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Insurgent Easdropping

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    Insurgent Easdropping

    Interesting story. The only things that bugs me is ignorant news people calling something hacking when they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and usually have an influence on the way a term is defined.

    Pentagon: Insurgents intercepted drone spy videos - Yahoo! News
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    It does make me wonder what kind of access countries like China, Russia, etc., with presumably way more internet/computer savvy folks, have to our "secrets".


      Thats probably who sell them the information



        I announce this story the ""FAIL OF THE MONTH""

        I was checking out their website. Sounds epic spy'ey.


          Yeah, all they did was sit back with a spectrum analyzer/receiver and picked up the broadcast figure out what it was and capture the packets. It's not that hard of a task to accomplished. The scanner listening to police bands was a good analogy.
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            Originally posted by DougBob View Post
            Yeah, all they did was sit back with a spectrum analyzer/receiver and picked up the broadcast figure out what it was and capture the packets. It's not that hard of a task to accomplished. The scanner listening to police bands was a good analogy.
            Yep essentially for the layman It's like they paired they're Bluetooth laptop with the unprotected Bluetooth drone. The big news is not that they did this but, the data stream was unencrypted. What is so sad is encryption technology is cheap to implement at the hardware layer. Drone manufacturer fail....Military auditor fail

            Interesting thought I just had though. In theory even if the data stream is encrypted the T's could still look for traffic on that freq and use it as an early warning system. Like uh oh theres a drone over head....quick into the bunker. The military better use something else like freq hoping to disguise it's a drone overhead broadcasting. Better Sec policy would be to frq hop and limit broadcasting to the absolute minimum.


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              All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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              :O hey Pidgeot!

              Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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