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Why does YouTube Disable Audio??

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    Why does YouTube Disable Audio??

    Okay, maybe this is a NEW thing or something. I decided to put together a nice slideshow presentation to show my local friends from the comic shop on Youtube...a nice ensemble of us at the comic shop gaming and such, pics of the clerks and staff and us.

    I put it up along with the CHEERS theme song...and the assholes took OUT the audio...and I was like WTF??

    Now, I know what copyright infringement is...the whole pirating copies and songs and distributing them. THIS can this be a problem? I never heard of such a thing....

    I know someone else that was doing it for personal reasons, using YOUTUBE as a means to display their creativity for friends and family (not really the whole world)

    And YOUTUBE is pulling this crap??

    What gives, I don't get it.

    Now Youtube is becoming a wasteland of silent videos.

    YouTube - Viking kittens the good version

    Just an example, I think the person redid it and made it "legal" by making it "Faster" lol

    Don't blame You Tube blame the Music companies. It is going too far in my book, but copyright infringement is copyright infringement whether you're ripping cd's and selling them or uploading them for other people or adding music to a streaming video. You didn't have permission to use the music and therefore they will remove it.


      As Juneau said, its all Licensing, and they have been doing it since google took over, the big companies hit hard once google took over.

      Think this way, its the same thing as why only a few channels get to play specific shows, or you never hear that cool new track on the local radio station.

      They pay for the right to play them, Google(/youtube) pay a company for the right to play specifc songs (be it on official videos or on user created ones),
      now each company they pay, pays specific labels, there are a lot of labels that do not work with these companies, SonyBMG are one of them.

      It costs a lot of money to pay to play these tracks, and in the case of youtube, it might not be worth it for them.
      The more artists you want, the more it costs.
      Google/Youtube will have to pay for every artist in existence, and thats possibly a lot more than its worth.

      As for the speeding it up thing, GoogTube (new name for it ) will have an audio anayliser program that goes thru the videos, and picks out the song, why the crappy copies get past, the altered ones, and the slightly faster ones too.

      If you have ever used that service on your phone that 'tags' audio tracks and texts you telling you what it is, (we got one here), it works like that possibly diff how it does it thou.
      If you where to speed up the track or alter its pitch, the tagger can not get it.
      It works like speech rec, you speak too fast, it dun get it, you have a cold your voice changes, it cant get it, your in a diff mood and are happy, it cant understand you at all

      I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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        The trick is to not have the audio play from start to finish without skipping first part/cutting music around. If it is more than 15 seconds long of course.


          You're lucky they didn't kill your youtube account too.

          I've known people who posted bunches of personal videos, with music tracks, who were just banned without warning and the account deactivated.

          It really is too bad, because you know companies like Google strive for free, user friendly systems, but record industries die without the thought of profit.


            Did you receive a note from youtube about this?

            What does their terms of agreement say about using songs that you are not the author of to promote something personal?
            [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
            So all you get is this crappy text]


              Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
              Did you receive a note from youtube about this?

              What does their terms of agreement say about using songs that you are not the author of to promote something personal?
              Dunno, never looked up.

              Only thing that happened was that they stripped the audio and left a message on top of the YouTube Video saying that they did just that.

              So I guess the consequences of posting a sound track with a slideshow is just that.


                What I also think is funny, I can pretty much do a YOUTUBE search on any song that I want to listen to


                "Ghostbuster Theme Song"

                And I can listen to the songs to my hearts content....yet, no action is taken on that. <shrug> and they've been up for a couple of years


                  Okay, how about this one, what do you think of, when you put the "Embed" code on your website (like a blog or something) to show off (like sometimes we do on here)

                  Then it says, (When you try to play the video from the embed)...then it says, Video removed due to TOS violation

                  What the heck are they talkinga bout there?

                  Youtube is taking the fun out of even embedding their videos.


                    It means your video broke these rules, which you agreed to when you signed up and uploaded your latest video.

                    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

                    I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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                      Originally posted by Sirex View Post
                      It means your video broke these rules, which you agreed to when you signed up and uploaded your latest video.

                      YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

                      Not always true

                      YouTube Taking Down Public Domain Works? | Techdirt

                      The first story comes to us from two self-described "hippies," Haint and Littia, who had put up a video showing some of Haint's works, and used as background music a song by a group called the Psalters, who put their entire album into the public domain so that anyone could do what they wanted with it -- such as using it for background music in a video. However, music licensing company Rumblefish, supposedly uploaded its catalog into YouTube's content ID system -- and apparently (and I'm still trying to figure out how, because no one seems to have a good explanation), the Psalters song is somehow in Rumblefish's catalog. Hence, YouTube took down the video. Apparently others have also been finding their perfectly legal and licensed content taken down thanks to Rumblefish as well, and were told that they needed to call and get Rumblefish's permission to get the content back up.


                        Still it is breaking them from their POV (if thats the case here), they have tags for a track thats 'ment' to be copyrighted, and it triggered off the remover.

                        Its a bit like anti-viruses, they can only look for what they are told.
                        Except in this case, if they are told something is copyrighted and its seen, it will get removed.

                        I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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                          Originally posted by Sirex View Post
                          Still it is breaking them from their POV (if thats the case here), they have tags for a track thats 'ment' to be copyrighted, and it triggered off the remover.

                          Its a bit like anti-viruses, they can only look for what they are told.
                          Except in this case, if they are told something is copyrighted and its seen, it will get removed.

                          Maybe in this case Tony was breaking the TOS but, it's not always that clear. There have been many many incidents like this. Similarly some companies have had Ebay take down auctions by people who legitimately own something by the reason that they are not licensed resellers which is BS.


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                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Sirex
                            All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                            Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                            7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Pidgeot_Girl
                            Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                            2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Apache Warrior
                            Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Pidgeot_Girl
                            Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                            1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Sirex
                            :O hey Pidgeot!

                            Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                            Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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