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Do you Believe in Ghosts?

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    Do you Believe in Ghosts?

    Well, Normally I don't, but there's no logical explanation but my door, which was locked, somehow became unlocked and my door openned. There is wind, but my windows and doors (except this one) are all locked up, so there's nearly no breeze at all. I'm the only one here (or so I hope), and I didn't open or unlock the door myself

    What do you think?

    maybe you are a somnambulist I voted no.
    K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

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      Originally posted by MinervaRelefen
      maybe you are a somnambulist I voted no.
      if i knew what that word meant I would agree with you lol
      X...Noob Slasher...X


        Originally posted by ChrisWW11
        Originally posted by MinervaRelefen
        maybe you are a somnambulist I voted no.
        if i knew what that word meant I would agree with you lol
        ohh sorry, sleepwalker.
        K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

        Support Cainslair. Donate here! Cain's Lair Forums


          If you give me hard evidence, I might believe, but until then, I dont


            Originally posted by MinervaRelefen
            maybe you are a somnambulist I voted no.
            I tend to sleepwalk. Haven't done so in a while, but my wife has caught me trying to leave the house.

            Thank god I don't sleep in the nude..
            [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
            So all you get is this crappy text]


              Your not taking Ambien are you? lol


                i do believe in ghosts (have seen) but i dont think ur case is nessisarily a ghost case


                  I don't...and good thing as I live right across from the largest cemetery in my town


                    We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

                    Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


                      Originally posted by minfootball
                      i do believe in ghosts (have seen) but i dont think ur case is nessisarily a ghost case

                      more info plz?


                        I believe in ghost, as well as animals having a 6th sense.

                        It was back on the island of guam, i found and kept a stray puppy. raised it and all for 7 years. Named him scooban (lol Scooby doo...)
                        Anyways, heres the story.

                        I brought my dog to my cousins shack one day, which was a lil close to the cemetery. during sunset, me, my cousin, and Scooban passed by the cemetery to see our grandmother (deceased, obviously...) and pay our respects. Scooban sniffed my grandmothers graved, turned around, stared right in BETWEEN me and my cousin and barked for longest time... at "nothing".

                        Now me and my cousins were probably more than 3 feet from each other side to side. Of course, nobody at the time was around us as well. we were the only souls at the cemetery, and I THINK, as well as someone else's...

                        After some time we were like "zoinks!" and dashed out of the gates.


                          Now I know there was no "logicalexplanationomgwtfsciencebbq" in that story. but hey i think of it as the closest experience I could get.




                              How "locked" was the door? Just the lock on the door handle? Deadbolt? Chain? 4 deadbolts, 3 chains and a padlock?


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