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Another taser thread.

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    Originally posted by Storm_Shadow
    Originally posted by Rovey Wade
    Does anyone know the legality of signing/not signing tickets?
    Signing the ticket is not an admission of guilt, but it IS required by law.

    If you watch cops and see them handing out a ticket they say this line before you sign it.


      Originally posted by (DSP)-Bar
      Originally posted by Storm_Shadow
      Originally posted by Rovey Wade
      Does anyone know the legality of signing/not signing tickets?
      Signing the ticket is not an admission of guilt, but it IS required by law.

      If you watch cops and see them handing out a ticket they say this line before you sign it.
      Maybe thats what the traffic officer should have said. I am sure it would have deflated the situation



        I thought the taser was touted as a replacement for having to use lethal force? Lately it seems like its used for damn near anything ....
        Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


          Originally posted by baconoclock
          I thought the taser was touted as a replacement for having to use lethal force? Lately it seems like its used for damn near anything ....
          Excuse me officer, can you tell me how to find.....zap. 'stay on the ground'



            Originally posted by jaspurr
            Originally posted by baconoclock
            I thought the taser was touted as a replacement for having to use lethal force? Lately it seems like its used for damn near anything ....
            Excuse me officer, can you tell me how to find.....zap. 'stay on the ground'


              He wasn't tasered for not signing he was tasered for turning his back to the cop and walking away.


                So if he'd turned his back, walked to the car, and pulled a 9mm from under the front seat, you'd all be saying how horrible it was. Instead, he turned his back and walked away, at which point the cop told him to stop an he continued. That is resisting and putting the officer in a potentially dangerous situation. It probably was over use of force and could have been handled better, but if the cop gets more than a minor reprimand for this it's stupid. Personally I'd rather see cops tasering someone for the potentially dangerous situation than beating someone in to the pavement with the baton or stick, or even shooting someone.

                It's come down to the fact that anymore, kids are taking guns to school and shooting other students or teachers for no reason or idiotic reasons, people shoot coworkers or employees of a local business, etc. for imagined slights or minor issues, guns are pulled on authority figures and injuries occur. It's far better to have a cop using *mostly* non-lethal ,non-longterm injury enforcement to defuse a potentially dangerous situation, whether to themselves or others, than to have them pull a gun as the angry man walks away and shoot him in the back.

                If you keep ignoring a cop after he gives you an order, quite honestly, your ass deserves to be tased, and possibly your parents as well for not teaching you how to obey authority correctly. When I get pulled over, by the time the officer is at my car door, I have my licence, registration, and insurance cards all out and ready to go, even if I don't think I was speeding or I'm not sure exactly why I'm being pulled over.


                  When the Officer told the man to get out of the he did so, but came up far to quickly and far to close behind the officer. He pointed into the distance and started to reach into his front pocket, after he refused to put his arms behind his back he started to walk away. That's reason enough to be tazed, the man could've been reaching for a weapon. These people risk their safety for yours, it makes me angry to no end when I hear them getting crapped all over.

                  Originally posted by linemanstud
                  This was complete nonsense. That cop was just being a jerk. He never told the guy he was under arrest, all he said was to turn around, and the guy didnt listen. That is not a taserable nor is it a jailable offense. The cop was wrong in everything he did. It was also wrong that he never read him his rights, or the speed. What this guy could do is have the court check the onboard computer. From what I can see, its a newer dodge, and i know they all have a computer that records speed and when that speed happed. Either way this is stupid and I hope that cop gets fired. Sorry about the long response, I tend to ramble when im mad.
                  The officer was completely within his rights, the young man was being an idiot and brought the tazing upon himself. He broke the law and was potentially putting the officer in danger.

                  Edit2: I like how the guy is telling the officer how to do his job, as if he is a lawyer.

                  Edit3: The wife was embellishing the story big time.


                    Ever seen a similar video where a guy with his hand in his pocket pulls out a gun and shoots the officer? I have, and I bet that officer has too. When they tell you to get out of the car it is time to stop arguing. People are so amazingly freaking stupid.

                    Don't be an idiot and you won't get zapped.


                      Well some seem to disagree on the circumstances surrounding the taser (the man wasn't/was a threat the officer, etc.)

                      But what do people feel about not reading the rights?


                        I appreciate that we have some law enforcement officers here and my hat off to you all and the great job that you do. Lets take a step back, had the officer maybe been a little more helpful and answered the drivers question and explained that signing the ticket was not an admission of guilt then I am guessing the driver would not have needed to get out of the car. He inflamed the situation with his attitude so root cause of the problem was the officer.

                        Here in the UK we have to get out of the car when stopped by police so as an innocent tourist in the USA in 3 weeks time will I get tasered if I get out of my car? I won't because I have learnt a lot from you guys here on the forums, I will wind down my window and put my hands on the door where they can be seen. That reminds me, I must get my nails done.



                          Originally posted by Rovey Wade
                          Well some seem to disagree on the circumstances surrounding the taser (the man wasn't/was a threat the officer, etc.)

                          But what do people feel about not reading the rights?
                          well, that is true... he didn't. Which will get him a slight reprimand, and a frying on the 6 o clock news.
                          We've got so many people who watch Law and Order all day long they should have subconsciously memorized them...
                          'Course, you have to consider half of Americans don't know where Canada is, so maybe they do need to be read their rights.


                            Originally posted by Rovey Wade
                            Well some seem to disagree on the circumstances surrounding the taser (the man wasn't/was a threat the officer, etc.)

                            But what do people feel about not reading the rights?
                            From our viewpoint the guy was not a threat, but he could have been, and I don't think a police officer should have to take the chance of dying in order to preserve some arrogant asshole's right to argue about whether or not he was speeding on the side of a highway. If the wife had kept her mouth shut then the entire conversation would have remained in the vehicle. Once removed from the vehicle, it is standard procedure to frisk the driver on a traffic stop...I've had it done to me and for the same reason, my girlfriend at the time wouldn't shut up. Her stepping out of the car was also extremely stupid and if there had been a second cop there she would either have been tased or shot.

                            The jerk was arguing from the second the cop walked up. No one with any common sense does guarantees you a ticket.

                            Cops do not have to show you or the court any proof that you were speeding. That's a myth. All that matters is the cop's word. If they say you were speeding, you were speeding. I don't happen to agree with this personally, but that's the reality.

                            He had plenty of time to read him his rights on the drive to jail, contrary to police shows it does not have to be done instantly, just some time before you get booked.

                            When a law enforcement officer tells you to do something, you do it. One way or the other, you're going to do it anyway, so any little act of resistance you put up isn't fooling anyone other than yourself. If it's wrong then fight it in court...not on the scene. You will not win. "Right" does not matter in that situation.


                              That confirms it. In 3 weeks when I am in Florida I am taping up my wife and daughters mouths when driving. At leat I can threaten them with being tasered if they don't.



                                Florida.... ewww Only old people go to Florida. That place should be put on a stick and lit on fire...

                                ... or has it already.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

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