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Just got back from Hospital

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    Just got back from Hospital

    I was playing UT for like 4 Hours yesterday and im looking at my clock thinking "Right im gonna stop playing after this game"....Then BAMM
    I woke up in hospital....i had, had some kind of Epileptic Fit from loooking at the screen for so long....well thats what the doc said.
    My girlfriend said that she was down stairs doing the cleaning and all that she heard was a bang and then lots of thumping.
    The Bang was me falling off my chair and the thumping was my head bouncing off the table leg as i was fitting (Hehehe)
    It wasnt funny at the time but now its past i can laugh about it.
    The thing is that i have never had a fit before and there was no warning, i felt fine one mintue and the next i was in hospital...i dont remember the ambulance or anything
    And now the doc says i can only play UT for 20mins then i have to have a 20 mintue break....
    Somtimes just one round lasts 20 mintues.
    So be warned if it can happen to me then it can happen to anyone!!!
    1-2 Hours
    2-4 Hours
    4-6 hours
    I have no concept of time when playing UT

    I once pulled off an 8 hour shift early on when I found Cains. I couldn't stop!

    Sorry to hear what happened to you Res. That sucks.


      Glad to hear that you are ok.

      Did the doc give any more explanation? Is this permanent?
      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
      So all you get is this crappy text]


        Musta been crazy Mac voodoo


          Originally posted by BigTwinky
          Glad to hear that you are ok.

          Did the doc give any more explanation? Is this permanent?
          Well he didnt want to put me on drugs because he said that the Drugs that they use to treat Epileptic fits can be dangerous (If you dont have Epilepsy) and he couldnt even be sure that it was Epilepsy.
          He basically said "Wait untill it happens again and if it does we'll drug you up"
          But i hope its not without UT would be like a broken pencil..........pointless

          Fits sure do take a lot out of ya
          I feel like i have done a 5 Hour work out in a gym....and this lump on my head from nutting the table leg hurts like hell


            well with cains ctf down... who would wanna play for more than 20 mins.

            If you say you were playing ons when it happened, i will be truly convinced ons is evil and making people sick. The feeling i get while playing on is that of a warm sensation inside (no its not a york peppermint patty sensation rather.) like i just ate a number 5 combo from tacobell.
            Maybe this will change when xloc makes a special appearance in ons

            but seriously good to hear your alright. Take cair.


              Take care of yourself man. That does not sound good.

              Originally posted by DaNIGHT
              well with cains ctf down... who would wanna play for more than 20 mins.
              Well, ya know, I've looked over at the Atari forums the last few days and typically there is a thread that starts pretty quick when Cain's ONS server is down for more than an hour or so. There's been nary a peep from anyone there about Cain's CTF being down.



                woops wrong thread


                  Originally posted by DaNIGHT
                  but seriously good to hear your alright. Take cair.
                  Originally posted by Slaughter
                  Take care of yourself man. That does not sound good.
                  Thanks guys


                    Im a Marathon player

                    its not uncommon for me to play for 12 hours at a time, and usually if i sit down at the computer im there for at least 4 hours.

                    Glad you are ok, but now the important question.... Did Your Team Win the Round!?!?!?

                    seriously though, thats sucks. take care of yourself man!


                      Originally posted by Amwryn
                      Glad you are ok, but now the important question.... Did Your Team Win the Round!?!?!?

                      seriously though, thats sucks. take care of yourself man!
                      Thats the thing thats annoying me the most ......i cant remember
                      The ambulance man told my girlfriend that i was going on about "Building the Node" and shouting "Pancake" too see if it meant anything to her.
                      Apparently i was conscious and mumbling all the way to the hospital but i dont remember a thing

                      I think i'll book myself in for a "Catscan"to see how many brain cells i lost.....i dont have many spare
                      I can see the headline in next weeks papers"Unreal Tournament ate my Brain"


                        Sorry about what happened, res.

                        I've played many times for more than 6 hours I think. To me it seems strange to have things like what happened to you happen to me. Not that I'm saying you're stupid. Heck, there may be some people who will fall like that after playing for only one hour.

                        I know about people falling asleep at their computers or people looking in the mirror and seeing red eyes from looking at the computer screen, but I've never heard of epileptic fits. But it does sound serious. It would be a good idea to listen to you if we don't want this to happen to us.

                        Because, if we let that happen to us, some people will get the impression that we have no life and live at our computer.


                          ok i have been thinking about it some more and now i can remeber a bit more just before the fit happened.
                          I remember looking away from the screen and seeing like a tiny black dot floating in front of my eyes and when i concentrated on it i could see a tiny pic of UT playing away
                          It was weird

                          But to answer your question about you not hearing of this happening to anyone else, i hadnt either untill i woke up in the hospital and the doc told me that it was more common than you would think.
                          Its like before a movie comes on TV theres a warning saying that "it contains flashing images" and if you suffer from epilepsy not to watch it.

                          My muscles are aching sooo bad ATM from tensing up it feels like i have done a work out
                          So i look at it this way .....if i have a fit atleast 3 times a week i'll have a six pack in no time at all

                          Oh BTW thanks for all your kind words ...i thought you were all just gonna call me a freak and laugh


                            Here is the first thing that came to my mind when I read your story [Please dont click this link res...PLEASE DONT!]

                   [I left it in that form so res could have some idea what the site is...

                            btw, sorry that happened!


                              if a seizure is being really annoyed and thinking "man thats some crappy midi sound" then i just had one.....

                              again no offence, but i can see a guy laid out on a streacher saying "Gotta build the node..." "please!! i gotta build the node!" then grabbing the EMT by the lapels of his wind breaker and yelling "LINK ME YOUR FOOLS LINK ME!!!"


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                                by Sirex
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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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