My banker told me of a good trick to raise your credit score as fast as it can be raised. I did it when I bought my home 6 years ago. I would believe this would still work.
Get a credit card with $1000.00 limit. Use that card "ONLY" to pay your necessities, food bill, gas bill, etc...
Then pay off the card at the end of the month in full. Because the items you purchase with the card are only going to be neccesities, you would have paid for the items in full with cash anyway. So make the card work for you. Your credit will noticeably go up in 6 months.
Good luck.
Get a credit card with $1000.00 limit. Use that card "ONLY" to pay your necessities, food bill, gas bill, etc...
Then pay off the card at the end of the month in full. Because the items you purchase with the card are only going to be neccesities, you would have paid for the items in full with cash anyway. So make the card work for you. Your credit will noticeably go up in 6 months.
Good luck.
