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Another mugging

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    Another mugging

    I drive by this shelter a few times of night on route. I saw the squad car parked in it and the officers talking to the woman, with her red purse torn open and officers inspecting the scene. I wish I'd have driven up when this was going on.

    A 64-year-old woman waiting for a bus Tuesday night on University Avenue was dragged out of the bus shelter by a mugger as she tried to hang on to her purse, Madison police reported.

    Witnesses said the mugger told the victim who was yelling for help, to "yell all you want," police said.

    The incident happened at about 10 p.m. Tuesday in the 3600 block of University Avenue.

    The victim had just finished her shift at a grocery store and was waiting for a Metro Transit bus when the mugger came up and started pulling on the strap of her purse.

    "She tried to hang on to the purse and was dragged out of the bus shelter where she had been sitting," said police spokesman Joel DeSpain.

    The purse strap broke in the ensuing tug-of-war between the mugger and the victim, with the contents of the purse spilling out onto the pavement.

    "The thug snapped up a few bills and fled with the cash," DeSpain said.

    A witness saw the scuffle while pulling out of a parking lot, and tried to follow the suspect as the suspect ran behind a bank into a grassy area.

    "He was unsuccessful in his pursuit but he gave responding officers a good description of the thief," DeSpain said.

    The woman suffered some cuts during the mugging, police said.

    The suspect was described as a black male in his late 20s to early 30s, 6 feet tall, bald, with very little facial hair, wearing a dark-colored shirt with numbers on the front and back, possibly a 15 or a 45, and dark-colored pants.

    What kind of city are you in? This happens every 20 minutes in Houston.


      Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
      What kind of city are you in? This happens every 20 minutes in Houston.
      That's why I live here. Madison is a town with a pretty low crime rate in comparison to other cities its size. large university, midwestern principles, low unemployment, fairly well educated populace have kept crime low for a long time...but it's creeping in more and more lately. Sad to see.


        Meh, this kind of thing is just ridiculous. I've seen people who have like 8 kids working hard of to support their family and some smart guy comes up and does something like this. Meh.

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          Originally posted by Queen B View Post
          Meh, this kind of thing is just ridiculous. I've seen people who have like 8 kids working hard of to support their family and some smart guy comes up and does something like this. Meh.
          Yeah, that's part of what got to me on this little crime. The lady is 64 years old, still working an evening shift...she gets done with a long day, has to wait for the bus, and then this $##+head pulls this. After being dragged, bruised, scared, she has to deal with yet another stranger (this time a cop with rubber gloves [doing his job, of course]) digging through her private possesions as a 100 cars pass by. Will she think of this every time she waits for a bus after work now? (I'm guessing the answer is yes) If this happened to anyone's mother, how would they feel? To anyone's daughter, partner, etc.?

          So, yeah, I just had to post it because I saw this poor woman that night...


            Originally posted by Queen B View Post
            Meh, this kind of thing is just ridiculous. I've seen people who have like 8 kids working hard of to support their family and some smart guy comes up and does something like this. Meh.
            Yeah, that's part of what got to me on this little crime. The lady is 64 years old, still working an evening shift...she gets done with a long day, has to wait for the bus, and then this $##+head pulls this. After being dragged, bruised, scared, she has to deal with yet another stranger (this time a cop with rubber gloves [doing his job, of course]) digging through her private possesions as a 100 cars pass by. Will she think of this every time she waits for a bus after work now? (I'm guessing the answer is yes) If this happened to anyone's mother, how would they feel? To anyone's daughter, partner, etc.?

            So, yeah, I just had to post it because I saw this poor woman that night...


              Originally posted by Queen B View Post
              Meh, this kind of thing is just ridiculous. I've seen people who have like 8 kids working hard of to support their family and some smart guy comes up and does something like this. Meh.
              Yeah, that's part of what got to me on this little crime. The lady is 64 years old, still working an evening shift...she gets done with a long day, has to wait for the bus, and then this $##+head pulls this. After being dragged, bruised, scared, she has to deal with yet another stranger (this time a cop with rubber gloves [doing his job, of course]) digging through her private possesions as a 100 cars pass by. Will she think of this every time she waits for a bus after work now? (I'm guessing the answer is yes) If this happened to anyone's mother, how would they feel? To anyone's daughter, partner, etc.?

              So, yeah, I just had to post it because I saw this poor woman that night...


                Originally posted by Queen B View Post
                Meh, this kind of thing is just ridiculous. I've seen people who have like 8 kids working hard of to support their family and some smart guy comes up and does something like this. Meh.
                Yeah, that's part of what got to me on this little crime. The lady is 64 years old, still working an evening shift...she gets done with a long day, has to wait for the bus, and then this $##+head pulls this. After being dragged, bruised, scared, she has to deal with yet another stranger (this time a cop with rubber gloves [doing his job, of course]) digging through her private possesions as a 100 cars pass by. Will she think of this every time she waits for a bus after work now? (I'm guessing the answer is yes) If this happened to anyone's mother, how would they feel? To anyone's daughter, partner, etc.?

                So, yeah, I just had to post it because I saw this poor woman that night...


                  Originally posted by Queen B View Post
                  Meh, this kind of thing is just ridiculous. I've seen people who have like 8 kids working hard of to support their family and some smart guy comes up and does something like this. Meh.
                  Yeah, that's part of why I posted this rather common crime. This poor lady, 64 years old, gets done working an evening shift, still has to wait for a bus to get home, and then as she's waiting someone grabs her purse, drags her, bruises her, scares her half to death...and then she has to be questioned by police, have her stuff searched through by yet another another hundred cars pass by, and possibly be delayed until the last bus passes by in the meantime. The sight of it and the whole idea of it just really pissed me off and disgusted me. How would anyone feel if this were their mother? Their daughter? Their partner? Etc.

                  Crimes against the elderly, the young, females, and crimes in which many assault one just strike a nerve with me...make me sick. I posted this one because I saw the poor lady...and just had to vent for a second.


                    Lol. Was trying to post last night and none of them looked like they were finishing. I guess they actually did. Wow. Quintuple post or whatever (didn't count them)!


                      I get furious with crimes against anyone /o\ but against children and elderly make me sick.

                      Nws Skud, it happened to me too hahaha

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                        Originally posted by Skud View Post
                        Lol. Was trying to post last night and none of them looked like they were finishing. I guess they actually did. Wow. Quintuple post or whatever (didn't count them)!


                          So there were people who witnessed this, and did nothing?

                          Crime rate is up where I live. Not because of the people who LIVE here, but it is right on a major highway. People come in from less affluent areas to vandalize, theft, steal, .... Then it is a 2 minute drive to the highway, and they are gone gone gone.
                          ??Click me to donate??


                            Originally posted by Dead_And_Gone View Post
                            So there were people who witnessed this, and did nothing?
                            No, according to the report one person witnessed it from a distance and tried to catch the guy as he ran off, but wasn't able to. He did provide some description of the assailant.


                              Originally posted by Dead_And_Gone View Post
                              So there were people who witnessed this, and did nothing?

                              Crime rate is up where I live. Not because of the people who LIVE here, but it is right on a major highway. People come in from less affluent areas to vandalize, theft, steal, .... Then it is a 2 minute drive to the highway, and they are gone gone gone.
                              The police here however, advise people not helping when this sort of thing happens, because most likely he might have a friend close by who might or not have a gun, hurting object of any kind o_o. I would go there for sure anyways

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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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