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Steel Cased Ammo

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    Steel Cased Ammo

    Hey guys, I've never really been big into shooting, but I just got a HK SL8-4 and was bawking at the price of brass for it ($0.50/rd, up here in the great white north ) anyways I was looking at either wolf, or brown bear ammo, (I've heard mixed reviews and was wondering if someone could enlighten me)



    PS. What would I need to start handloading (As far as equipment goes?)


    I use the wolf ammo in my M70 (an ak variant), but I don't know that I'd use a steel case in that HK. If you get the Wolf, try to get the newer stuff that has the non-corrosive powder, and the coated steel cases (steel being harder than brass, it's coated to supposedly help reduce excess wear on your gun when the rounds are slammed into it).

    However, with a nice gun like that I'd probably stick to brass rounds of a better quality...and either limit shooting because of cost or look into hand loading (save your brass). Some other CLRs know about hand loading. I haven't gotten into it because once I sight the guns in I really don't go shooting enough to make it worthwhile.

    Also, ...let's see that beauty!


      Hey Hawk....

      Check out Canadian Firearms, Gun Owners and Hunters Community - Free Guns Buy, Sell and Trade Listing for Our Community in Canada ANY questions u have will be answered there


        You can't reload steel (not 100% sure but, pretty certain) I've heard some folks reloading aluminum but, I wouldn't. Here is a great blog posting that got me started into reloading.

        The Smallest Minority

        Originally posted by Hawkeye426 View Post
        Hey guys, I've never really been big into shooting, but I just got a HK SL8-4 and was bawking at the price of brass for it ($0.50/rd, up here in the great white north ) anyways I was looking at either wolf, or brown bear ammo, (I've heard mixed reviews and was wondering if someone could enlighten me)



        PS. What would I need to start handloading (As far as equipment goes?)


          Steel shouldn't be reloaded and certain weapons don't work well with it. In my DPMS manual it cations against it because the coating on the ammo can leave a build up in the magazine. I did shoot a box of it though with no issues but that was before I read the manual.

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            All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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