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Another planet with water discovered

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    Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
    Too hot for what kind of life? That's the thing that always gets annoying. Who says all life has to be carbon-based, oxygen breathing, temperate species? That's not even the case for all life on Earth but that's what they keep putting out there.

    I bet the bacteria that live in hot springs in Yellowstone could live on the one they just found. As could any number of other things that could be out there, just not necessarily on Earth.

    Not sure how the scientist's statement that it is probably too hot for life is annoying. Though extra terrestrial bacteria might be interesting (hopefully nothing that a bottle of Super Mildex [http://paint-and-supplies.hardwarest...ex-646357.aspx] wouldn't get rid of ), and could lead, eventually to higher forms (more likely if the temperature gets below 400 degrees), the greater possibilities for more complex lifeforms in a more moderate climate would just be that much more intriguing.

    At the moment, based upon what we know, our physical world (of course there could be ghosts, spirits, and whatnot floating past me right now), very few things can live at temps even above 200 degrees. Anyway, it's cool to see a planet not too unlike our own, apparently, that has the potential for whatever form.


      Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
      Who says all life has to be carbon-based, oxygen breathing, temperate species? -Rand
      You just described the next village from us



        I didn't read the full article, but can someone who did explain to me how water is surviving on a planet with a surface temp of 400F?


          Originally posted by juneau View Post
          I didn't read the full article, but can someone who did explain to me how water is surviving on a planet with a surface temp of 400F?
          Dr. Charbonneau said the weight of the new planet?s presumptive atmosphere kept the water liquid rather than just boiling into space. He acknowledged that a different recipe, with more rock and a very puffy atmosphere, would also fit the data. That is unlikely, he and other planet experts say, but the steam-world theory may be soon tested.
          Ie., too hot to handle.


            I don't know why but I want to have a crab boil now.

            Ok now


              Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
              Too hot for what kind of life? That's the thing that always gets annoying. Who says all life has to be carbon-based, oxygen breathing, temperate species? That's not even the case for all life on Earth but that's what they keep putting out there.

              I bet the bacteria that live in hot springs in Yellowstone could live on the one they just found. As could any number of other things that could be out there, just not necessarily on Earth.

              I am glad more people who think about this stuff. I am pretty sure when your average person/scientiest says inhospitable, they are referring to humans, and that is about it. seems to be all anyone cares about.
              Isnt Mars still hospitable? Just not for humans? Did we not find bacteria there? Or some small crap, whatever it was, we found something alive, if I remember correctly.

              Have any of you guys seen all this space footage we have nowadays with small, circular like things floating around everywhere, being called UFOs?
              nasa people(not the astronauts) say it is some refraction of light blah blah fancy stuff, their speed changes randomly and it looks like small, floating lifeforms, drifting around in some sort of current or something.
              the action starts around 2:30.
              That tether out there, I have been told it is 12 miles long. Some of those things could be huge.


                In a paper published recently in the International Journal of Astrobiology, the researchers concluded that based on what they saw, at least 361 intelligent civilizations have emerged in the Milky Way since its creation, and as many as 38,000 may have formed.

                Duncan Forgan, a doctoral candidate at the university who led the study, said he was surprised by the hardiness of life on these other worlds.

                "The computer model takes into account what we refer to as resetting or extinction events. The classic example is the asteroid impact that may have wiped out the dinosaurs," Forgan said.

                "I half-expected these events to disallow the rise of intelligence, and yet civilizations seemed to flourish."

                Forgan readily admits the results are an educated guess at best, since there are still many unanswered questions about how life formed on Earth and only limited information about the 330 "exoplanets" -- those circling sun-like stars outside the solar system -- discovered so far.

                Where do you put the Bayonet?
                Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                Frank Lloyd Wright


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