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Another taser thread.

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    Another taser thread.

    I guessing the officer in question was in the right by doing so. I doesn't make it any less of a joke though, and proving that some cops don't have common sense or their own mind power.


      Originally posted by juneau
      I guessing the officer in question was in the right by doing so.
      I'm guessing by the books he did nothing wrong with the tasering.

      Subjectively though, I feel like it was completely unnecessary and a misuse of force.

      I do think however the trooper is legally obligated to:

      1) Tell the man how fast he was going (or provide proof even).
      2) Read the man his rights while arresting him.

      Does anyone know the legality of signing/not signing tickets?


        Yup, some cops these days are just ready to jump the gun, skip any calm controlling and go straight for a forced takedown.


          You do not have to sign anything, you can refuse. They can still ticket you and you can fight it out in court later.


            The cop had the taser at all times pointed at the guy, the guy resisted the arrest by walking away, posing no harm at all towards the police man (besides the fact he had his hand barely in his pocket).

            The cop tased him, why? Because he can. Should he have tased him? I say hell no, and that the cop is a bastard for doing so.


              abuse of authority, that 's all that was... the guy wasnt a threat to himself or the cop. just cause he didnt do what he asked of him right away, people here in nyc would all have taser marks for not responding to a cop right away.


                What can I say. The cop even lied when his colleague arrived. I hope he gets sacked and sentenced for this. There was no risk to the officers safety. Perhaps it we should be grateful he had a taser, the other options are too dreadful to think of.



                  Originally posted by johnnie
                  abuse of authority, that 's all that was... the guy wasnt a threat to himself or the cop. just cause he didnt do what he asked of him right away, people here in nyc would all have taser marks for not responding to a cop right away.
                  I was just going to post the same thing lol. That cop would have a heart attack if he worked here.

                  Seems like a speed trap zone where the have one speed limit sign posted and another with a different speed not too far afterwards.
                  Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


                    Idiot.... listen to the cop and he wont be an ass!
                    He was resisting arrest. He was making himself a suspicious person. When the officer pointed his taser, the fool should've just shut up and obeyed his orders.
                    The police can do whatever they want if they have cause to do it. They can make your life hell and not be the least bit in the wrong.

                    Think of how much paperwork they've got to do when they give a ticket or arrest someone. Be nice and they'll give you a break if they arent in a bad mood.


                      Originally posted by xGoblin013x
                      Idiot.... listen to the cop and he wont be an ass!
                      He was resisting arrest. He was making himself a suspicious person. When the officer pointed his taser, the fool should've just shut up and obeyed his orders.
                      The police can do whatever they want if they have cause to do it. They can make your life hell and not be the least bit in the wrong.

                      Think of how much paperwork they've got to do when they give a ticket or arrest someone. Be nice and they'll give you a break if they arent in a bad mood.
                      But the problem was it was OTT by a mile. They're supposed to be calming a situation not making it worse. Resisting arrest? Hardly. Suspiscious? No way.

                      If officers had the right to shoot somebody on the same level of problem, would it be ok?


                        Do I think the cop is wrong... yes. But I do realize how careful they have to be. A few miles from where I live a couple of local sheriffs deputies went to server a warrant. (one was the husband of a friend of my family) They went to serve a petty warrant... I mean it was just plain stupid. The guy shot the first one as he was a approaching the house and he shot the other one while he was reaching for the CB in the car. Killed both over non-sense.


                          This was complete nonsense. That cop was just being a jerk. He never told the guy he was under arrest, all he said was to turn around, and the guy didnt listen. That is not a taserable nor is it a jailable offense. The cop was wrong in everything he did. It was also wrong that he never read him his rights, or the speed. What this guy could do is have the court check the onboard computer. From what I can see, its a newer dodge, and i know they all have a computer that records speed and when that speed happed. Either way this is stupid and I hope that cop gets fired. Sorry about the long response, I tend to ramble when im mad.


                            Originally posted by Rovey Wade
                            Does anyone know the legality of signing/not signing tickets?
                            Signing the ticket is not an admission of guilt, but it IS required by law. There is no opt out of it, and refusing to do so is considered resisting authority. A "tasable" offense, though?

                            Common sense is in short supply these days...


                              Originally posted by Variable_az
                              You do not have to sign anything, you can refuse. They can still ticket you and you can fight it out in court later.
                              same here
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