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Thats kinda self centered. Trust me on this... I can go way faster on a bike in a safe manner than a car can. Stop being a prick and move over.
Now if the road is congested than I understand no need to get over.
However let this be said. I will pass you....one way or another.
I would say the guy who's aggressively riding his @ss to get him to go their speed (so that they can be first), when he's already passing folks, is the self centered one. A .78 second following distance deserves a firm application of the brakes.
I would say the guy who's aggressively riding his @ss to get him to go their speed (so that they can be first), when he's already passing folks, is the self centered one. A .78 second following distance deserves a firm application of the brakes.
You don't seem to be listening. I said when you are already passing (just because your not passing at 30 mph over the speed limit), it is OK to be in the left lane, because you are then faster traffic than the guy you're passing. I didn't say stay in the left lane after the pass...but I'm not going to accelerate to your speed if it's obscene, simply because you'd prefer it that way. And following distance is not rocket science either, hotshot...it's, surprisingly, common sense.
Ok I see your point and yes I drive that way. If there is no traffic in the right lane folks should get out of the left lane. Also they shouldn't just sit there and pace the right lane traffic
What is the speed limit you guys think should be implemented? I mean residential is 20-30, feeders are 45, and highways are 65 (Ova hea) And I think that the limit should at least 10 Mph above those limits. 20mph is pretty much being on park.
I have to admit I'm leaning more in agreement with mapes here. I agree with what you are saying on the passing already Rand, but... if I have the space to my right I will move, let them by, and get back in the left and continue on my way.
The one thing I highly advise against is the antagonist attitude of slowing down or just plain !@#$in with them by braking. This is just plain wrong, asshatery and really pisses people off.
I have told my daughter any other young person the subject came up with NOT to do that. When they ask why, I usually ask them if they like being around for their next birthday, don't needless piss someone off that may have a mental imbalance.
Another reason you may feel comfortable doing this is because unfortunately the law works bass ackwards and in most states always gives the rear car the ticket instead when in some very good instances the front car is the instigator.
I actually had an !@#hole in a 1/4 ton truck a few years ago, slam on his brakesl and I do mean locked them up, screeching halt style, on me and watched out his sliding back glass. I had at least two car lengths between us, in a 35 or 40 MPH zone and he did this. I guess he honestly thought he could get me to hit him and get me a ticket.
Needless to say all the idiot did was piss me off, found out I could drive better at 2 inches off his bumper than 2 car lengths and when he figured out I would pit his light rear end pickup to the shoulder of the road if he he persisted in being a retard he finally did all he could do to get the heck out of the area and away from me.
Now this was from a guy who thought he was doing the right thing and teaching someone a lesson that was NOT following too close (ME).
So with that said, I get a very bad taste in my mouth when I hear people talking about purposely doing things like this just to upset the other driver.
Here's another one for you. Fine example of a non caring idiot behind a wheel. A few years ago my wife called me at work and said the ambulance had just taken her Mom to the hospital for a suspected heart attack. Well I knew she was going to be freaking out so I jumped in the car put the emergency flashers on and start my 12 mile journey doing as fast as possible.
Then on the 8 mile stretch of road I should have been able to make time on, I was held up by a knucklehead that had nothing in front of him for a mile or so, no car directly beside him but there were far enough off his front and rear he could move over and let me by, but he didn't. I guess he figured because I was flashing lights at him well before I got up on him so he would teach me a lesson and did not move. Dude I was upset beyond words and had to worm my way thru the right two lanes on a 3 lane to get around him. If I had not been so worried about the ma-in-law and wife I would have gladly kicked this guys butt and served the jail time for assault.
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If there is no traffic in the right lane folks should get out of the left lane. Also they shouldn't just sit there and pace the right lane traffic
I fully agree.
And as to this, Minerva,
Exactly the same here. They act like "I am the king of the road"....
I would say that pretty much everyone acts like they are king of the road...read above posts .
When I drive, I do what I can to work with traffic (not all bus drivers do, and neither do all other drivers). There are, however, a good percentage of folks who will actually speed up (roll through stop signs, etc.) rather than letting a bus into traffic in front of them (not thinking, I suppose, of how clogged the roadway ahead of them might be if the bus' 40 passengers were all in their own cars ahead of them as well)--very few seem willing to return the favor of cooperation, at times. It is at these times, not being able to wait until the end of the day to get folks to their destinations, that I am pretty much forced to merge slowly into a lane, rather than sit on the street in one place and blocking traffic...just like most everyone else does. It might stick out in your memory more, because it is a big dumb bus and not just one of the random cars who do that to you on a daily basis, but it is, in other ways, not much different: just another poor bloke trying to do what they have to to get by in the madness we create.
Wait when I drive a cage (a car in moto speak) I drive different. The perspective is that on a moto you can make time. In a car not really. So first off if I'm in a car I
Don't use a cell phone
Use my signals
Turn my head before changing lanes
I don't tail gate or cut folks off
With that said I still drive fast when possible. If there is no traffic in front of me and someone comes up behind me I move over no matter what speed I'm going. I also leave lots of space in front.
Now on the bike it's a bit different. Obviously I'm not on a cell phone. I generally only use my mirrors when braking to make sure I'm not nailed from behind. To change lanes I turn my head and I signal well in advance. Usually if I come screaming up to a line of cars. I'm in the part of the lane that makes me the most visible and gives me the most visibility I'm almost straddling the line between lanes. I initially get close to the rear of the car then I back off. Thats kinda like a "Hello I'm here" move. I then wait for spaces to open and signal and slowly wind my way through the line of cars. Till I get in front then I'm gone WOT(wide open throttle). I equate it to pulling a trigger. To be clear I don't lane split over 35mph and I'm when I do lane split I'm only moving 10 to 15 mph faster than traffic. I try my hardest not to make people freak out and not to cut them off. I've developed a second sense too. When behind a car in the left lane with no traffic in the right lane I always hesitate a bit and make sure the driver is not going to get over. I see this this really pisses drivers off. A bike will come up and the car driver is checking their mirrors getting ready to move over and the bike makes a move to the right. I really really try to not do that. I mean here is a driver trying to let a biker go and the biker just pisses them off. To be honest I see a ton of jerks on bikes. I try not to be one however I am going to use my vehicle strengths.
The reason this is a sore subject with me is because I have a 80 mile round trip commute over a moutainous highway. It's this road if your curious.
Search results for "highway 17"
Link: <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=highway+17&sl l=37.405139,-121.944477&sspn=0.015085,0.026157&ie=UTF8&hq=highw ay+17&hnear=&ll=37.115157,-121.977081&spn=0.242289,0.41851&t=h&z=12>
In any event the regular commuters are great. The annoying thing is the summer months. The town I live in is a tourist beach town. In summer traffic gets really snarled due to people who do not know the road. The speed limit is 50 mph. However every curve on that road can be easily made at 65 mph. Easily. Now the tourists come over and will sit in the left lane braking to 35 mph for a corner no joke. Look I applaud the fact that you don't know the freaking road and your playing it safe. Thats great however do it in the %@$#^@#^ right lane
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