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Tats on a woman are okay, but....

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    Tats on a woman are okay, but....

    I have a gripe....being that I live in FL, and when I go to swimming areas or water parks, I'm disgusted at the sight of very attractive women with not small or medium tats, but full-fledged MURALS that span across the side of their body or completely covering the back.

    I would say the MOST tacky of those tats are the black angel wings, what's up with that?

    Now, I don't mind the small lower back tat or even medium tats, but NOW, I'm seeing tats this century that cover the entire span of a woman's torso.

    Anyone agree? I find it rather sickening...sorry just MY opinion, but there is such thing as over doing it.

    Personally, I do not like Tats. But, it is a personal choice and everyone is free to make their own decision. I have friends that have from one to full body. It is their choice and in no way affects the person that they are.

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      Originally posted by Evil_T0NY {CLR} View Post
      Now, I don't mind the small lower back tat

      Really here in Cali thats known as "The Tramp Stamp"


        Originally posted by mapes View Post
        Really here in Cali thats known as "The Tramp Stamp"
        Coast to coast it's known as that, what he's getting at I think is that the full body tats and even medium ones in most cases take away from the natural beauty and overall are appalling. Personally I do not like tats but there are some that symbolize special things to people such as a dead relative or like an eagle my buddy Jimmy got with a couple of his close buddies in afghan.


          Depends on the art. I have seen some I liked and some I didnt.
          Dont like tramp stamps though.


            I don't mind tats as long as they have a personal meaning. The ones that get a tat just to get it bug me.
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              Depends on the tat / location. I dislike the tramp stamp alot, but dont mind the angel wings at all. As long as the ink was done well more power to em. That and it gives you an excuse to look

              My personal mantra is 'get it in a place where you can hide it'. While you might love them a potential employer might not. I'm probably going to get some more ink done in the next couple months, i'll post some pics.
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                I have no real problem with tattoo's as long as they're not distasteful or present on the head or face.


                  That's like putting bumper stickers on a Mercedes. :P lol


                    Originally posted by juneau View Post

                    I have no real problem with tattoo's as long as they're not distasteful or present on the head or face.

                    /insert drool

                    I used to dislike women with tats but some of them are hawt


                      Originally posted by baconoclock View Post
                      Depends on the tat / location. I dislike the tramp stamp alot, but dont mind the angel wings at all. As long as the ink was done well more power to em. That and it gives you an excuse to look

                      My personal mantra is 'get it in a place where you can hide it'. While you might love them a potential employer might not. I'm probably going to get some more ink done in the next couple months, i'll post some pics.

                      Yeah I have a couple. In my younger days I liked them. I do work in the tech industry where I could show up sporting a blue mohawk and not a get a look. However if I wear a short sleeve shirt you can't tell. Because back then it was a bit different. Even in California high tech


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