I bought a GSG5,they make them to look just like HK MP5,in 22LR,I was Impressed the way they shoot,I got a 10 shot group at 100yards,it held it at 1 inch.I like it so much I bought a GSG5 in Pistol,and got almost the same group at a 100 yard,both on Iron sights.The ammo i used is FED.Champion 36 grain HV.love it,The mags come in 10rd.for the pistol,and 22rd. for the MP5,If u want to see what i bought,go to U tube and put in GSG5,they have 30 to 50 videos that u can watch from people around the world,that own these.The price that i payed 4 both,with 6 extra 22 rd.Mags.with state tax was $1,251.00 I know it was a lot of money,but i think was worth it.the place i bought them at is MACE SPORTS,here in Mebane NC. Phone number is 919-563-4070,This is the place to go,if you are looking 4 deals.

