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Favorite game?

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    Favorite game?

    Anyone have a top 5 games on any system? And why

    Mine are..

    For me cod4 has been the most fun multiplayer game i have ever played. The sniping was amazing and the whole game just felt really great to play.
    Bc2 has some of the most realistic gameplay i have ever played. There are times i will just shoot at random things to see if they break or fall off and surprisingly almost EVERY thing does. The rank up system is great and getting stars on each of your guns in a fun way to keep you going. The maps are also very fun along with new gametypes that really need teamwork to win.
    Re4 was an amazingly fun game to play. I played it through the first time, and found my self replaying the sidegames as well as the main story line multiple times due to the unlockable guns like the tommygun or RPG with unlimited ammo if you complete the extra content. The story line was fun, and i always enjoyed seeing the merchant so i could rank up my guns.
    Next Css for me was soo much fun. It took a while to get the hang of but after that i loved how different it was from most other FPS's out there. HS are a must in that game, and it brought my twitchy sniper shots to a new level.
    Finally L4D was the long awaited zombie survival game that i was looking for. It had so many different levels as well as game types and enemys which gave the game fun replay value. The swarm of zombies that attacked you if you got barfed on by a boomber were intense as well as the tanks. It was a fun game to play with friends.

    1 ArmA II...All other games are just games.

    2 BF2 (and AIX2 mod)...Some of the most fun I've ever had.
    3 BF2142...It got a raw deal being released so soon after BF2.
    4 Operation Flashpoint...ArmA & ArmA II's daddy. It was one of my fav LAN games.
    5 BF 1942...Another LAN fav.

    Also loved to LAN Half Life, MOH, COD, Quake3, Unreal Tournament 2004. Other favs...Diablo II, Rainbow 6, Total Annihilation, Joint Operations, Comanche 3.
    I could go all the way back to Wolfenstien 3D...
    Last edited by MR_MADHATTER; 22 Apr 2010, 04:57 AM.


      Hands down best arcade shooter ever made is COD4. I don't think it would be ever possible to top COD4. BC2 is really fun but lacks the quickness factor. To me,

      1. COD4
      2. BC2
      3. None others are even worth mentioning


        Hard to pick, but for right now...

        1) Day of Defeat: I love this game, maybe it's because it was my first game, but still. Great weapon damage, well balanced maps, more team oriented, very few hackers compared to other games.
        2) Crysis: Beautiful, I still haven't finished the singleplayer because I keep messing around. Nothing like carrying an oil barrel a couple miles to throw at a mg's next
        3) Garry's Mod: Haven't played in awhile since no one else is, but anything goes...
        4)Bioshock: Movies and other media almost never scare me, but bioshock is disturbing/unnerving to me and I love every minute.
        5) And since you said any system...Pokemon (every version). I never was allowed a gameboy growing up, so I only got to play at friends' houses (which was probably really annoying). Now my friend has loaned me all the old versions to play through, and then I'll probably get the new ones. Maybe it's just when I grew up, but playing pokemon just makes me feel happy


          I posted some related things over the past 3 years. Here's a post of my top games ever made in 2007:

          1. Master of Magic
          2. Deus Ex
          3. Heroes of Might and Magic 3
          4. Final Fantasy 3
          5. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
          6. Super Mario Galaxy
          7. Half Life 2
          8. Goldeneye
          9. Super Baseball Simulator 1000
          10. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

          Honorable mention to: X-Com Terror from the Deep, No One Lifes Forever 2, PaRappa the Rapper, FF7, River City Ransom, Bioshock, Xenophobe, Ironman Stewarts Super Off-road, Ninja Gaiden (arcade), Panzer General, Transport Tycoon, Sid Meyer's Colonization, Burger Time, and Mario Kart 64.
          Here is one from November on just my top 10 of the 2000s:

          10. No One Lives Forever 2
          9. Grand Theft Auto 4
          8. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
          7. Fallout 3
          6. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
          5. Half-Life 2
          4. Super Mario Galaxy
          3. Unreal Tournament 2004
          2. Bioshock
          1. Deus Ex

          Honorable mention to Battlefield 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Portal. I'm too close to it and it's too new, but I very much suspect Dragon Age: Origins makes the top 5. I reserve the right to change the list for that, and for any PS 2 Final Fantasy game, none of which I've yet played but FF 12 is in the queue.

          As you can see, there were some changes in the meantime. Master of Magic, Deus Ex, and Bioshock remain in my top 5 all-time if I were to reshuffle today. The other two? Probably shifts depending on the day and the mood.


          Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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            Originally posted by MR_MADHATTER View Post
            1Also loved to LAN Half Life, MOH, COD, Quake3, Unreal Tournament 2004. Other favs...Diablo II, Rainbow 6, Total Annihilation, Joint Operations, Comanche 3.
            I could go all the way back to Wolfenstien 3D...
            I used to run a windows 98 first edition before i got my current computer. And some of the best games i have ever played were on it, and the reason i quoted madhatter is he mentioned total annihilation, that game was better than any C&C and red alert game i have ever played never got the respect it deserved.

            Well Top10 Ever(any platform)

            1. Galaga(best game ever period. have an old atari still working )
            2. Cod4 Still come back to play this game i loved it and still do
            3. L4D the first one was amazing no doubt playing versus as infected was a thrill like no other game. Second one was not worth buying in my opinion.
            4. TF:Classic First fps i ever played and loved, played a tourny team when i was only 14 and clocked more hours into it than i care to admit.
            5. GTA:San Andreas(ps2) spent many an hour running over hookers with cars and shooting everyone.
            6. TF2 not as adictive as the first but still a fun game
            7. Neverwinter Nights: biowares first real rpg type game was amazing played pvp online or leveled up your charecter in single player
            8. Gears of War: downright enjoyable game
            9. Madden and Nhl- both games enjoyable play real football and play hockey with friends, madden is much more enjoyable when you have played real competitive football.
            10. BC2- i know everyone is rating this one much higher and this is my first battlefield game, but i have to put this down here due to not being that powerfully addicted to the game(yet)


              Originally posted by Pumpkin_Jack View Post
              7. Neverwinter Nights: biowares first real rpg type game was amazing played pvp online or leveled up your charecter in single player
              You're forgetting about a little game called Baldur's Gate.

              Then there was Baldur's Gate 2 and Throne of Bhaal before Neverwinter Nights.


              Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
              Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
                You're forgetting about a little game called Baldur's Gate.

                Then there was Baldur's Gate 2 and Throne of Bhaal before Neverwinter Nights.

                i never liked baldurs gate it was to one route no free reign, in NWN you had much more choices for what you were going to do at any one time.

                plain in simple bauldersgate stunk


                  This is tough, really tough. Hmm . . .

                  Mega Man 2
                  Super Metroid
                  Super Mario World
                  Star Fox 64
                  Team Fortress 2
                  Half-Life 2
                  Metal Gear Solid
                  Final Fantasy VI (III)
                  Mortal Kombat II
                  GTA: Vice City

                  OK, lots to cover here. I love the Mega Man series for its difficulty and strategy. 2 is definitely my favorite from the series. Super Metroid is the definitive "Castletroid" game. Super Mario World is Mario's finest offering IMO. Star Fox 64 still entertains me at least once per month. TF2 is the most fun I've ever had with an online FPS. HL2 is the most exhilarating FPS I've ever played. MGS brought a lot of new concepts to the table. While the story can get a bit cheesy and over the top, I still love it! I also love RPGs, and FFVI (III in the original US release) is my favorite for its story, characters, and battle system. Mortal Kombat II claimed two years of my (and my friends') life when we were kids. Lastly, GTA III rocked our world but I loved the setting (especially the music!) of Vice City so much more.


                    Wow, you guys play some wack games.


                      Originally posted by MR_MADHATTER View Post
                      Wow, you guys play some wack games.


                      Where do you put the Bayonet?
                      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                      Frank Lloyd Wright


                        I've only played a few. My by far favorite was Black Hawk Down. Only because I could really kick my husbands butt and have him call me a cheater. I loved it. My next would be 2142 because of all the team work
                        So go on, go on be your own, go on be your own star!
                        A superstar in my eyes!


                          Originally posted by MR_MADHATTER View Post
                          Wow, you guys play some wack games.
                          Most people have mentioned nothing but truly classic games. Wack?


                            Don't take it personal. But some of these I've never heard of and the ones I have I never concidered all that great. COD4 IMO was just BF2 on a tiny map with no vehicles. After Diablo II I pretty much gave up on games with monsters in them as being not serious. It's just a personal preferance. I like exspansive maps, unscripted action, less hyperactivity, more strategy and teamwork. I liked the old Quake series, and it's a true classic, but I don't think I would ever play something like that again. I guess I'm just getting too old for some of these bunny hopping, run and gun, games. I seem to have nothing in common with this group anymore.


                              Most of what's been listed isn't bunny hop or run-and-gun as they aren't even shooters.

                              If you want strategy, play some of the old NES and SNES games that have been listed. Nothing has ever required more skill.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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