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Best PS3 games to play with your wife

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    Best PS3 games to play with your wife

    Hey all

    My wife saw that they dropped the price on PS3's and thought it would be a good thing to get since it doubles as a Blu Ray player. I'm wondering what are the best games for non PC type gamers or games we might enjoy playing together. As well as the best racing type games since she used to do tracks days and is was really into cars at one point. Please no fanboy crap like you should've gotten an xbox. She said PS3 and thats what she meant (she counted to three)

    I have a formula that does well with predicting if my girlfriend will like a game. Basically it has to have a story, violence is cool as long as its not associated with war, and nostalgic games are always good like Sonic. I had good luck with Assassins Creed so the next one should be a good bet. GTA IV, Bioshock, and Ratchet and Clank also got her to actually sit down and ask what was happening too. Results may vary though
    Hope that helps

    There are plenty of racing games but I cant specifically say if any of them have split screen play. I know Gran Turismo Prologue and NFS Shift don't. Also I believe that Dirt 2 also doesn't have it.

    If you are just taking turns then I guess that doesn't matter and it comes down to if you want No frills sim (GTP), off road/rally more accessible (Dirt 2), or the over the top arcadey sim (NFS Shift). Or you can throw out any realism and go for pure fun with a game like Burnout Paradise. Its more like a "crash sim" but there is a little racing it it .


      violence is cool as long as its not associated with war
      So if it's associated with murder it is OK?

      Where do you put the Bayonet?
      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
      Frank Lloyd Wright


        Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
        So if it's associated with murder it is OK?
        I'm not even married and I have already stopped arguing and trying to make sense of her at times

        I think that its just she doesn't like war anything. I don't think it interests her. It could have no blood at all but if its about war she is blah about it.


          +1 on the Assassin's Creed, Mapes. One of the few games on PS3 that I played for a number of hours...though it's only single player...but you can have fun running through crowds and, doh, killing, punching...well, I like it. But it does have some pretty nice scenery, a lot of detail, great views, etc...and you can ride a horse.


            looooooooooooool fail.......... this isnt a warez forum dood.

            (And, no u cant, yet.)


              I got a kick out of the great look and feel of Grand Tourismo Prologue. Its named a simulator for a good reason
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                LittleBigPlanet, trust me!!!

                Great game, your wife will love it and so will you. Just do a quick google search for some info, i wouldnt even know where to start. But i think its perfect for what you are looking for, you can play with up to four players, whether online or on the same console, tons of variety (from racing to skateboarding to platforming to flying spaceships...) and you can build, create and share pretty much anything. tons of replay value, user created levels, cool single player campaign. just an overall great game.

                For a straight racing game, i would recommend either Midnight Club Los Angeles (Open world, city, police, street racing) Burnout (lots of crashes, no licensed vehicles, open world, city) or Gran Turismo 5 (track racing, simulator, stunning realism).

                Some more games i would recommend are Mirrors Edge, Demon's Souls, GTA IV, Uncharted 1 & 2, and from the PSN store (smaller, arcade type games you download, usually priced around $10) would be Fat Princess, Pixel Junk Monsters, Age of Booty, ZEN Pinball, Flower and Noby Noby Boy. I would suggest more, but these are the ones ive played and can attest to! Enjoy your PS3!


                  Originally posted by ak416 View Post
                  LittleBigPlanet, trust me!!!

                  Great game, your wife will love it and so will you. Just do a quick google search for some info, i wouldnt even know where to start. But i think its perfect for what you are looking for, you can play with up to four players, whether online or on the same console, tons of variety (from racing to skateboarding to platforming to flying spaceships...) and you can build, create and share pretty much anything. tons of replay value, user created levels, cool single player campaign. just an overall great game.

                  Tails and I got a PS3 a year ago, and bought Little Big Planet so our little sister had something to play with us. As childish at it looks and seems, Tails and I both had a blast with it (take that for what it's worth ). I'm sure your wife would enjoy it.

                  She may also like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, and they're both multiplayer. Both games give you plastic instruments that you have you have to play in sync with the notes coming up on the screen, but Rock Band also has drums and a microphone in addition to the guitars. Our little sister has Guitar Hero for the Wii, and both of our parents would play along with her. It's hysterical to see how involved our Dad will get with it.

                  All in all, it's a good party game that most people enjoy, and getting to play with or against others is always a plus.


                    I don't have a lot of input here...sorry. but I do have a PS3 and I liked Assassin's Creed and Uncharted.
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                      Here's more games that you both can play at the same time:

                      Motorstorm: Pacific Rift (splitscreen)
                      Hot Shot Golf:OOB
                      Street Fighter IV
                      Wipeout HD (PS Store)(splitscreen)
                      High Velocity Bowling (PS Store)
                      Hasbro Family Game Night (PS Store)


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                        All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                        :O hey Pidgeot!

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