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Twinky?s psychic job offer?

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    Twinky?s psychic job offer?

    Being part of a community is all about getting to know the great people. So in that line of thought, here is part of what has been going on in my life in the last few months.

    I currently work as a Business Analyst working with HR software. I work in a bank and while I try and get more involved in the strategy of software management, I?m WAY too bogged down with day to day operational stuff to do to allow myself time to focus on that.

    I?ve been doing such job for the last 8 years. While I have learned a lot, I need to take a step to progress my career (and save my sanity). I spoke with my boss about it, but as I expected, I just got a generic ?we?ll do our best to help you? answer.

    I have my profile setup on LinkedIn, which is basically a Myspace/Facebook for business contact. I got an email from Oracle, a leading hardware and software company, who are looking for a Senior Sales Consultant. I would be using my 8 years of technical and functional knowledge to help clients find the right software solution and also help the sales team win bids. Involves travel, presentations and a bunch of other interesting stuff that I touched on in a prior job many years ago, loved doing, but haven?t seen in over 6 years.

    So I?m seriously considering it.

    Back in September, my wife and I had nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon. So we decided to go to the 46th annual psychic expo. We are not really believers in all that, we see it as more of a novelty.

    So we pay our $10 to get in and then realize that to get a reading, we need to pay someone like $50 for 30 mins. Thinking this is kinda steep for a novelty, we go sit in on the free presentations. One guy, who was a working psychic at the expo, gave a presentation of what he did, the different types of readings and such. He looks at my wife and I and tells us ?You are deeply in love?. What a genius! My hand is on her lap. We both kinda roll our eyes. Brilliant deduction Einstein.

    Then he looks at her and starts pegging things about her life that are true. He says that he sees an official paper in her near future? like a certificate or diploma. Fact: She is planning on going to University next spring. He then says that he sees 2 diplomas. Fact: She is taking 2 intensive programs back to back and should have 2 certificates within a few months.

    He then goes on to explain her sleeping issues that she has been having for the last 6 months and mention that he sees us moving out of the city. I was a hair away from accepting a job in Toronto a few months ago and we have discussed the possibility of moving out of Montreal to pursue career opportunities.

    So after this, we decide to take the hit and pay some other guy the $50 for a reading. Reason we went with a different person is that we want to see if he says something different or the same from the free guy in the presentation. He says the same thing about my wife?how he sees her taking some workshops or classes early next year. He mentions the same thing about changing houses.

    I ask him about my job and he said that within 6 weeks or so, he sees me having a job change. Nothing drastic, like going from business analyst to fire fighter, but staying in my same line of work, he sees me doing something different, with different responsibilities.

    And dudes, I went there on Sept 27. In my 6th week, I got a call from Oracle. I went to my first interview with my would be manager the next day after the call. She happened to be in town and we jumped a few steps in the normal process. We got along great, had some good laughs, which is rare in an interview.

    I?m going on my second interview with a Team Lead tomorrow morning. If this pans through, I?m off to Ottawa for a mock presentation in front of my would be boss, the director and a few other chaps.

    Totally different from what I am doing, but still building on what I have done over the last 8 years. Thrilling, yet very scary.

    The psychic also said my wife is going to be pregnant within the next 12 months?

    [insert eerie music here]
    [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
    So all you get is this crappy text]

    The topic first gave me the impression you wanted to become a psychic.

    What we don't know is that psychics are actually just extremely talented spies. Ninja spies. Spying ninjas. In that realm.

    Regardless, best of luck with your presentation tomorrow. Be sure to let us know how it goes, though from what I can tell, it looks like you've got a pretty solid shot. (Coming from someone so inexperienced with these things...take that as you will. )



      Congratulations on taking that step, I know how difficult and frightening it can be to leave a safe and secure job for something new.

      Not a believer in psychics myself, but hey, there's a lot about the human brain that we don't understand, so you never know.


        Great your finding a new Job best of luck for you!
        But remember... we shape our own destiny, go there and make your best


          Psychic or not, those are great changes and I wish you all the best luck Twinky


            The psychic also said my wife is going to be pregnant within the next 12 months? Surprised
            Not saying its true or false, but are you looking forward to
            it? I felt a "NoooooooO!" vibe...


              Originally posted by Thrashdragon

              Congratulations on taking that step, I know how difficult and frightening it can be to leave a safe and secure job for something new.

              Not a believer in psychics myself, but hey, there's a lot about the human brain that we don't understand, so you never know.
              +1 agreed. I pretty much assume all psychics are just really good at social engineering.


                Use protection over the next 12 months if things get steamy!

                Unless you want more kids of course.


                  Say it with me - Oracle on Linux for zSeries.....

                  Good Luck!!!
                  A change of Pace.
                  "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


                    Good luck. Oracle have a good reputation even here in the UK. Did the psychic hint where to pitch for the salary and benefits package



                      haha, the psychic wasn't that precise. It will be up to me to negociate that.

                      Just got back from the meeting with the team lead and it went really well. I appreciate them giving me time with him as he really spelled out the day to day requirements and expectations. High pressure, high profile, very autonomous work. Its totally out of my comfort zone, something I have never done, but sometimes, change is good.

                      So we are going to take it to the next steps, which is probably the final interview.

                      Thanks for the positive feedback guys!
                      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                      So all you get is this crappy text]


                        Whip me up some lottery numbers.


                        Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                        Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                          You laugh, but a friend's mom had a dream where she saw lottery numbers. She played them and won $25,000. A month later, she saw more and played them again and won $15,000.
                          [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                          So all you get is this crappy text]


                            Wow .. that is very interesting, indeed !! You should have asked what games Cain would be playing on the Lair .. now THAT would be a hard one to answer !

                            And, on to your last point:
                            The psychic also said my wife is going to be pregnant within the next 12 months
                            One of my favorite movies:
                            <Frank Drebin from Naked Gun>Congratulations Ed .. I hear Edna's pregnant !! </Frank Drebin from Naked Gun>
                            <Ed> Yeaa, and and if I catch the guy ... </Ed>

                            Best of luck, Twink. You know what I think of you and your social abilities. Check your PMs for another laugh.
                            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                              Oh yeah, about psychics and lottery, if all those psychics know the winning lottery numbers, why are they still working?


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