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Mood Effect,does the Mood Effect your gameplay?

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    Mood Effect,does the Mood Effect your gameplay?

    Now i assume a lot of people probably have this sometime,but is it sometimes when your not in a good mood you suck but when your PUMPED TO THE MAX! your ready to own?Does the mood effect your game play on any video game?If so what mood would you been in to own hard or suck hard?Who knows maybe it can be vice versa,when your in a good mood you could suck,or when your in a bad mood you could own.MUSICS (Stemm - Face The Pain,one of my favs son!) ALWAYS MAKING ME PUSHING IT TO THE MAX! lol my own little add.

    Welcome Snakeeater 11112.
    Please post and introduction here.
    I find that how tired I am affects my game play. And yes I am old.

    Where do you put the Bayonet?
    Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
    I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
    Frank Lloyd Wright


      thanks for the welcome and will do.


        Mood definitely affects gameplay. When I used to play competitively, I would do worse when teammates would yell at me or if teammates were being negative. This doesn't happen on Cain's Lair though

        This sounds funny, but I am at my best when someone calls me a hacker LOL! It seems that I end up killing the accuser even more after the accusation is made, which makes them even more confident in their assumption. It does have a point at which I start getting worse, but that's because I'm laughing too hard and can no longer hold the mouse steady enough to aim properly.

        I think a lot of it has to do with motivation. If you have an "Oh well, I suck anyway so I'll just run out and kill as many people as possible before I die" attitude, you aren't going to play well. Sure you may get lucky every once in awhile, but it won't last. But if you have a "I'm not doing so well right now so I am going to think about how I need to change my game strategy or practice different tactics" attitude, you will get better AND you will enjoy the game a lot more
        Ahhh...the power of cheese!


          I just rambo all the time... it works about 50/50 truth be told, but man is it fun. And most of the time my attitude doesn't affect my play that much.


            I know i suck but when i do bad with one gun i go to another and if all else fails grab the mg42 and rambo the hell out of everyone.


              Depends on the game for me.

              In FPS games, I seem to do good no matter what unless I'm angry, then I tend to twitch too hard and my aim goes mia. I do best in a somewhat carefree mood.

              In my sim games like Live for Speed....If I am anything but in a neutral to happy mood and concentrated on the task, I end up quitting in frustration within 20 minutes


                yeah that's understandable


                  FPS games for me: rage channels into enemy deaths. Whiners, asshats, etc. fuel the fire...which fuels their whining, asshatting...a vicious circle, really.

                  In clean games with neutral karma I still rush and often do as well (probably less extraordinary scores), but the knifing just doesn't have the same flavor.


                    Originally posted by {CLR}geneSW View Post
                    I just rambo all the time... it works about 50/50 truth be told, but man is it fun. And most of the time my attitude doesn't affect my play that much.
                    +1 some time it works well, and other times well........not so much.


                      I get really mad sometimes. I was playing somewhere where someone kept on knifing me and went PWND!!!! every time (Annoying since I wasn't even knifing). I offered the admin 100 bucks (I wasn't joking, I would have sent him teh money) to ban that annoying kid. Little that I know, it was another admin -.- Fast forward to me being banned. Backfire ftw


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                        Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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