Vito brought up a great idea in the other thread so I though I'd go for it.
Generic sigs for everyone. Ok that sounded bad. But hear me out. We each add a lil something something to show some "likeness" in our sigs. Im not saying you ditch your current sigs, but we add a little something to our existing sigs as CainsLair pride/support.
So what we have here is a new CLR badge, a way to show member types, and a name display.
Generic sigs for everyone. Ok that sounded bad. But hear me out. We each add a lil something something to show some "likeness" in our sigs. Im not saying you ditch your current sigs, but we add a little something to our existing sigs as CainsLair pride/support.
So what we have here is a new CLR badge, a way to show member types, and a name display.
