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2012 The End of the World?

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    2012 The End of the World?

    Hey CLR.I see this whole 2012 thing is becoming such a big deal.You know how it predicts on the Mayan calender that the whole will come to and end.I mean as even in a Christian point of view it does say that in the bible,but just not the exact day. What do you guys think about this whole 2012 thing?Me,i am a Christian,i have been saved,i do believe god is my one true savior,and me theory well whatever god is going to do in the future,well i know where im going if i die 2012.Heres a couple of trailers on the movie 2012
    YouTube - 2012 - Official Trailer
    YouTube - 2012 - Official Trailer 3 [HD]
    Last edited by snakeeater11112; 31 Jul 2009, 12:57 AM.

    Originally posted by snakeeater11112 View Post
    Hey CLR.I see this whole 2012 thing is becoming such a big deal.You know how it predicts on the Mayan calender that the whole will come to and end.I mean as even in a Christian point of view it does say that in the bible,but just not the exact day. What do you guys think about this whole 2012 thing?Me,i am a Christian,i have been saved,i do believe god is my one true savior,and me theory well whatever god is going to do in the future,well i know where im going if i die 2012.
    If you look throughout history there have been many cultures that said the world would end on various dates....none of em came true.


      Originally posted by mapes View Post
      If you look throughout history there have been many cultures that said the world would end on various dates....none of em came true.
      Exactly, and this won't either.


        Pshhh, you guys will obviously not be prepared for the zombie onslaught on December 21, 2012.

        Arm yourselves now while you still have time !!! You will NOT be getting in my house on December 22, 2012, at least not without a bullet in the head to stop you in your zombie tracks !
        Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


          I mean as even in a Christian point of view it does say that in the bible
          Where exactly? I wanna check.

          @WT, you'll let me in. I know you can't refuse a gorgeous zombie... err human. Muhahaha!


            Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
            @WT, you'll let me in. I know you can't refuse a gorgeous zombie.
            Ehhh, only if you resemble the girls on the pole in Cains garage ... then, I will quarantine you for 24 hours before letting you inside the fortress. You can hang out in the garage with my ATV.
            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


              Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
              Pshhh, you guys will obviously not be prepared for the zombie onslaught on December 21, 2012.

              Arm yourselves now while you still have time !!! You will NOT be getting in my house on December 22, 2012, at least not without a bullet in the head to stop you in your zombie tracks !
              gettin my copy of l4d 2 too man lol. yeha could be right lolz


                2012 end of the world


                  As long as it's zombies i don't mind the end of the world. But if it's gonna be a huge wave or something 'typical' then it can just go to hell.


                    Yanno, juneau ... you have a point there. What if the apocalypse is something entirely different. What if it boils down to MS and Windows going belly up and we all must use a ....*gasp* .... MAC !!???!???

                    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                      Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
                      Yanno, juneau ... you have a point there. What if the apocalypse is something entirely different. What if it boils down to MS and Windows going belly up and we all must use a ....*gasp* .... MAC !!???!???
                      I wouldn't live in a world like that. You have my permission to shoot me straight between the eyes if that happens. DON'T LET ME SUFFER!


                        All I can say is bring it on if its going to happen lol


                          Macs are going to take over the world


                            Originally posted by Reconsnipe1 View Post
                            Macs are going to take over the world
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                              Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
                              Pshhh, you guys will obviously not be prepared for the zombie onslaught on December 21, 2012.

                              Arm yourselves now while you still have time !!! You will NOT be getting in my house on December 22, 2012, at least not without a bullet in the head to stop you in your zombie tracks !

                              Dude the end of the world and Zombies are two different things. Zombies won't be the end of the world precisely because I am prepared for them


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