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Call of Duty Player Terminology

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    Call of Duty Player Terminology

    This is something we developed within our Clan. I saw a new word that I wasn't familiar with in the full-packed house COD4 server (which I dearly love)....the word was "AssHatting". Can someone provide me a definition and I will add it to the following. Enjoy!
    AOW?s Lexicon of COD Terminology
    From Lonestar*:
    Grenade magnet ? the perpetual camper that attracts grenades likes bees to honey
    Suicide Jockey ? a non-shooting talentless grenade killing kamikaze scum bucket
    Vagabond or Hobo ? a shooter lying prone on rail cars or using rail cars for cover
    Gawker ? the rookie player who stands in the middle of an open window
    Blocker ? a grenade magnet who camps in an open doorway blocking an escape route
    Spawn Killer ? opening fire on an opponent while still in protection
    Codependent ? a player who insists on crowding you out of your perfect sniping spot
    Freebie ? finding an enemy player in an old spawn point who is probably up taking a bio break (see Space Cadet and Repeat Offender)
    Oops ? occurs when attempting to toss a grenade through on open window, missing and blowing yourself up or others in the process.
    Blaster ? a player who shoots at anything that moves or flashes regardless of uniform
    Turd ? is the low scoring a player that insists upon blocking your line of fire. A Turd might also be codependent.
    Snapper ? breaking your legs and destroying your health by a long fall
    Spray & Pray ? a non-heroic charge into an enemy position blasting anything that moves
    Numbskull ? is the player who gives away your position by shooting at nothing
    Pack Rats ? players who insist on traveling together in the same direction, usually accompanied by grenade magnets, Hankie Skanks and Turd?s .
    Gump ? killing the same player following the same exact route over and over (see Repeat Offender)
    Far-Sighted ? a shooter blasting an approaching enemy failing to see a teammate in front of them
    UberSniper ? the guy you can?t hit no matter what you try
    Grasshopper ? the act of jumping and hoping in order to make oneself bullet proof
    Conversationalist ? the player who strategically types an Ubersniper a question and as they anticipate the reply, makes a mad dash for cover.

    FOKKERED: That occurs when you get hit by a crashing Stuka Dive Bomber. We like to say in All Chat that I was just ?Fokkered?.

    Snorkeler - the Snorkeler is a player who lies fully submerged in shallow water to hide from enemy fire or sneak up on unsuspecting players. This is not to be confused with the Sunbather or the infamous "Sand Crab" being the player who lies partially submerged in water sniping at enemy players. Sand Crabs are most frequently found around Sunbathers.

    Nagaski'ed - is a type of Clan Basher who drops the infamous "F-Bomb" and then high tails it out of the server faster than you hit F12 for a screenshot. The Reverse Nagaski is when they weren't quick enough and the ADMIN drops the ban bomb.

    From Spyder:
    Gamus Interuptis: the player in Snipe server who gets bored and decides to empty his handgun around you, over and over and over over and over and over. The Gamus Interuptis is a member of the Numbskull species and can also be found around ?Turds?.

    BuzzKill: The moment you just start getting into the game and another players starts trouble.

    From Cooper:
    Repeat-offender: one who goes to the same place he got killed and gets killed again....he usually repeats this for 10-15 minutes
    JACK THE TRIPPER(ripper): a player that will drop a tripwire every time he/she gets a nade... this is done for the simple fact that they lack the skills with a gun, and need all the help they can get to get a kill...

    From Kreole:
    Snowflake - A player that protests maps like Valley by repeatedly jumping off bridges/buildings.
    Fizzle - A player who protests maps like Valley by jumping of bridges/buildings whilst discharging their weapon repeatedly during the trip down.

    From TNT:
    The Puppy: the new player who has no idea what to do, he can be seen crouched in the corner with his head cocked to the side as looks on in amazement, they can also be found following other players around like they had a dog treat in their holster. Be careful of Puppies because they are not Server Trained yet and will always leave a mess to be cleaned up. Puppies can and will get you killed, like the one that finds your perfect spot and starts doing a hat dance right were you are and gives away your position.

    From Maniac:
    Figgit a$$ (sorry but I am a Brit): some one who gets shot at and doesn't move till he is dead??

    From 2112:
    SUNBATHERS: Those that, when on Omaha or Utah, feel that it is their duty to camp on the beach and snipe at the enemy even when their teammates are valiantly taking the high ground. This ALWAYS results in respawning back on the beach and many deaths result when trying to re-assault the very same territory.

    DOORS: Those players that stop in doorways/windows to shoot/snipe. Invariably the doorway/window is in the path of the only egress from the spawn site. DOORS are unintentional Team killers (Tk'ers) as their actions lead to huge grenade deaths to their teammates.

    SUNBATHERS and DOORS are usually the same players.

    SCOPE SNUGGLERS: players that believe the path to Valhalla is from behind the safe confines of a sniper scope while their teammates fight with primitive BAR's and other useless rapid-fire weapons. For SCOPE SNUGGLERS their close-in weapon system is a firmly held cooking grenade whilst they run toward you.

    HANKIE SKANKS: That player who believes that their skills are unparalleled and any kill at the hands of another is surely a mistake or a glitch. HANKIE SKANKS are usually identified by exclamations such as: WTF, YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING!, HACKER!, LAG!, THIS MAP SUCKS, ETC. A HANKIE SKANK may be tracked by their trail of tears and are usually found crouching in an out of the way place with a light bulb over their head. HANKIE SKANKS may be new to the game and do not realize that skill is actually involved. They will be found associating with NOOBS and others of that ilk.

    EGG LAYER: While the sound of this title may lead one to believe that an EGG LAYER is a player to be scorned, quite the opposite is true. An EGG LAYER is so skilled at deception that the ordinary player has no idea he is dead once the EGG LAYER has done his deed. Upon an encounter with an ordinary player an EGG LAYER, whom is usually running around a corner, will not pause and fight but simply continue on. As the hapless opposing player chases enthusiastically he fails to notice the small grenade that the EGG LAYER has left in his wake. Usually the only way an opposing player knows he has been had by the EGG LAYER is when the pressure wave from the detonating grenade travels up from the ground through his/her torso and exits out the top of the hapless players neck while the head flies off the shoulders at 10,000 fps. The EGG LAYER is an apex predator and should not be judged based solely upon his/her unaware appearance.

    DOH-SI-DOH: The DOH-SI-DOH occurs when two players from opposing teams meet face to face. The ensuing, intricate, dance of death results with both players circling each other while discharging their weapons in the other's direction. The loser is usually the one who invariably points his weapon at his dance partner's feet or at the sky. The winner is the player who is either a graduate of the Julliard School or has a fully loaded PPSH. A truly skilled DOH-SI-DOH'er is one that can pepper the opposing player with lead and then LAY AN EGG (see EGG LAYER) thus ensuring that the opposing player is thoroughly annihilated and unable to further mount an effective defense. The egg-layer, DOH-SI-DOH'ed victim is so addled that he is good for quite a few cheap kills after the initial DOH-SI-DOH obliteration.

    BLESSING: A BLESSING is when a player, whilst shooting from the hip, forms an intricate and exact sign-of-the-cross pattern with the muzzle of his weapon. The player giving the BLESSING hopes that this pattern will put the proper spread on his grouping thus ensuring a kill. Though the BLESSING seems to have religious overtones, sociologists, theologists and LEE ERMEY all agree that the BLESSING is nothing more than a means to an end: sending the opposing player back to where he spawned from.
    The extremely difficult BLESSING while BUNNY-HOPPING is known as the BLESSING BUNNY. The BLESSING BUNNY, while effective, is a dangerous move for the NOOB and can result in scornful laughter from an opposing player as they are hosing the NOOB BLESSING BUNNY. Therefore the BLESSING BUNNY move, while seemingly cool, should only be used in the hands of players that have the ability to exact revenge upon those that expressed scorn.

    SCREECH-BOOM: SCREECH-BOOM is the sound one hears from a player that, while in sprint mode, sees that he/she is about to go through a trap that has been set by JACK THE TRIPPER. 'Nuff said.

    LONG JUMPER: A LONG JUMPER is a player, invariably a NOOB, that believes he/she can avoid activating a trip by jumping over it. This action always results in a spectacular pyrotechnic display in which the LONG JUMPER's appendages and head separate from the torso at 10,000 fps, usually striking players many hundreds of yards away. A LONG JUMPER's head is easily identifiable by the ballistic path only matched by V2 rockets or SCUDS.

    MG MATE: While the MG MATE sounds heroic he/she is nothing of the sort. The MG MATE, as opposed to the gunners mate, is usually an enraged player who has just extricated himself from a difficult spawn killing frenzy, a player who wants to share ?screenies? of a huge kill to death ratio or a NOOB who is enraptured by the feel of a BIG, HUGE GUN vibrating in his hands. The MG MATE is usually seen stroking an MG lovingly whilst he/she hoses down the opposing team as they dart fearfully from point to point. While the experienced player will use the MG sparingly and quickly vacate the premises to avoid revenge in the form of numerous grenades. The MG MATE will return to the MG as if its absence will surely result in the loss of any desire to continue their sorry existence. MG Mates? are simple to spot as they usually will have the MG sited on the nearest spawn point. An MG MATE without his/her MG is identified by the glassy eyed look on their face as they use their sprint mode to return to their den of iniquity. An MG MATE is a menace in more ways than one in that their fantasies involve filling a bunker with multiple MG's and using them all at once. The only sure cure for a player that has been afflicted with the MG MATE personality is well placed, repeated butt-strokes to the head.

    THE MOUSE or STAINLESS STEEL RAT: (With apologies to Harry Harrison) The MOUSE is the quintessential online first-person shooter player. With many years of experience in first person shooters the MOUSE knows where every hidey-hole is on every map. The MOUSE is rarely seen except after he/she sends an opposing player back to spawn. The MOUSE eschews brute-force tactics such as the BULLDOZER and relies instead on stealth and cunning. The MOUSE's perfect game is to win the map with all of his kills via butt-stroke. The only way in that a MOUSE may be tracked through the game is the trail of HANKIE SKANKS he leaves in his wake. The MOUSE player is identifiable by his constant twitching and avoidance of open areas preferring instead the dark confines of his computer room and a case of JOLT COLA within arms reach.

    CLAN BASHER: The CLAN BASHER is a particular odious pile of excrement that should be butt-stroked on sight whether it be by an opponent or by team kill. The clan basher is a player who falls under one of the following genotypes: A NOOB or an experienced player who is new to the servers. CLAN BASHERS are easily identifiable by their malodor, their inability to follow the server rules and their proclamations of innocence when told to cease their actions. CLAN BASHER's are quick to point out violations, real or imagined, of other players and especially ADMINS. CLAN BASHER's, after being warned numerous times to cease their uncivilized behavior, will usually hunt down the clan member that has admonished him, to kill him/her. Invariably the CLAN BASHER will TK his adversary, even going so far as to change teams to accomplish his/her task. Following the predictable kick/ban the CLAN BASHER will log onto the clan website and become a website HANKIE SKANK. The CLANBASHER will protest his/her kick/ban and, following the customary forum badinage between clan and CLAN BASHER, the CLAN BASHER will become indignant and proceed to ?diss? the clan as a whole whereby Crypton (our Website DBA) steps on him as he would a cockroach and the CLAN BASHER is never seen on anything AOW again. The best defense against a CLAN BASHER is an extremely insidious computer virus that only allows the CLAN BASHER to view midget porn websites.

    BULLDOZE(R): To BULLDOZE is a tactic best used in the tunnels or in close confines of an urban map. When one BULLDOZES (v) he/she is found in one of the above places, crouching while moving forward, with the muzzle of his/her gun pointed at an upward angle. As the player comes upon a gaggle of unwitting enemy he/she merely pulls the trigger of their preferred weapon resulting in either the obliteration of the unwitting enemy or the player attempting to BULLDOZE. A successful BULLDOZE will invariably result in the enemy player(s) returning to the scene of the crime to exact their revenge upon the "hacker" that killed them. The BULLDOZER, his/her adrenaline racing, will continue forward with the knowledge that those vanquished players will be headed back for more punishment. A truly successful BULLDOZER excursion is an almost out-of-body experience and the player BULLDOZING knows just which corner to turn, door to enter or stairs to climb thus maximizing his/her kill total while leaving a long trail of HANKY SKANKS in his/her wake. The player is constantly IM'ing LOL as he /she continues on the rampage. As the rampage of the successful BULLDOZE expedition continues the LOL becomes increasing more maniacal as the player begins to believe his/her invincibility. This feeling of omnipotence will usually cease with a well timed bash or grenade. Accidental extended BULLDOZE excursions by NOOB?s have been documented with the player emerging from the episode IM'ing HUMINA-HUMINA-HUMINA and promptly dropping out of the game to play PAC MAN on their Nintendo 64.

    NOGGIN ROCKET: While the NOGGIN ROCKET has been noted on other servers it has been perfected in the AOW servers. A NOGGIN ROCKET is launched when a player's head has left his/her body, in a ballistic path, after a successful nade or inadvertent SCREECH-BOOM. The head, traveling at approximately 10,000 fps, follows an arc that can be seen from the farthest reaches of most medium sized maps. A truly spectacular NOGGIN ROCKET display may be found when an opposing team manages to saturate an area adjacent to a spawn with grenades resulting in multiple NOGGIN ROCKETs arcing through the sky. The sight is matched only by the grand finale of a Disney fireworks display or seeing the Aurora Borealis in person. Many players who have witnessed this phenomenon have stated that John Phillip Souza's "Hoorah For the Red, White and Blue" or Wagner's "Flight of the Valkyries" comes to mind as the NOGGIN ROCKETs arc majestically over the horizon.

    It is believed in some circles that the NOGGIN ROCKET can be used as effective counter-battery fire but after consultation with respected leaders in battlefield tactics and LEE ERMEY this author believes that using a NOGGIN ROCKET as counter-battery is purely a pipe dream as the NOGGIN ROCKET returns to earth with a splat, not a boom.

    FLOPPER (v): Floppers are commonly sighted in AOW servers. They are easily identifiable by their apparent death when under fire only to return fire at their enemy hitting them around the ankle area. There are two types of FLOPPERs: Alpha and Flounder.
    The ALPHA FLOPPER is an apex predator and has honed his/her flopping and firing skills to the Nth degree. The ALPHA FLOPPER is easily identifiable by the fact that he/she is fundamentally unable to fire his/her gun unless they are prone. ALPHA FLOPPERS are visually identified by their overdeveloped shoulders and arms due to the constant push-ups that they do throughout a game. Curiously the only player that the ALPHA FLOPPER seems to have trouble killing is the accomplished BLESSING BUNNY hopper. Super Slo-Mo battle footage has revealed that the ALPHA FLOPPER's rounds tend to go under the jumper and the FLOPPER fails to compensate for the difference in altitude of the target. While this is a seemingly serious disadvantage to the ALPHA FLOPPER the opposite is true as there are very few accomplished BLESSING BUNNY hoppers.

    The FLOUNDER is an inexperienced FLOPPER and is skilled only at generating scorn by enemy players as they mercilessly hose the FLOUNDER until he is dead, dead, and dead. (generally this occurs quite frequently until the FLOUNDER improves his flopping skills or gives up on the move altogether). The FLOUNDER faces most of his ridicule while trying to snipe. Not a master of the timing of the FLOP, the FLOUNDER will usually be seen flopping well short of his intended hide thus requiring a ignominious, long crawl to his target area while the opposing team alternates sniping and laughing at the pathetic fool. A call of "FLOPPER" on team-speak will be followed by multiple gun barrels swinging wildly hoping to spot the poof of dust raised as the FLOUNDER hits the ground (There are unconfirmed reports that the whipping back and forth of the gun barrels have been known to produce a sound similar to the crack of a bullwhip). A FLOUNDER on the ground is easily followed, even while behind objects, by the dust trail raised as he/she scrambles to cover while frantically pressing the sprint key in hopes that he/she will reach their destination before receiving a bullet in the hindquarters. Meanwhile the opposing team-speak channel is unusable due to the hoots and hollers as the snipers attempt to get off the killing shot.

    The only thing more humiliating than being labeled a FLOUNDER FLOPPER is flopping off the edge of maps, such as SPINX, to your death.


    From Nick_Fury
    Mister Puree: The hapless sprinter who does not notice the whirling propellers until he has attempted to dart through them.

    From PvtCowboy
    Spec'er - a player who stays in spec for the first few minutes of a game to see where everyone goes to get an easy kill.

    From SoliderX:
    Dirt Devil - Feed up with camping team mates; this player will stand in front of the sniping campers and fire rounds into the dirt therefore making it impossible for the sniper to see.

    From TheRealRaven:
    Tree chopper - On open maps as you walk toward this guy in the cover of the tree, he will stand fast and put round after round into the poor tree you are using for cover whilst getting close enough to toss yer well cooked nade.

    Twirly-Wirly - This player has their weapon shot out of his hands by you... as you draw nearer he goes prone. As you circle him lying prone with his rifle, he?ll twirl around to try and line you up for the kill.

    Space Cadet - This dude will just stand totally inactive in the map and remain there until killed. You will find this guy 3 to 4 times before he leaves the server.

    The Invisible Man - This is a real cool cookie. He will for example in Hurtgen Map just stand in front of a tree and believes (although wearing a dark uniform) that he is totally invisible and instantly turns into a Hankie-Skank upon being killed.

    My Trip Tripper - This guy is egocentric, not only does he sets trips everywhere, he also trips them himself.

    Perch - This dude will find an elevated perch and just crouch there until picked off.

    Salutations and welcome to Cain's Lair!
    Here is what Asshatting means to me...
    *Some adult language*

    Part One: The Origins and Spread to the United States

    From what I can trace back from archived IRC chats, the term 'asshat' was first used in the large European country of Sweden as an alternative for the word ?asshole.? From Sweden, by way of both train and ship, the word found it?s way to the shores of western France, where it was used by a software coder named Louis (LOO-ee) in a telephone conversation with his second cousin in Newfoundland. This great man was responsible for sending this fashionable European word to North America for all children to enjoy!

    Once on the North American continent, there was no stopping it?s spread to the states. In a June 2000 memo to US-Canadian Customs agents, they were warned to not let this word slip across the border. At this point the word had such a Canadian backing that there was no way to stop it?s glorious spread. And so, ?asshat? was first used in the US by an Inuit man named Pukkeenegak who slipped across the border in his kayak. God bless the Inuit!

    Americans were, at first, wary to this new word. They had grown up using ?asshole,? ?assclown,? (premier in Office Space) and even ?asshead.? What was to force them to add yet another word to their vocabulary? The Internet, of course! Using radiocarbon dating, we have determined that some of the first widespread usage of the word ?asshat? was in several Kevin Smith fan newsgroups, all located in California. Luckily, there are also Kevin Smith fans in the northeast United States, so the word quickly bounded an entire continent and made it to New York City.

    Everyone knows that New York City is a melting pot of culture, drugs, and comedians. The Bamboni family of Brooklyn, NY was the first to use the word ?asshat? in common day talk. Donny Bamboni was quoted in July 2001 as telling a cashier at 7-11 to, ?put the money in the bag, asshat!? Several scared patrons of this convenience store quickly jumped on planes and flew back home, carrying the word with them. And Donny took the word to Rikers Island, where all the prisoners began using the word in a different context than an insult.

    It is feasible to guess that by November, 2001, the word asshat was now in full usage all around the United States. Secretary of State Collin Powell was quoth in early 2002 as saying the following at a State Dinner: (in regards to Usama bin Laden) ?We have not yet found that asshat [bin Laden], but we?re sure as hell trying.?

    In terms of an age breakdown, it seems that colleges students between the ages of 18-25 most commonly use the word asshat, but children as young as six have been heard using the word. Current demography predicts that by the end of 2003, the word asshat will be a commonly used word among high school students and among the 35-35 year old working class. It also appears that, through misinformation, the word is loosing it?s set definition. The next section will discuss its proper usages.

    Part Two: Using Asshat Correctly

    Asshat is by no means just a replacement for the word ?asshole,? but at the current state of the economy there is no better word to compare it to.

    n. slang
    1. A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.
    2. Tight fitting underwear
    [sny: asshole, asshead, assclown, asswad, asshot, assface, prick, faggot, whitey tighties]

    Part Three: Why Use Asshat?

    Quite frankly, there is no better insult in the world than the word asshat. Think about it.

    Scenerio 1: You are once again late for work, and the boss decides to chew you out about it. So he finishes his ten minute speech about how you should be prompt every day. Under your breath, you mumble the word 'asshat'. He will look at you puzzled (if the old man even heard you) and ask you what you just said. "Asset," you will reply. "That's a great asset to possess." You just made fun of the guy, and didn't get fired! Asshat to the rescue!

    Scenerio 2: You are playing a rousing game of Counter-Strike and some hacker comes in to ruin the fun. Luckily, everyone in the room knows the secret word to repel cheaters. That's right! If you and your fellow teammate continue to call the little prick an 'asshat', he will eventually get confused and leave. This strategy will also work at parties, bar mitzfas, and other social outings.

    edit: Did you seriously read all of that?!
    I also am found of the slang word AssMunch..



      LOL I had to ask. Now I know. It seems I have found myself involved with another bunch of BS'ers. Love it!


        #4 guys type a lot
        We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

        Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


          WAY too much time on their hands.

          And yes, i DID laugh...
          ??Click me to donate??


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          • Reply to hey yall!
            by Sirex
            All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

            Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
            7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
          • Reply to hey yall!
            by Pidgeot_Girl
            Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
            2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
          • Reply to hey yall!
            by Apache Warrior
            Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
            I am not playing anything right...
            2 Mar 2025, 09:04 AM
          • Reply to Hi guys!
            by Pidgeot_Girl
            Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
            1 Mar 2025, 07:24 PM
          • Reply to hey yall!
            by Pidgeot_Girl
            Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
            1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
          • Reply to hey yall!
            by Sirex
            :O hey Pidgeot!

            Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
            Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
            23 Feb 2025, 06:31 PM