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Guess Who Started WW II?

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    Guess Who Started WW II?

    Poland. At least according to the Russians.

    Poland Caused WWII: Russian Report

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    I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
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    Russia is so awesome


      i don't want to make this a battlegrounds discussion.. .but russia is kinda getting scary again


        Originally posted by Jeffro View Post
        i don't want to make this a battlegrounds discussion.. .but russia is kinda getting scary again
        Thats not a battle statement at all. In consideration for all the things that happend, it was just an ugly mess that, as they said in the second to last chapter of Band of Brothers:

        "Hitler is dead?"
        "Yep he shot himself in Berlin yesterday"
        "Is the war over? "
        "Nope we are heading for the Eagles nest tomorrow."
        "What the hell, why didnt that big dummy just kill himself 3 years ago and saved us all this"

        Of course this is how I remembered it after watching this two days ago. I've been watching Band of Brothers via Comcast OnDemand, HBO, and it's just chilling to hear this come up now.

        The reality on "who started WWII" is that many countries did. Hell, technically, we started the war with Japan when we cut off their oil supplies, to which they were more than 60% dependent on for non-military needs. So it all depends on the perspective.

        I dont really know if I care "who" started it, I am just glad that I can agree with the outcome today.


          Originally posted by Hammy View Post
          The reality on "who started WWII" is that many countries did. Hell, technically, we started the war with Japan when we cut off their oil supplies, to which they were more than 60% dependent on for non-military needs. So it all depends on the perspective.

          I dont really know if I care "who" started it, I am just glad that I can agree with the outcome today.
          I'm just now reading "Stilwell and the American Experience in China". Blocking oil at that point was like shutting the barn door after the horse is gone. Japan had been bombing the heck outta China for like 4 years. However I do agree with Hammy...It doesn't matter who started it....Just as long as we finished it.


            well germany invaded poland first then poland declared war on germany which then poland surrender. then france got invaded and so on and which then many countries came to start a war with germany for invading/taking over. thats how i remember. but yea it kinda did got started with poland but they aren't to blame.
            Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


              Originally posted by mapes View Post
              I'm just now reading "Stilwell and the American Experience in China". Blocking oil at that point was like shutting the barn door after the horse is gone. Japan had been bombing the heck outta China for like 4 years. However I do agree with Hammy...It doesn't matter who started it....Just as long as we finished it.
              I dont get it. Japan wanted oil, Ike said "no, we need the oil because we are battling in Europe. Sorry to do this for you, but we cant spare any at this time"

              Japan was unable to get alternative oil resources, and they decided to atack us. It was spelled out in this way several times over the last few years. What does your book say about this?




                Originally posted by Hammy View Post
                I dont get it. Japan wanted oil, Ike said "no, we need the oil because we are battling in Europe. Sorry to do this for you, but we cant spare any at this time"
                No offense dude, but what the hell are you talking about? First, we weren't fighting in Europe at that point in time, and second, Ike was just some obscure 1-star general in Texas when Pearl Harbor happened. FDR was president then.

                You're basically right on the key point, the U.S. strangled Japan's economy with an embargo, but the details are way, way off. Mapes is a bit off as well: the embargo was absolutely the single reason behind Japan's decision to escalate the war. They felt that the U.S. was going to destroy their country economically, and that they had to act.


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                  Rand- you are right- it was Truman.
                  My bad.


                    The oil embargo was a last ditch effort by the then neutral US to try and curb Japan's rampant advance through China and British and Dutch territories and possible cutting of the supply lines to Australia. We were more of a non-belligerent than a neutral at that time. Because we were offering aid to the allied side short of troops.

                    We don't just flap an embargo down for no reason. Even though we were "Neutral" we had long before stopped selling scrap metal to Japan. It was a risk to curb Japanese Imperialism and it was thought it could mean war but, it was tried anyways.


                      I think I understand now.

                      You see- I saw a Pearl Harbor history channel special that was 2 hours long recently, and while the embargo was a problem, the oil is what really upset the Japanese.

                      From what I remember, something to do with Britain and the US withholding oil, and then they taking a resource nearby that they were positive the US would defend (it was our ally's territory).

                      While the trade embargo was a pain for the Japanese, not having oil made it impossible to do anything. Thats what I see.


                        I always figured it was WWI that caused WWII.


                          Originally posted by MR_MADHATTER View Post
                          I always figured it was WWI that caused WWII.
                          Yep Hammy I thinks thats about right. Mad your kinda right too. Japan was our ally in WWI and didn't get the German concessions in China after wards. I just googled this and this guy has it right on the money


                          Although I really don't agree with his conclusions. I think the Japanese war party would have grabbed power eventually and something somewhere would have sparked off war between us.

                          Also this statement is a bit of a reach.

                          In 1921, at the Washington Naval Conference, the United States
                          pressured the British to end their 20-year alliance with Japan. By appeasing the Americans, the British enraged and alienated a proud nation that had been a loyal friend.
                          All throughout WWI Japan had been threatening to switch sides and had been playing the Central Powers against the Allied Powers (or whatever it was called then) by making known it's loyalty was for sale....


                            Well no matter who started it lets spare a moment for all those who died on D Day....6 June, and started the push to end it.



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                              All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                              7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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