So my wife got the great idea of ruining my four day weekend by having me empty out the contents of the attic in preparation for a yard sale apparently. There is a LOT of stuff up there, and with a pull down wooden staircase with a broken rung or two, its always a fun chore.
Anyhoo, she found a box of my old comic books - we're talking back when comic books were 35? !!!

Iron Man, Green Lantern, Incredible Hulk .. good stuff !!!
Also, a CRAPload of baseball cards. I collected sets since 1983, so there's probably 12 full sets of mostly Topps cards. I also collected Cal Ripken cards and I have over 100, including 9 rookies, some autographed.
Also amongst the clutter - A full plastic bin of CDs that weighs about 40 lbs. Probably 200+ CDs. How/where do you store them ?? I think I may be getting some wife affro/angst here shortly as she sends my son into the house to ask what Daddy wants to keep .. hahahaa ... he always goes back to her empty handed and the pile by my PC desk keeps growing.
Anyhoo, she found a box of my old comic books - we're talking back when comic books were 35? !!!

Iron Man, Green Lantern, Incredible Hulk .. good stuff !!!
Also, a CRAPload of baseball cards. I collected sets since 1983, so there's probably 12 full sets of mostly Topps cards. I also collected Cal Ripken cards and I have over 100, including 9 rookies, some autographed.
Also amongst the clutter - A full plastic bin of CDs that weighs about 40 lbs. Probably 200+ CDs. How/where do you store them ?? I think I may be getting some wife affro/angst here shortly as she sends my son into the house to ask what Daddy wants to keep .. hahahaa ... he always goes back to her empty handed and the pile by my PC desk keeps growing.