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Comcast Fun

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    Comcast Fun

    Post your cable/internet horror stories or amusements here for all to see, regardless of your provider.

    I had to have Comcast come out yesterday because my cable modem has been losing signal and resetting on its own 20-30 times a day since the 4th. They start looking at signal levels, and see that they are way low. Ok, fine--get it fixed.

    So as they start figuring out where everything is at, I tell them when I finished my basement last year I pre-wired everything within the walls. They weren't happy about that, but screw em. They then ask me what kind of splitters I'm using and where'd I get them, as if that last one matters. I say I got them at Lowes and Home Depot, but I'm using 2.4GHZ splitters. One of them says "well, we use 10,000 on ours." A few minutes later I walk out to the outside splitter and see 0-1000Mhz (e.g. 1 GHZ) on the splitter they provided last time they sent a nitwit out.

    Later they start saying that "splitters bought from anyone but Comcast aren't designed to handle data, just TV signal." Problem there is, they all handle digital signal, and last I checked they were pushing internet through digital.

    They ended up running a new line to bypass all my inside the wall stuff under my carpet--which I can bloody feel since it crosses the area at the base of my stairs and I'm usually in socks--to a new splitter that comes out of my TV run and off of my self-bought signal booster because they didn't provide me with a system that allowed me to receive all my HD signals when they were troubleshooting THAT after signing up for HD.

    At the moment I seem to have better signal strength, but a) it's by chance more than by anything they seem to really know about, and b) it'll probably fail sometime today again knowing my luck.

    They didn't even know what ground loop interference was (interference between television signals and audio signals that may be on the same circuit) and why I had a ground loop device on my TV run.

    The best part is that they were talking about all these certifications they had earned, and that they had been giving me looks and talks like I was a total idiot. I'm sure they were chatting about this moron who dared run his own inside system on their way to the next job.

    Oh, did I mention they were almost 2.5 hours late after the end of the 3-hour window they gave me, which led to a bunch of annoyance at work when I told them I had to bail for the appointment?

    Love it.


    P.S. The other options they discussed were a) coming back SUNDAY to run a line all the way through the rear, unfinished half of my basement, requiring me to move every dang thing back there, and b) hammer-drilling through 4 inches of solid concrete at my back basment wall, drilling through the drywall, and running a line along the floor around the finished part of my room. Did they not think about why I went through the bother of an in-wall run in the first place?

    Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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    Sorry to hear about your issues Rand, the attitude coupled with incompetence really boggles the mind.

    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
    Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


      Wow, sorry you had to deal with that Rand.

      Best (or worst) story I have is when we first moved into our current home several years ago. A few months after we moved in I started having issues with the internet.

      Tech comes out to look at things... I had put a three-way splitter in the basement. Two of the outputs I was using and I put a 75-ohm terminator on the unused one. I also had 75-ohm terminators on each cable outlet in the house that wasn't being used. The tech was blaming these terminators for my the issues I was having.

      Ok... my degree is in electrical engineering and I also spent six years in a Combat Communications Squadron, working with satellite and wideband communications equipment. The cable coming into the house is simply a wave guide and any wave guide that isn't terminated correctly creates reflected power which attenuates the signal on any other connected wave guide. This is what I explained to the tech... or at least tried to.

      He removes all the 75-ohm terminators and rechecks the signal at the cable modem. To his amazement the signal got worse!

      The tech ended up replaing some equipment on the pole before the drop comes into my neighborhood to fix the issue. And I had him put all the terminators back on.

      These 75-ohm terminators - you can pick up a pack of 5 at radio shack for about $5 or so. I highly recommend terminating any unused cable outlets in your home to keep your signal as good as possible... plus, it might confuse the cable guy if he visits.
      [SIZE=1][B]"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption." ~President James Garfield[/B][/SIZE]
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        I kicked cable to the curb a long time ago. And I have never regretted it.

        Where do you put the Bayonet?
        Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
        I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
        Frank Lloyd Wright


          Rand.. may i dare ask what they got you paying every month?


            We used to live out in the boonies and our only option was something that ran off the FM radio waves. At first it wasn't that bad. Only my husband was playing BF2. Then when I started playing, HOLY COW.. it was a nightmare. They would randomly shut us off saying we were using to much internet. That was just the two of us playing BF2. It would take days to download patches because they would say we weren't allowed to download ANYTHING. They had installed a router and my husband had changed some setting. Another no no. We were without internet more than we had it. If a bug landed on the thing it would mess up the signal. It was a total joke.
            When we moved here, we had two or three months left on the contract. Which my husband signed the contract because if he didn't, he had to buy the router @ like 300.00 from them. Signing the contract you didn't have to and the router was supposed to be yours after the fact. Anyways, we moved and was of course still paying the bill. They didn't like that. When they realized we moved, the came and got their router and tried to make us pay for another contract saying that we broke the contract by moving.The contract never said anything about moving, it said if you moved, you were still had to pay out the remaining of the contract and we did just that.
            We've had DSL for a little over five years now and we've never had a problem.
            So go on, go on be your own, go on be your own star!
            A superstar in my eyes!


              Originally posted by {CLR} ObiTroy View Post
              These 75-ohm terminators - you can pick up a pack of 5 at radio shack for about $5 or so. I highly recommend terminating any unused cable outlets in your home to keep your signal as good as possible... plus, it might confuse the cable guy if he visits.
              Thanks for the tip! I'll remember this one!
              Ahhh...the power of cheese!


                A friend of mine has 'high speed' satellite ISP as he lives a little furhter out in the booneis then I do. It works great but he is limited to 300MB per day downloads... when it hits that limit, it reverts to a 'dial up' speed and doesn't revert back to normal speed until after midnight. He does has unlimted bandwidth between something like 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM so he uses a download manager to download big stuff after hours.

                I couldn't deal with that...
                [SIZE=1][B]"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption." ~President James Garfield[/B][/SIZE]
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                  Originally posted by ch33s3r View Post
                  Thanks for the tip! I'll remember this one!
                  I tried to find them on but couldn't.

                  Here is a better deal anyway, 10-pack for $2.50 .

                  [SIZE=1][B]"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption." ~President James Garfield[/B][/SIZE]
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                    Originally posted by BLAZE86 View Post
                    Rand.. may i dare ask what they got you paying every month?
                    I keep calling them and threatening to switch to FIOS, so they tend to throw deals at me. I'm paying, right now, about $130/month because my cable deal just expired. I have the HD digital preferred or whatever they call it with HBO, Showtime, and Starz. It'll go up to about $155/month when my current internet promotion wears off. I'm in whatever their ~20mbps speed tier is.

                    It's about time to call them again given my problems this week, and demand a better deal. I was paying $105 a month for the last six months. Also, I need to make sure they have my missed appointment credit for yesterday.


                    P.S. Actually switching to FIOS is probably out for me. I've had the email addresses at Comcast for almost a decade and it's too bloody annoying to switch. I wouldn't get the quality names on the accounts I have now either.

                    Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                    Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                      I just have to throw this out there... it might be Rand in a few weeks.

                      [SIZE=1][B]"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption." ~President James Garfield[/B][/SIZE]
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                        LMAO Obi! I loved that episode!
                        Ahhh...the power of cheese!


                          Surprisingly I've had decent results with Time Warner.

                          When i moved into my house i couldn't transfer my c able over since the old owners hadnt canceled theirs. i called TW and they said "just use theirs for free until they transfer it, we'll put yours on hold" Got like 3 months free there.

                          Another time my dog dug up the cable line and chewed it in half. I called them and they replaced the line for free within two days. I fully expected to be charged for that one.

                          I think I'm paying... 70(?) bucks a month for basic cable ~70 channels, with fast internet (15mbps down)
                          Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


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                            All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                            7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                            Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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