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Another question...this time to pistol owners

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    Another question...this time to pistol owners

    I'm thinking of buying a pistol. Initially the first thing to come to mind is the HK USP in 45. Thoughts suggestions?

    depends on what you're looking for, Mapes. I had a USP 40 once. It was very nice...but I sold it and now have a Sig Sauer P229 I like the build of the Sig better. The USP is lighter, but the Sig is all stainless steel, and I prefer the solidity of that to the polymer of the USP. I am more accurate with the Sig as well. This model in the 40 cal holds 12 rounds, maybe not in Cali, and is a mid size, between a compact and full. Barrel is only .5 inch shorter than the full, but it makes it a bit easier to pack away or whatever. I prefer Sig to really any out there for quality. It is also very easy to break down and clean, just a few parts...doesn't need a tool like my Springfield Armory 1911.

    If you want real accuracy, my Smith and Wesson 686 will put decent groups on a pie plate at 50 yards...but it's obviously a little less concealable.

    They're all pretty good, though, and have their own advantages and dis. Well, that's a start before work...have to go soon. PM me if you have any more questions.



      Any cal. above 9mm is a good choice but if i had to choose i would go with a 40 cal. still has plenty of knock down power & yet controllable. As for a brand hey buy what you can afford & will be happy with.


        Originally posted by Skud View Post
        depends on what you're looking for, Mapes. I had a USP 40 once. It was very nice...but I sold it and now have a Sig Sauer P229 I like the build of the Sig better. The USP is lighter, but the Sig is all stainless steel, and I prefer the solidity of that to the polymer of the USP. I am more accurate with the Sig as well. This model in the 40 cal holds 12 rounds, maybe not in Cali, and is a mid size, between a compact and full. Barrel is only .5 inch shorter than the full, but it makes it a bit easier to pack away or whatever. I prefer Sig to really any out there for quality. It is also very easy to break down and clean, just a few parts...doesn't need a tool like my Springfield Armory 1911.

        If you want real accuracy, my Smith and Wesson 686 will put decent groups on a pie plate at 50 yards...but it's obviously a little less concealable.

        They're all pretty good, though, and have their own advantages and dis. Well, that's a start before work...have to go soon. PM me if you have any more questions.

        P.S. I went with the 40 cal for mag capacity and because it actually hits with about 140 foot pounds more force than the 45...more penetration, velocity, slightly smaller hole.


          Personally, i've been a Glock fan. Had a Glock 23C that Apache bought off of me awhile ago. Sturdy construction, high cap mags, easy to field strip with no tools required. You could actually field strip it with just one hand if you wanted. lol. I also prefer .40 rounds as they are cheaper then .45, but have enough knock down to do the job... I also had them in Hollow Point though. lol.

          Oh, some ranges can "rent" you a gun to try out there... It's a great way to see if you like the firearm before dropping down the cash to purchase one.


            I have a glock G29 10mm subcompact and Ruger P89 9mm.

            The G29 is a great weapon for knock down power and velocity when compared with the .40 & .45, which is the main reason I purchased it. The only thing I don't like and took and it took me a little getting use to is the pinky finger doesn't have a place to rest on the grip so I shoot with it under the clip giving some support that way.

            I've had the P89 the longest and I have to agree with Todd98, 9mm are good for the firing range but I definetly don't want to have to defend myself with it. Other than the 9mm having more rounds I would go larger than the 9mm .

            Concerning ammo, I was hoping this darn ammo shortage would not affect the 10mm rounds, but who ever is buying it up don't discriminate, it's hard to find them too.

            If you are looking for a more popular ammo weapon I would go with the .40 or .45, since that is one caliber that will be available just about anywhere (not counting the shortage).
            Last edited by DougBob; 12 Jun 2009, 10:43 PM. Reason: changed G39 to G29, DOH
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              Just outta curiousity what about a 357? With the deal on ammo and all it can shoot .38 also...right?


                Hey doug, if you get a high capacity clip for that Glock model, it should have a grip extender that you can use on it as well.


                  Originally posted by {CLR}geneSW View Post
                  Hey doug, if you get a high capacity clip for that Glock model, it should have a grip extender that you can use on it as well.
                  Hmmmmm, good idea.
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                    Speaking of which, what's the best site your've found for buying parts like clips?
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                      Well.. for semi-auto .357 "SIG" isn't really 357 cal. They just call it that. Don't mistaken it for the .357 Magnum.. They do Have 1911 mods that shoot .357 Magnum but that's pretty hard CCW.. and there all $1,000+ because Most of them are custom.

                      Personally I'm infact looking for the right price on a Glock 32, or 33 in .357 SIG.. If I remember correctly, you can even buy a .40 Cal conversion kit for the 32..

                      You could be shooting both .357 SIG, and .40 Cal with a model 32 I believe.

                      Here's just a example on a awesome package:


                        Honestly Doug I use to buy all of my stuff local. Oh, if you've never seen a 23C before... Here's a few pics.

                        In this pictures... you can see the extra recoil suppression that this has over a 22 or even just a regular 23. Also, the 23 is a few inches shorter then a 22, which makes it a great CCW weapon.

                        At the time, this gun had a 3.5lb pull and night sights (green in back, yellow up front IIRC).


                          That's what I'm trying to do, but for clips I think I'm going to have to go with online, I've found some on

                          So mapes, have you started getting close to making your mind up on what you want?
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                            If you have young kids around do not buy a Glock. The Glock does not have an external safety. The safety is on the trigger, as seen in Blaze86's pictures. Don't get me wrong, the Glock is probably the safest pistol made. It has a three point safety system. It has a trigger safety, a firing pin safety and a drop safety. But, with the trigger safety it makes it unsafe for young children.

                            Where do you put the Bayonet?
                            Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                            I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                            Frank Lloyd Wright


                              Yes the glock has a trigger safety, but what I did with my daughter while she grew up was try and educate her on weapons and it scared the heck out of her after the first demostration with the water jug and a JHP 9mm.

                              In reality the safety is not intended to make a firearm safe for kids, no matter where it's located. That is the things I despise, trigger guards.
                              Last edited by DougBob; 13 Jun 2009, 10:09 PM. Reason: incorrect word
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