So I'm pulling an "all nighter" to start and finish a project for one of my classes because I've been so busy with other classes that I haven't even had time to work on this one even though we've had over a week to do it. On top of that, I realized tonight when I went to start the project that I apparently never got back from my professor a sheet of paper (previous phase of the project) with some information I had collected in preparation for this phase of the project that would have saved me a lot of time. Today, my professors are going to be reviewing what's on the final exams next week so it's not a good day to be going to school on no sleep, but I don't really have a choice. I gotta do what I gotta do.
Anyways, the point of me posting this isn't really to complain. I'm curious about the rest of you guys' stories of when you had to pull all nighters to get some kind of work done (Pwning noobs doesn't count as work
How long did you go without sleep? Did you have to work the next day on little to no sleep? Did any of your daily activities suffer as a result of the loss of sleep?
Anyways, the point of me posting this isn't really to complain. I'm curious about the rest of you guys' stories of when you had to pull all nighters to get some kind of work done (Pwning noobs doesn't count as work

How long did you go without sleep? Did you have to work the next day on little to no sleep? Did any of your daily activities suffer as a result of the loss of sleep?