It wasnt funny at the time but now its past i can laugh about it.
The thing is that i have never had a fit before and there was no warning, i felt fine one mintue and the next i was in hospital...i dont remember the ambulance or anything
And now the doc says i can only play UT for 20mins then i have to have a 20 mintue break....

Somtimes just one round lasts 20 mintues.

So be warned if it can happen to me then it can happen to anyone!!!