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Why nice guys get tossed in the 'Friend' zone

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    Originally posted by ryanbatc View Post
    I once had a friend like in this how true
    Yeah, this is just one of those "it's so funny that its so true" situations. Kind of proves how women are messed up in the head.


      Originally posted by Evil_T0NY View Post
      Yeah, just jump her bones.

      Alls I'm saying is stop being a pussy and man up and make a move. If it turns out that the feeling aren't reciprocal oh well. No need to get trapped in all the BS


        If something were too happen too my wife of 25 years of marriage i can tell you i will never get remarried again much less date. Those are the same old lines used.

        After listening too some fellow employees who are single its like waaaaaaaaay different than what it was when i was dating.


          Yepp ...

          yes.. in deed kind of rough for 'Oldtimer' - but with 6 yrs of marriage still I follow......

          Hey..not what U thinkin' .. through some fellow employees and couple classes still 'trackin'..

          @todd -> Diffrent "Lines" now, but same resault

          But in the end - think about it - There is only A

          -> Do it or don't do it
          ..No more Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders?! ...WHAT??!! ..Get out of my way - I gotta save me some cheerleaders (Haggard, Georg Gordon Jr. BF BC2)...


            If the worst thing that can happen is that you get slapped for coppin a feel, you still have your 'friendship' to fall back on.

            I never understood this part of the problem with women when I was single. I mean, 'oops Im sorry I stuck my tongue down your throat, I was drunk last night' was not really an excuse but a free pass.

            The whole friends only conversation is only a free pass to try anyways


              Originally posted by Hammy View Post
              The whole friends only conversation is only a free pass to try anyways
              I like that attitude.

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                Speaking of trying to pick up women....My wife was in Vegas last weekend for a trade show. She goes out with her co workers after the trade show closes. Apparently some guy tried to buy her a drink....Makers Mark...she hates whiskey. She turned to the guy and said "I'm not going to drink that" because...well she's married and she hates whiskey. The guy didn't even miss a beat and said "fine don't". took the glass and casually emptied it on the ground and walked off. For some reason I thought that was pretty funny.


                  I don't understand...why wouldn't he have just drunken it himself? Did he think that as he was pouring it onto the ground your wife would suddenly have an epiphany and realize he was the man of her dreams and say, "WAIT STOP POURING THAT I'LL TAKE IT OH PLEASE I'M SO SORRY!"? Or maybe after he pours it and starts to walk away she'll think to herself, "Whoa that was so know...the way he just poured out the drink onto the ground like a weirdo and walked away like he could care less about me. Oh man I gotta chase him down!" I always find it amusing to try to figure out what motivates people to do some of the strange things they do.
                  Ahhh...the power of cheese!


                    Nah, he had probably spiked it with something.
                    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                      Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
                      Nah, he had probably spiked it with something.
                      +1 unfortunately. This happened to my sister in law. And the guy who did it was a client of hers. He was an executive with one of the major car manufacturers.

                      Where do you put the Bayonet?
                      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                      Frank Lloyd Wright


                        Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
                        +1 unfortunately. This happened to my sister in law. And the guy who did it was a client of hers. He was an executive with one of the major car manufacturers.

                        I'm ready to believe that.
                        I'm also ready to believe that the obnoxious idiot is the leader in strike-outs on his Single Men team.
                        There was just no smoove in that move, and we all know, if you want to get an at bat you gotta be smoooove as silk.


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                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Sirex
                          All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                          Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                          7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Pidgeot_Girl
                          Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                          2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Apache Warrior
                          Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                          I am not playing anything right...
                          2 Mar 2025, 09:04 AM
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                          Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
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                          by Pidgeot_Girl
                          Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                          1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
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                          by Sirex
                          :O hey Pidgeot!

                          Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                          Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                          23 Feb 2025, 06:31 PM