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PS3 Vs XBOX360

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    PS3 Vs XBOX360

    So, I'm thinking about buying a PS3 or 360. Before I get started, I'm not talking about giving up PC games, but since both consoles have dropped in price it's become a much more interesting option.

    I've been looking at the Pros/Cons of both systems. Blueray capability isn't a big deal for me and a few of my friend's already have 360's. I'm kinda leaning towards the XBOX but wanted to see if any of you guys had an opinion one way or the other.

    Xbox, if you dont need/want the blueray, xbox has a much better customer service in my history


      Well, you ask a very good question. I have both. The games are balanced. You decision point is probably the user interface. Although the nice thing about the PS3 is the good old controller you are use to, the Xbox controller is pretty comfortable too.
      Probably in the menu and interface I like the Xbox over the PS3 due to one reason. The menu is much friendlier to games than the PS3. I don't know the PS3 just seems to have more gliches when using the user menu. They have improved on it some but I still prefer the Xbox menu and how the game seem to be more tolerant. Plus the Xbox notifications of Friends coming online and such seems to work better than the PS3.
      The major plus of the PS3 to me is the blue ray player and the fighting games.
      I don't know what else I can say other than this.
      Try them at WalMart and Bestbuy to see which you prefer.
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        Well, walmart will be including a $100 gift card with the arcade version of the 360 on Sat, Nov 7th.

        I would go for the PS3. This is due mostly due to the games. There are more games on PS3 only that I would want to play (GT5, Little Big Planet, God of War) than 360 exclusives. The rest I just play on pc with my 360 controller.

        And there is this feeling I have that the PS3 is just better and it will show in the future. That could be my former fanboy talking though


          Blu-Ray is really what did it for me. That and the fact that I thought PS3 had better exclusives potential, at least until a number of studios opened up to XBox 360. And I hated, hated, hated the original Xbox controller and vowed to never get one.

          The other point in favor: backwards compatibility for PS2, which I never owned. I bought a 60GB model used from Gamestop just to have that ability and the Blu-Ray player.


          Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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            Hmm... Thanks for the comments. I've actually never owned a playstation or xbox before. I've gone nintendo all the way. As far as controllers go, I've used the xbox and ps controllers at friends houses. comfort wise I actually like the 360 controller.

            From what I understand I will need to pay to play online for both the xbox and playstation?


              Originally posted by Savage_Hobo View Post
              From what I understand I will need to pay to play online for both the xbox and playstation?
              I know the Xbox360 requires you to pay for the Live subscription to play online, but to be honest I've never tried playing online with the PS3 so I'm not sure about that one.
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                Playstation Network is free.
                Since it's an "open" network your multiplayer servers will be hosted by dedicated servers or listen servers. The matchmaking system or server browser will still be setup by the game developer.


                  Like others have said, if you dont have a Bluray, then the PS3 is worth the value. I already have a Sony Bluray player so I dont really need another one.

                  When I was in the market for a gaming console I had serveral things that made me picked a system over the other.

                  *Friends - Most of my friends have a 360 and I wanted a system that had the most friends for me to play online gaming
                  *Library - At the time. I notice bestbuy had a whole aisle for the Xbox 360 and the PS3 and Wii shard a single ailes lol. Even the gamestop had more games for 360. I havent been following the PS3 so I take it the PS3 library has grown.

                  The exclusive titles is a tough one since one system will have something exclusive over the other. If your into which system has the better graphics over the other, again its a tough one. But there are several review sites like gamespot and IGN that have a side by side screenshot comparison. Here's a good example Xbox 360 Vs. PlayStation 3 Graphics Comparison: Now With PC! - Features at GameSpot

                  The PS3 network is free as well as with the Silver membership of the 360, The 12 month Gold Membership is 49.99 but personaly its well worth the $4.16 or so a month. And if you buy the membership at amazon, you dont have to pay tax unless amazon has a center in your state. I also buy my points from amazon. What Amazon will do after you purchase of points or Gold membership is you will get the online digital key and send a copy to your email so there is no need to wait in the mail. Amazon also sells LIVE download games - online game code 360 I dont really use my LIVE points that much other then Avatar clothing, acessories, background, theme or unless the game is not on amazon

                  About the Arcade Xbox 360 model

                  I almost bought one when I decided I'm going to get a 360. Of course now, the SKU has changed So there is only 2 models to decide, the Xbox 360Arcade or the Elite model. The thing about the arcade model is it dont have a hard drive other then the included 512MB. Unless you can find a hard drive really cheap, its better off getting the Elite model since the Pro is discontinued (Amazon still have some left over Pro models)

                  Another thing is since the arcade dont have a Hard Drive, you will not be able to download large files wether its free content or stuff that you bought and some games like Forza 3 that comes with 2 disk, the 2nd disk was a required hard drive install for the content and I think it was just under 800mb

                  The 2 cons that I can think of;
                  *Wireless Network Adapter
                  That thing is not cheap, At the time I paid 100 bucks for that thing, Amazon has it for $76.49 PS3 has built-in wireless. Also note that you will have to set the router settings like WPA (or what ever you use) and the adapter setting. It is a Plug and Play ONLY if your network is open

                  *USB Ports
                  Note that other then the require gaming or acessories, you can not use the USB ports to save your profile, save gaming, or transfer to your USB memory stick/ USB flash drive (which ever way you want to call it) It just dont work like that. It only works for the 360 acessories and to read your pics and probably your MP3 (never tryied the music part) In order to take ur profile for example to your friend house for madden 10 you have to save it to the Xbox 260 memory card.

                  Well there's my input on the 360 and good luck
                  Last edited by Caddys83; 8 Nov 2009, 12:57 PM. Reason: spelling


                    I'm getting a 360 for Xmas. However i won't be playing online or any FPS games.

                    Decided there was too many games i was missing out on.


                      360 has my vote.
                      PS3 has few good games IMO, and the players disappoint me compared to 360 players.
                      On average:
                      360 players have mics more than PS3
                      360 multiplayer(xboxlive) runs much better than the PSN.
                      360 players are more skilled in the games they play, less casual gamers to hardcore ratio.
                      The controllers last longer for 360.

                      I guess 360s crap out a lot, I have owned 2, sold my first, and neither ever crapped out on me, and if they ever froze, it was because gamestop sold me a crappy quality used game.
                      get a warranty just incase.

                      PS3 backwards compatibility sucks, it makes old games look even worse somehow, which I do not understand at all.


                        lol everything you just said is completely ridiculous "GeneralSnake".

                        literally everything you said was wrong. no wonder people are still buying that POS you call a console.

                        PS3 is the way to go no matter what. No matter how you look at it, its the better console at a better price with better hardware and better games.


                          Ak, I'm going to go public with this because I believe others have already contacted you on PM about similar concerns, but you need to start moderating your tone on these forums.

                          We do not jump all up in each others grilles here over what are opinions expressed in response to questions. Even in our Battlegrounds forum, where we are allowed to get a bit more heated than the other forums, we are more moderate in tone that many of the posts I've seen from you so far.

                          Please be more cognizant of your tone, and more respectful of others in your posting.


                          Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                          Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                            I vote PS3. I have both and I hardly ever touch the 360. Pretty much every game is on both systems, and most 360 exclusives get released for PC. Free multiplayer is a big plus, as well as the BluRay player.

                            I actually went to turn on the 360 for the first time in months the other day and sure enough, red rings of death.


                              Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
                              Ak, I'm going to go public with this because I believe others have already contacted you on PM about similar concerns, but you need to start moderating your tone on these forums.

                              We do not jump all up in each others grilles here over what are opinions expressed in response to questions. Even in our Battlegrounds forum, where we are allowed to get a bit more heated than the other forums, we are more moderate in tone that many of the posts I've seen from you so far.

                              Please be more cognizant of your tone, and more respectful of others in your posting.

                              Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
                              So what's the point of having an army with the accuracy level of the average two year old girl?

                              So what you are telling me is, that its ok for you to literally talk !@#$ about an entire country's army, people who have given their lives for their country, but i cant call someone out and correct them? Ok well if this is a problem just $%#@ing ban me already, this is ridiculous.
                              Last edited by DougBob; 9 Nov 2009, 09:33 PM. Reason: Removed profanity


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