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That guy who plays Borat and that new one that's coming out

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    That guy who plays Borat and that new one that's coming out

    Okay, I was kind of "sucked" into seeing Borat with some even MORE nerdy friends (yes, there are more nerdy people than us...almost to the point where there is social ineptitude)

    I knew there was a big hype and advertising involving this movie and such....when I saw it, I thought (and no offense to the people here who liked the movie)

    An equivalent to Jack Ass. I mean, it could seriously lower IQ Points when you see these kinds of movies.

    It's just not funny, going around harassing people in public, not a good move. Esp where it's to the point of some kind of senseless abuse or defacement or vandalism and stuff.

    I think it ALL started during America's Funniest Home videos showed an ACCIDENTAL video of a kid hitting a plastic woofle ball into the wall and it richochets and hits the guy in the groin by ACCIDENNT

    THEN all of a sudden, people thought it would be a good idea to send in funny videos of them having their kids hitting their neighbors in the woo haa...or uncle Henry in the groin

    Then the trend of "Thinking that hitting people in the groin is funny" started to catch on.

    The JACKASS came out and so on and so forth. By the way, anyone think JACKASS was funny at all? I just never found self-abuse or abuse of OTHERS funny. (And I see Borat and others as the equivalent)

    Any feedback on this?

    (Again, I'm sorry if I offend those who liked Jackass or Borat) but, man, have we run out of comedy material that we've come to this? LOL

    We have not only run out of comedy material, we have run out of creative material.

    Years ago, the only repetitive stuff you would see are sequels. Now, they have remakes of older movies, comic books that are brought to the big screen, and sequels.

    TV shows are made into movies, movies are made into TV shows...its the same thing always rehashed over and over.

    As for Jackass and Borat, I see the two as different. I don't like Jackass. Its pure, stupid violence and self mutilation. There are parts of jackass which are funny, but most of it is just pure dumbness. And I agree, its something that seems a natural progression of America's Funniest Home Videos.

    Borat is more of a Candid Camera meets Punked style of movie. Well, its actually a sketch TV show originally (Ali G) that again, due to lack of creativity, became a movie. The are gross things and inapropriate things, but I don't consider it as blind stupidness as Jackass.

    They do both cater to a lower level of comedy. Its not sophisticated, its pretty low, but some can be funny.

    I was a fan of the Ali G show years ago, and I liked Borat the movie and will go see Bruno as I found the Bruno character way funnier than Borat in the TV show
    [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
    So all you get is this crappy text]


      Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
      We have not only run out of comedy material, we have run out of creative material.

      Years ago, the only repetitive stuff you would see are sequels. Now, they have remakes of older movies, comic books that are brought to the big screen, and sequels.

      TV shows are made into movies, movies are made into TV shows...its the same thing always rehashed over and over.

      As for Jackass and Borat, I see the two as different. I don't like Jackass. Its pure, stupid violence and self mutilation. There are parts of jackass which are funny, but most of it is just pure dumbness. And I agree, its something that seems a natural progression of America's Funniest Home Videos.

      Borat is more of a Candid Camera meets Punked style of movie. Well, its actually a sketch TV show originally (Ali G) that again, due to lack of creativity, became a movie. The are gross things and inapropriate things, but I don't consider it as blind stupidness as Jackass.

      They do both cater to a lower level of comedy. Its not sophisticated, its pretty low, but some can be funny.

      I was a fan of the Ali G show years ago, and I liked Borat the movie and will go see Bruno as I found the Bruno character way funnier than Borat in the TV show
      Okay, in BORAT, where he grabs Pamela Anderson like he did...was that for real...or just put on? LOL


        Pamela Anderson was fully in on what was going on.
        The sketch was more about the reactions of the other people around, mainly the security people at the store.

        There is no way that Pam's personal guards would of let someone like him in so close like that.

        He and Pam are actually really good friends from a while ago
        Don't believe everything you see on the screen
        [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
        So all you get is this crappy text]


          Bruno looks hilarious, borat was hilarious, a stupid/simple humor though like that in Ricky Bobby, and step brothers.
          Then you got the stoner funny movies that are only funny when baked, such as napoleon dynamight(cant spell) and pinnaple express.
          Lets face it seeing other people hurt is funny, what they did in Jackass was pushing it to far and it sucked. But the youtube video's that fallowed were hilarious, and you all know what im talking about.
          But lets face it they havent put out a legitly funny movie in years, some good stand up but they can never put it into a movie format. I think the hardest I have ever laughed is when I first saw the first ten minutes or so of Full Metal Jacket, I mean you cant beat that.
          I also have a very sarcastic humor myself. Kinda why I found parts of gran torino to be funny.


            I watched Borat from beginning to end and I'm sorry guys but I have to say, that movie was so bad and in bad taste. I destroyed the DVD after watching it and never want to see anything like that again. Needless to say I won't be watching Bruno either.
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              Originally posted by DougBob View Post
              I watched Borat from beginning to end and I'm sorry guys but I have to say, that movie was so bad and in bad taste. I destroyed the DVD after watching it and never want to see anything like that again. Needless to say I won't be watching Bruno either.
              I havn't watched but, I'm not really interested in it. As with all thing media related it all comes down to the lowest common denominator.


                Am I the only person that thought the idea for Borat was genius?

                Bear with me for a second....

                He traveled across the country making a "documentary" about America for another country that none of us have heard of, but what he was really doing was making a documentary about America for America. He showed what we will say and do when we think no one is going to see it. Just how stand up some members of our society are when they are alone, and just how stupid frat guys really are.

                Also, could any of us have pulled the same thing off? Most people have a hard time not laughing while making a prank phone call or doing a silly little prank. Could you imagine the acting talent it took for him to always keep his calm while improvising that movie?

                Sure it didn't take much in the way of actual scripting, but the idea: genius, the acting: genius, the movie: genius!

                I can't wait for Bruno (he pulled it off again! I wonder how many people are going to fail trying to sue him this time.)


                  Originally posted by Mr. AnarchoLance View Post

                  Also, could any of us have pulled the same thing off?
                  I know Howard Stern does the same thing. He would send off an interviewer and find a celebrity to ask stupid questions to, and pissing them off at the same time. :P


                    Never seen either of them and I don't intend to. back to my laurel and hardy box set. I know the scripts and I still laugh



                      Originally posted by Mr. AnarchoLance View Post
                      Am I the only person that thought the idea for Borat was genius?

                      Bear with me for a second....

                      He traveled across the country making a "documentary" about America for another country that none of us have heard of, but what he was really doing was making a documentary about America for America. He showed what we will say and do when we think no one is going to see it. Just how stand up some members of our society are when they are alone, and just how stupid frat guys really are.

                      Also, could any of us have pulled the same thing off? Most people have a hard time not laughing while making a prank phone call or doing a silly little prank. Could you imagine the acting talent it took for him to always keep his calm while improvising that movie?

                      Sure it didn't take much in the way of actual scripting, but the idea: genius, the acting: genius, the movie: genius!

                      I can't wait for Bruno (he pulled it off again! I wonder how many people are going to fail trying to sue him this time.)

                      I agree with your take, mostly. I think it was great that he so readily offended some who unknowingly offend others with their limited world view. It wasn't all funny, but, hey, whatever it takes to broaden perspectives or even get folks to laugh at their own faults (I know I've got em) is not a bad thing in my book.


                        I though Borat was funny. It was offensive to many different segments of society but anyone who gets in front of a rodeo in West Virgina and purposely butchers the national anthem deserves a little credit. I loved the part where he offended the feminist, the snooty people in Atlanta and the humor coach. Seeing the guy try to explain a "not" joke was funny.

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                          Originally posted by Mr. AnarchoLance View Post
                          Am I the only person that thought the idea for Borat was genius?

                          Bear with me for a second....

                          He traveled across the country making a "documentary" about America for another country that none of us have heard of, but what he was really doing was making a documentary about America for America. He showed what we will say and do when we think no one is going to see it. Just how stand up some members of our society are when they are alone, and just how stupid frat guys really are.

                          All i have to say is you do know that the actor that played borat is not realy a kazakstanian or whatever he is from north eastern europe, and most of borat was scripted with a few unsuspecting background people. like when he kidnapps pam anderson it was scripted only the people(normal) in the room didnt know it was fake. Pam and the security knew


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