I found out this morning someone shot my friends dog. The dog survived and made it through surgery but, they are worried about sepsis because she was shot in the abdomen.
The story as I know it is my friends live out in the country and the dogs have the run of the property. Anyways they came home from work and found they're dog Kaya wounded in the abdomen. They didn't realize it was a GSW. The took her to a vet and when the vet operated discovered it was a GSW.
I don't know if a round was retrieved but, my guess is its a .22. since it wasn't an obvious GSW. The dog is a non aggressive dog that has grown up around cats and people and is very friendly although she does like to hump a leg here or there.
Considering all the factors that I know as of now my quick guess is some kid with a .22.
The story as I know it is my friends live out in the country and the dogs have the run of the property. Anyways they came home from work and found they're dog Kaya wounded in the abdomen. They didn't realize it was a GSW. The took her to a vet and when the vet operated discovered it was a GSW.
I don't know if a round was retrieved but, my guess is its a .22. since it wasn't an obvious GSW. The dog is a non aggressive dog that has grown up around cats and people and is very friendly although she does like to hump a leg here or there.
Considering all the factors that I know as of now my quick guess is some kid with a .22.
