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The State of PC Gaming

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    The State of PC Gaming

    I'm a gamer, first and foremost. I play games because they're fun, and could really give a hoot about what platform I'm playing them on, but I have primarily been a PC gamer until recently. I recently had a discussion with a friend that led me to this line of thought. Please realize that I'm not flaming the PC here, I'm just honestly curious as to what people's opinions are on the current state of PC gaming.

    Whenever a new generation of consoles is released, PC gaming always goes into a funk for a bit. When it takes a two thousand dollar system just to match what the new consoles can do, many gamers leave their PCs and head for the console of their choice. Many don't. Hardcore players of first person shooters, real time strategy games, and MMORPGs are rarely tempted, because the PC has always done these genres so much better than the consoles do.

    What traditionally revives the PC's role in gaming is graphics. Eventually the consoles' once groundbreaking graphics begin to look dated, and even a midrange PC can deliver graphics that make the consoles look awful...especially as consoles were always limited to standard definition televisions where PCs were displaying on high definition monitors.

    But times have changed. The graphic capabilities of today's consoles are impressive, capable of delivering mouth-watering graphics at 1080p...and speaking of 1080p, that's another change in the gaming landscape. More and more people have a large HDTV in their living room, and some are finding it more enjoyable to play on the couch on a big screen than cooped up in an office chair in front of a tiny monitor.

    With development cycles taking a year (usually two), and costs averaging around 10 million dollars...will graphics be the PC's savior again? Can they get much better without massively increasing development time and cost? There's a theory about "good enough"...when a technology reaches a level that is good enough for the average consumer, they become disinclined to spend more on newer technology for an incremental increase. I believe that we are at a "good enough" point in graphics right now...and if not now, then certainly by the next generation of consoles.

    First person shooters are no longer the sole purview of the PC. Modern consoles deliver graphics and multiplayer that equals and in some cases surpasses most PC shooters. The only remaining strengths of the PC in this arena are the control scheme (WASD + mouse), and the mod community. Considering the mod community has largely been rendered irrelevant by companies hiring the creators of popular mods and then selling the once-free mods for profit, and the enormous time commitment involved to make a quality mod on current games, is this still a factor?

    The PC is still the only viable choice for real time strategy games. Consoles just cannot compete as these games are too complex to accurately control with a gamepad. However, making a keyboard and mouse accessory would remove this obstacle, as well as rendering the FPS control scheme debate moot. The PS3, I believe, already offers a mouse and keyboad that can be used with UT3.

    MMOs will, for the foreseeable future, remain on PCs due to control issues and the fact that you do not need a cutting edge PC to play an MMO. MMOs that require expensive PCs fail.

    More and more developers are jumping ship and heading to consoles. Easier to program for and for the most part, better sales. There was only one PC title I was interested in this holiday season, which is completely unheard of for me. Bad network code that makes getting a multiplayer match going (unfortunately this is pretty much standard unless the game is primarily focused towards multiplayer), DRM and rootkits are also driving people away from the PC as their gaming platform of choice.

    So if the graphics can't get a whole lot better, the gamers are shifting to the living room, and the developers are shifting towards consoles, what is going to bring back the PC this time?

    I know im catch flac for saying this as it sounds like another fanboy statement. But Microsoft will be key to jump starting pc gaming. Vista, dx-10, game for windows are all gonna be key factors. Yes at this time they are more crutches and hurt gameplay. But change is coming we are more at a stall point in pc gaming. Until vista, video cards, dx-10 support and all the other tech stuff get sorted out pc gamers are stuck in limbo. When xp dies away like windows me or 98 did then we will see pc gaming evolve.

    But wii has changed the way people consider games and pc like ps3 and xbox 360 only appeal to rather hard core players. yes pc has tons of social options from chatrooms to mmo`s though. But wii has confused the traditional way games are suppose to work.

    With big devs like EA gobbling up small devs and lack of pc game sales, it would seem the pc platform is getting abondanded at the moment. But when hardware is uncertain and you dont know if the next upgrade will be supported in a few months, it makes you wonder. When you see those games and super graphics that pc has had now being done on console and way more fined tuned at a cheaper price than a video card it makes you wonder.

    Clearly pc devs need a sure fire way to make money (digital distribution) and the hardware issues need to become more harmony. to many different parts and different os`s just hurt stuff. Tech support for game companies are not smart enough to figure out vista issues. So thats why i say it looks like the fate of pc gameing could rest in the company who creates the os and thats microsoft. The bridge now is leading people to consoles but microsoft has tried to keep it a 2 way streak offering many games that where set for xbox 360 to be ported to pc (something we may never see from sony or nintendo).

    But right now the money is on the xbox 360 and its high attachment rate. Its that reason that microsoft might be able to trasistion pc gaming back to being worthwhile for pc devs. But its clearly in decline and consoles probably do play a bigger role in that as the xbox 360 prime feature is easy online play, something the pc has had pretty much all to itself. Now with ps3 getting its network setup better they pose a threat to pc gaming as well. Nintendo with friends code dont scare anyone. Thats a crap system.


      PC gaming will never die, it's like somebody who does the 100 meter dash. Really fast uprades and then it's done for a bit while it waits for the long runner (dev's), which are generally slower at getting to the same 100 meter mark, to catch-up. I believe pc gaming is in a slump, but it's not gonna die.


        Oh yeah... I was reading a article about this last week and one thing that will surely help pc gaming if the hardware manufacturers can agree to do it. It make pre-built pc`s more gaming friendly. Now most pc you buy prebuilt can play last years games but nothing new with the standard on board video card. Alienware is just overkill.

        Consoles pose a threat because the ps3 and xbox 360 are super computers in a smaller package. But if prebuilt systems would throw in a decent (not great but decent) video card and not 1 that needs upgrades after you plug it in for the first time.

        That could surely spark consumer awareness. Not all pc users know how to install a video card and dont wanna pay circuit city a 100 bux to do it.
        But pc by nature are crippled and needing some form of upgrade. Min. system req. should not mean the game turns on but runs like crap. Min system specs should be what can run the game and still be playable.
        But pc has to many hardware issues and thats part of the prob.

        1) make budget prebuilt pc with a decent video card
        2) microsoft fixes vista to not cause so many issues with current games
        3) microsoft works with pc devs to make sure they can make money making games for windows
        4) microsoft makes dx-10 worthwhile and set it as the new standard
        5) hardware makers need to stop price guaging the market every other month.
        6) drm is a joke, you can never stop hackers and the only people who suffer are the real customers. Rootkits are evil and should not be a part of any business
        7) game devs actually play the games they make instead of just hyping it in magazines then releasing a rushed product.
        stop making clone games. Yes wow was probably one of the best pc games ever but clones are just that and never recreate the same magic.

        Thats my list of what needs to happen over the next year to respark pc gaming.

        S.T.A.L.K.E.R. dev furthers multiplatform commitment

        S.T.A.L.K.E.R studio GSC Game World has become a certified Xbox 360 developer.

        The move allows the company to create titles for multiple platforms, after the successful release of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl on PC earlier this year.

        "Obtaining such a status for an independent developer based in ex-USSR means a lot ? it took us over two years to get," commented Sergiy Grygorovych, CEO of GSC Game World.

        "Our old ambition to create multiplatform projects has become a reality."

        "Creating games for PC, we achieved practically everything, and now are prepared to garner the top spots in sales charts and gamers' recognition in the world of console games too," he added.


          for me it isn't about the graphics, my computer is fast but not a graphics powerhouse. It's all about the controls. My nice mouse and keyboard setup is easier to use then the controller that consoles have. I've never been able to get the hang of them


            Echoing what others have said

            WASD & Keyboard beat a controller in every way for FPS and where you need quick, ACCURATE, aiming/control.

            Quick updates for bugs (EA excluded).

            Multiplayer is still the domain of PCs, mostly because they offer more players and in MP, more is more.
            A change of Pace.
            "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


              Yep, I can't WAIT to play a strategy game on the console !! *sarcasm meter off the charts*

              I'm typing on my laptop, which I absolutely hate doing, so maybe I'll respond in full later tonight, but for now suffice to say that console gaming is marked for death every few years ..... its a cyclic thing that continues to get dragged up every so often.
              Sadly, Microsoft is the main reason console gaming is as strong as it is given the success of Xbox and XBL. If MS hadn't botched the PC version of Live Anywhere, the online matchmaking would have made online PC gaming a bit more successful, at the very least.
              Take a look at the UT3 server browser lately ?? Think a Live Vista version would be a better answer ?
              Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                Originally posted by WalkinTarget
                Sadly, Microsoft is the main reason console gaming is as strong as it is given the success of Xbox and XBL. If MS hadn't botched the PC version of Live Anywhere, the online matchmaking would have made online PC gaming a bit more successful, at the very least.
                Wait, you're trying to tell me that Micro$oft screwed something up?!?! Blasphemy!!!

                [/sarcasm off the hook]

                A change of Pace.
                "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


                  Originally posted by paceman
                  Originally posted by WalkinTarget
                  Sadly, Microsoft is the main reason console gaming is as strong as it is given the success of Xbox and XBL. If MS hadn't botched the PC version of Live Anywhere, the online matchmaking would have made online PC gaming a bit more successful, at the very least.
                  Wait, you're trying to tell me that Micro$oft screwed something up?!?! Blasphemy!!!

                  [/sarcasm off the hook]

                  I agree that MS is responsible, not so much because of the 360 and Live but more because they screwed up Vista so badly. If I'm not even sure what operating system to buy I'm likely just to chuck the whole thing in the garbage and go find something else to do.


                    Originally posted by Thrashdragon
                    Originally posted by paceman
                    Originally posted by WalkinTarget
                    Sadly, Microsoft is the main reason console gaming is as strong as it is given the success of Xbox and XBL. If MS hadn't botched the PC version of Live Anywhere, the online matchmaking would have made online PC gaming a bit more successful, at the very least.
                    Wait, you're trying to tell me that Micro$oft screwed something up?!?! Blasphemy!!!

                    [/sarcasm off the hook]

                    I agree that MS is responsible, not so much because of the 360 and Live but more because they screwed up Vista so badly. If I'm not even sure what operating system to buy I'm likely just to chuck the whole thing in the garbage and go find something else to do.
                    I'll meet you 1/2 way across town and you can give it to me! :-)
                    A change of Pace.
                    "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


                      Originally posted by paceman
                      I'll meet you 1/2 way across town and you can give it to me! :-)
                      Hmmm...I recall seeing pics of your new system...I don't think you'd want mine. However, I would be open to an even swap.


                        Originally posted by Thrashdragon
                        Originally posted by paceman
                        I'll meet you 1/2 way across town and you can give it to me! :-)
                        Hmmm...I recall seeing pics of your new system...I don't think you'd want mine. However, I would be open to an even swap.
                        A change of Pace.
                        "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


                          But like i said. Microsoft is a key to pc gameing being revived. Its not the only factor though.

                          If video card makers can get a decent video card in prebuilt systems like at wal-mart, best buy etc etc. That will allow people the hardware to run games. A big issue now. Then microsoft needs to establish vista and dx-10 as the future. 1 day xp will fade away but that day isnt today and thats a big issue for game devs.

                          But mix it all up and you have a cluster of issues that need to be addressed in the next year as pc gaming is suffering bad.


                            I think we'll continue to see consoles "convert" more and more PC gamers. Or at least the more casual ones; the hardcore ones are too in love with their PCs to give them up.

                            I've always felt kind of cramped by the resolution of TVs, which is the main reason I've typically stuck with PC games. However, as you've mentioned, with high definition TVs this isn't really an issue. The only catch is I've already got a nice computer with a 20" widescreen 1680x1050 monitor, whereas my "gaming" TV is a 20" 4:3 tube TV that I got a couple of years ago (at least it's flatscreen!). I have a PS3, but it's torture to play the latest and greatest games on such an outdated screen. I'm not ready to dump the money I need to to get a good LCD TV, and I'm too picky to buy a cheap one. I'm looking for a quality 32-37" 720p LCD TV with a 120Hz refresh rate so I don't have to worry about ghosting. I've done a bit of searching, and the cheapest set that best matches my needs is the Panasonic Viera 32" TC32LX700, which currently runs for $1100-1300 (plus 14% tax and the $200+ HD cable box I'd need to buy) up here in Canada. When the fancy new "fast-motion" 120Hz screens come down in price, I can see myself playing more console games.


                              Originally posted by RobotBanana
                              I think we'll continue to see consoles "convert" more and more PC gamers. Or at least the more casual ones; the hardcore ones are too in love with their PCs to give them up.

                              I've always felt kind of cramped by the resolution of TVs, which is the main reason I've typically stuck with PC games. However, as you've mentioned, with high definition TVs this isn't really an issue. The only catch is I've already got a nice computer with a 20" widescreen 1680x1050 monitor, whereas my "gaming" TV is a 20" 4:3 tube TV that I got a couple of years ago (at least it's flatscreen!). I have a PS3, but it's torture to play the latest and greatest games on such an outdated screen. I'm not ready to dump the money I need to to get a good LCD TV, and I'm too picky to buy a cheap one. I'm looking for a quality 32-37" 720p LCD TV with a 120Hz refresh rate so I don't have to worry about ghosting. I've done a bit of searching, and the cheapest set that best matches my needs is the Panasonic Viera 32" TC32LX700, which currently runs for $1100-1300 (plus 14% tax and the $200+ HD cable box I'd need to buy) up here in Canada. When the fancy new "fast-motion" 120Hz screens come down in price, I can see myself playing more console games.
                              Just make sure you keep up the research and do a lot of in-person testing (Best Buy just loves it when you walk around tinkering with all the TVs they've adjusted to make everything except the highest end models look like crap ), and be careful you don't end up paying for a brand name. My $1100 Vizio outperforms my brother-in-law's $2800 Sony. I was initially worried about ghosting and trailing but have honestly never seen any evidence of either, despite lots of gaming and lots of sports watching.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Apache Warrior
                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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