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200 reasons to love the U.S. Marine Corps

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    200 reasons to love the U.S. Marine Corps

    Something I saw on another site...

    1. Cpl. Jason Dunham. First Marine to receive the Medal of Honor since Vietnam. If jumping on a grenade to save a buddy isn’t worth the top of the list, nothing is.
    2. Civilians have to find time to go to the gym. Marines get paid to go.
    3. The National Museum of the Marine Corps. It’s like a Smithsonian of leatherneck.
    4. There’s no such thing as an “ex” Marine.
    5. Re-enlistment rates are higher IN the war zone.
    6. Stink-proof socks. Well, almost. Systems Command is working on them.
    7. Jalape?o cheese.
    8. “Every Marine Into the Fight.”
    9. Lump-sum re-enlistment bonuses up to $80,000. Many of you would consider doing it for free.
    10. New uniforms #1. Pixel-pattern cammies? Yeah, the Corps came up with that.
    11. “Doc.” [God Bless every one of them.]
    12. Flexed arm hang is harder than it looks. We tried it.
    13. Barracks parties on non-payday weekends.
    14. Marine Gunners.
    15. The Wounded Warrior Regiment.
    16. MarAdmin 266/07: Letting 18-year-old Marines drink on base at this year’s birthday ball. [HELL YES. Long overdue.]
    17. No receipt necessary for travel claim expenses less than $75.
    18. The Lance Corporal underground.
    19. Fallujah II. [Let's not forget Fallujah-I !]
    21. Archibald Henderson’s couch, re-upholstered, is still in the Commandant’s living room.
    22. “No better friend, no worse enemy.”
    23. Typhoons approaching Okinawa often spark islandwide beer runs. [Often?? How about always! ]
    24. Waivers.
    25. Gen James Jones, who followed his tour as Commandant with an appointment as “supreme intergalactic overlord” (OK, it was Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, but close).
    26. 10 rounds from the 500-yard line. [That's with iron sights, from the prone, using a sling. No bipod, no sandbags.]
    27. Per diem. [OK, that's pretty joint but it's still a good piece of gear.]
    28. To civilians, every Marine is recon.
    29. Recruiting in Texas is like hunting at the zoo.
    30. The “boat cloak.” Because every super hero needs a cape.
    31. You can re-enlist in the IRR.
    32. The wallet in your sock.
    33. Motivating television commercials.
    34. The “horse shoe” haircut, gone but not forgotten.
    35. The global address list. Find your buddies and send them links to Marine Corps Times.
    36. Running cadences that mention napalm. And Eskimos.
    37. Stories that begin with, “So there I was ...”
    38. Modified parade rest.
    39. The transformation. Who you are when you join is not nearly as important as who you become.
    40. LtGen Mattis getting a fourth star.
    41. If you’ve been on liberty in Twentynine Palms, you’ve been on liberty in Yuma and Barstow, too.
    42. Grooming standards. Not only can you not act like a thug, you cannot look like a thug.
    43. It’s not the Army.
    44. Women in Manhattan have all seen the Fleet Week episode of “Sex and the City.”
    45. Combat shotguns.
    46. Combat Action Ribbons. IEDs count now, and should have counted all along. Duh.
    47. The occasional free beer. Wear your blues into a bar and see what happens. [YES. It happens.]
    48. After decades of debate, there remains no resolution on whether sand fleas trump “The Reaper.”
    49. The Corps’ doesn’t call its officers, commissioned or not, “petty.”
    50. Cpl. Gareth Hawkins, lying on a stretcher after an IED shattered his leg, demanded re-enlistment before medical evacuation. And got it.
    51. Whereas Army, Navy and Air Force jokes are funny, Marine jokes are potentially dangerous.
    52. The occasional friendly debate. Refer to a Marine staff NCO simply as “Sergeant,” and see what happens. [YES. This happens too.]
    53. That troublesome “10 percent,” making good Marines look great since 1775.
    54. Everyone at a high school reunion is obliged to justify his last 10 years, except the guy wearing alphas.
    55. As if ranks that include the words “Master” and “Gunnery” aren’t intimidating enough on their own, the Corps uses them both. At once.
    56. Soldiers have Hooah Bars. Marines have Ka-Bars. The second will generally get you the first.
    57. The dress code. You can wear your cammies to meet the Commandant or repair a tank.
    58. From “Aliens” to “Doom,” the future vision of warfare almost always includes Space Marines.
    59. The Corps was formed in a bar. [And pretty much lives in one today.]
    60. Marines predicted the WWII campaigns in the Pacific years earlier and prepared for the inevitable. So when a Marine says, “Hey, I’ve been thinking…” perhaps you should take notes.
    61. Give a Marine some free time, and he’ll rip down your dictator’s statue. [Or conspire with his buddies to commit some sort of amoral outrage.]
    62. If it ain’t raining, we ain’t training.
    64. Duty station garden spots: Jacksonville, N.C.; Yuma, Ariz.; Bridgeport, Calif.; Twentynine Palms, Calif. (Yes, we’re kidding.)
    65. Making morning PT on time.
    66. Recruiters who promise everything EXCEPT a rose garden.
    67. Mustangs #1. It’s easier to take crap from a CO who went to boot camp.
    69. Gen. Peter Pace, the first Marine Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He left his four-star insignia with his fallen comrades at the Vietnam Wall when he retired. Classy move.
    70. The people zapper. Using microwave energy to disperse a crowd sounds like fun. Semper fry, Gunny. [The Voice of Experience-- that thing hurts like hell.]
    71. Nothing says “Good morning” like a mouthful of Copenhagen and freeze-dried coffee.
    72. Nothing says “I love you” like a welcome home sheet hanging on a chain-link fence.
    73. Bill Barnes. In June, the former Marine beat the crap out of a 27-year-old pickpocket who tried to make off with his dough. Oh yeah, he’s 72.
    74. Leftwich Trophy. Heisman winners only think they know about leaving it all on the field.
    75. EOD. If you don’t know why this is on the list , defuse the next IED yourself.
    76. Tax-free combat pay. Doing what you signed up for and not having to give Uncle Sam a dime back.
    77. Montford Point Marines. The first African-American Marines know a little something about honor, courage and commitment.
    78. Front toward enemy. It’s not just a visual reference on a Claymore mine, it’s a Marine Corps way of life.
    79. Mustangs #2. You know at least three Marines who drive them. It’s like a Ford dealership exploded on base.
    80. Fred Smith, founder of FedEx. Only a former Marine could truly appreciate the value of getting your mail on time.
    81. CMC: The tallest member of the Joints Chiefs. OK, so we haven’t actually measured, but he looks the tallest anyway. [I've never measured any of them, but Gen Conway is one big boy.]
    82. No more spit shining boots. [Thank God.]
    83. Chuck Norris was in the Air Force. Steve McQueen was a Marine. [Yes, but, Chuck has a great web page.]
    84. The Crucible.
    85. 1/9, 2/9 and 3/9. Welcome back, fellas.
    86. The FROG uniform. You are now sweat-wickin’ AND flame-lickin’.
    88. The M4. More rifles in the fight is generally a win-win.
    89. MRAPs. Trucks straight out of Mad Max. We still love a good Humvee, but we loved jeeps, too. Things change.
    90. Arty guys who do civil affairs. They blow it up, then they fix it. Circle of life.
    91. Service Charlies. They look so good, the Navy’s copying ’em.
    92. Fake Marines. No one eats ’em up faster than real Marines.
    93. John Lovell. A 71-year-old former Marine is sitting in a Subway restaurant when two armed men try to rob the place. Lovell grabs his .45, kills one and wounds the other. No word on how Lovell’s sandwich fared.
    94. 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines. Six Navy Crosses so far. Six.
    95. Staff Sgt. Lawrence Dean II, aka the “BadAss Marine.” He recites a poem. He gets uploaded to YouTube. Thousands get motivated.
    96. Gen. James Conway takes over as the new commandant . Among his demands: a new PT uniform, new tattoo regs, a plan to add dress blues to the seabag, a change-up in medals and 22,000 more Marines. Someone’s been thinking about taking over for a while, huh?
    97. Body-fat standards. Everyone hates them, until they see a fat Marine.
    98. “Jarhead.” Only a former Marine could write a war story about not fighting anyone and make it last for 200 pages, then get Jamie Foxx to star in the movie. [Never read the book, never saw the movie. Next!]
    99. The Stumps. The Rock. The Sandbox. Oh, the places you’ll serve.
    101. Tattoos #2. Getting a fallen friend’s name tattooed on your other forearm, and knowing the same.
    102. The new PT running suit. Sure, the Army had them first, but the Army gets most things first.
    103. Marine Expeditionary Units: The cheapest cruise you’ll ever take.
    104. Camp Lejeune: The closest interstate and the nearest good shopping mall are both at least an hour away. [An hour?? Try TWO!]
    105. Camp Pendleton: There are roads and malls, but try affording a house near the main gate.
    106. Tattoos #3. Meat tags. Getting your blood type and other info inked on your ribcage isn’t necessarily a bad idea.
    107. The Marine Corps is getting bigger. The Navy is getting smaller.
    109. 30 days’ paid vacation, plus federal holidays off, is obscene by civilian standards.
    110. Maj. Gen. Marion E. Carl, the Corps’ first fighter ace. First Marine to fly a helicopter. Two Navy Crosses, five Distinguished Flying Crosses, 14 Air Medals. In 1998, the 82-year-old was killed during a home break-in when he jumped in front of a shotgun blast aimed at his longtime wife, Edna.
    111. Tattoos #4. Reaction to the new policy: Conway says sleeves are going away, Marines run for the chair. Tattoo parlors never saw so much business.
    113. Guaranteed pay raises.
    114. Marine Security Guard #1. Duty in the Bahamas.
    115. Having a WWII Marine say he’s proud of you. [Yes. The WWII Marines are the gold standard for hard.]
    116. Drew Carey used to be in the Marine Corps Reserve. Now, he’s the host of “The Price is Right.”
    117. Combatant diver pins. No more of that Navy crap.
    118. A Red Stripe is a beer, mon. A Blood Stripe is a symbol of pride.
    119. NMCI, if only they would remove the “MC.” [And not soon enough.]
    120. You watched “300,” and it reminded you of your unit.
    121. The “Det One” .45 pistol. Designed by Marines, for Marines.
    122. Combat marksmanship. You are creeping death. And you get graded on it.
    123. [WE] Never lost six nukes on a plane.
    124. CamelBaks. Water tastes like water again.
    125. Give a Marine enough free time, and he’ll marry your Bahraini princess. [Or conspire with his buddies to commit some sort of amoral outrage.]
    126. Go to YouTube. Type in “bored Marines.” Enjoy.
    127. When the President gets on a helicopter, it’s not called “Army One.”
    128. The opposite of the Peace Corps. [YES!!!!]
    129. Camouflage. You can camouflage anything and make it cool.
    130. No Fear #1. Marines aren’t scared of anything. Except apricots. And Charms.
    131. Combat optics on M16s. Leave the iron sights, just in case. [Iron sights never fail.]
    132. “Combat loss” amnesty for missing gear. It’s like pleading the fifth.
    133. Riding a chartered Continental Airlines flight home from the war zone with assault weapons stuffed in all the overhead compartments.
    134. In combat, the division band becomes a heavy-machine-gun platoon.
    135. What do headaches, broken bones, infectious diseases, missing limbs and hurt feelings all have in common? Motrin. Thanks, Doc.
    136. [There doesn't appear to be a #136. It could have been left blank to honor fallen Marines, just like the empty place setting at the Birthday Ball.]
    137. Global instability equals job security. [Always has, always will!]
    138. When NMCI goes down, and it will, it’s like having the day off.
    139. The honor, privilege and responsibility of leading, mentoring and caring for junior Marines.
    140. Gunnery sergeants. Don’t know the answer? Ask the gunny. Need something? Ask the gunny. In trouble? Avoid the gunny.
    141. Because Gunny said so.
    142. The line to get “tazed” at a military gear expo. Marines will do anything for a free T-shirt.
    143. Deployment reunions. Like reliving your wedding night. Sweet! [Unless you're single.]
    144. Gig lines. Even in khakis and a polo shirt.
    145. Eight-point covers. Even the uniform stands at attention.
    146. Marine Security Guards #2. They’re not cute and cuddly, but when they greet you at the hatch, it’s like getting a great big hug from the United States of America, no matter where you are.
    147. The Mameluke sword. Distinctive.
    148. The NCO sword. Earned, never given.
    149. The World Famous Mud Run. Thousands of people pay good money to run through 10 clicks of muck every year at Camp Pendleton.
    150. John Philip Sousa. A Marine, the nation’s March King and composer of “The Stars and Stripes Forever.” Ooh-rah.
    151. MRE crackers. Hard as Milk Bones but much tastier. You can almost feel your teeth getting cleaner as you eat ’em.
    152. Jane Wayne Day. She’ll never ask about work again.
    153. Shirt stays. Or garters. Whatever you call them, they’re a triple whammy, keeping your shirt tucked, your socks up and removing all that unwanted leg hair.
    154. The slogans: “The Few, The Proud, The Marines.” “We’re Looking For a Few Good Men,” “Once a Marine, always a Marine,” “Tell that to the Marines.”If they could only purchase the rights to Hallmark’s “When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best.”
    155. Speaking of slogans, “The Few, The Proud, The Marines” beat out such notables as Nike’s “Just Do It” and Burger King’s “Have It Your Way” for a 2007 spot on the advertising Walk of Fame. Better luck next year, losers.
    157. Real duty station garden spots you can go an entire career without being assigned to: Southern California; Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii ; Okinawa, Japan.
    158. Rear-party Marines. God bless them. Whatever reason they stay behind injury, impending retirement or being volun-told they are indispensable.They deserve medals for what they have to deal with while a unit is deployed.
    159. While field-grade officers are at the company office, company-grade officers are in the field. [HEY!!]
    160. Colonels who can take a joke. [Absolutely. And Generals too!]
    161. Free flu shots. And smallpox shots and anthrax shots …
    162. Former Sgt. Chris Everhart. While camping with his three sons in June 2007, a bear snatched their cooler and made a play for his 6-year-old. Everhart threw an 18-inch log at the bear’s head, cracking its skull before it could attack and killing it instantly. Then, the park ranger gave him a ticket for leaving the cooler where the bear could get it.
    163. Standards. The Corps doesn’t lower the bar when recruiting gets tough.
    164. Jim Nabors. “Gomer Pyle” becomes an honorary Marine in 2001 and makes Lance Corporal. It takes him six years to pin on corporal. Talk about art imitating life.
    165. Vincent D’Onofrio. The other “Private Pyle” is doing pretty well on “Law and Order: Criminal Intent.” He’s still weird, though.
    166. If you ambush Capt. Brian Chontosh’s boys, he’s going to take off his Navy Cross and kill you. Then, he’s going to pick up your rifle and kill your buddies. Then, he’s going to pick up your buddy’s rifle and kill your buddy’s buddies. Then, he’s going to pick up a rocket-propelled grenade launcher …
    167. Speaking of the Navy Cross, a combat award second only to the Medal of Honor, Marines have earned 15 so far in Iraq, plus one in Afghanistan. Of the six awarded to sailors for those combat zones, five went to SEALs, and
    one went to a corpsman who exposed himself repeatedly to enemy fire to evacuate and treat wounded Marines. Along with Chontosh, the other recipients include:
    168. Gunnery Sgt. Justin D. Lehew.
    169. Lance Cpl. Joseph B. Perez.
    170. Sgt. Scott C. Montoya.
    171. Cpl. Marco A. Martinez.
    172. Sgt. Willie L. Copeland.
    173. Capt. Brent Morel (posthumous).
    174. Sgt. Anthony L. Viggiani.
    175. 1st Sgt. Bradley A. Kasal.
    176. Cpl. Robert J. Mitchell.
    177. Cpl. Dominic Esquibel.
    178. Sgt. Jarrett A. Kraft.
    179. Cpl. Jeremiah W. Workman.
    180. Cpl. Todd Corbin.
    181. Sgt. Aubrey L. McDade Jr.
    182. Pfc. Christopher Adlesperger (posthumous).
    183. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Louis E. Fonseca.
    184. Iwo JIMA. Japan might have changed the name to Iwo To, but that doesn’t mean you have to acknowledge it.
    185. Col. John Ripley. Received the Navy Cross for the destruction of the Dong Ha bridge in Vietnam. The Corps takes care of its own. In 2002, with Ripley near death, doctors finally found a donated liver for his much-needed transplant. So the Marine Corps sent helicopters and Marines to Philadelphia to retrieve it, and they personally rushed it back to Washington in time to save his life. [A great man if ever there was one.]
    186. Marine Corps Times isn’t a version of Navy Times anymore. How many careers get their own newspaper?
    188. Gatorade bottles wrapped in green, 100 mph tape so as not to offend the sailors in the room.
    189. Camaraderie. Marines will hook you up with their sisters, then punch you in the mouth for doing what they knew would happen the whole time.
    190. Ingenuity. MRE bombs, 101 uses for cleaning rods and iPods wired into field radio speakers.
    191. Getting off the ship.
    192. Getting back on the ship.
    193. No beach? No problem. Marines inserted 400 miles into landlocked Afghanistan and created Camp Rhino using CH-53 Sea Stallions. Imagine what you can invade with the Osprey.
    194. Cases and cases of bottled water mean never having to stand behind a water bull.
    195. Race as a nonissue. It wasn’t always the case, but three black Sergeants Major of the Marine Corps in a row show that the Corps has only one color: green.
    196. Every day in the Corps is another reason to celebrate. That’s why they call them working “parties.”
    197. Riddick Bowe had what it took to be boxing’s undisputed heavyweight champ. He did not have what it took to be a Marine.
    198. The U.S. Army Band is called “Pershing’s Own.” The U.S. Marine Corps Band is called “The President’s Own.”
    199. “8th and I.” Ten bucks says you have no idea where the Army Chief of Staff lives. Commandants don’t hide. [Not entirely fair-- the ACOS lives at Ft Myer, I think.]
    200. MRE “rat boxes.” How grunts trick-or-treat.

    Too much to read at work....I'll look later :P My brother should enjoy, he was a Marine.


      Cant help but be in awe. When I was in Iraq, when the Marines got finished out east of Baghdad, ol muj was afraid to mess with em at all. Theirs where the only bases I went too that I didnt have to worry about mortars and rockets being tossed at me. They didnt take any crap and the enemy knew it.

      My son served in the Corps and did his tour out there. I never got to see him while he was in country but he was there the same time I was. I couldnt have been prouder. He ran EOD out of Ramadi, Fallujah for a year. He's back home now out of harms way.

      God bless the Corps and Country.
      [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


        I highly respect our men and women of the corps. I have worked with them for years until the last couple and i miss it greatly.

        Originally posted by Trooper110 View Post
        Too much to read at work....I'll look later :P My brother should enjoy, he was a Marine.
        I think you mean he IS a marine
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        • Reply to hey yall!
          by Sirex
          All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

          Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
          7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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          by Pidgeot_Girl
          Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
          2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
        • Reply to hey yall!
          by Apache Warrior
          Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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          Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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          by Sirex
          :O hey Pidgeot!

          Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
          Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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