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Watch This while eating..**WARNING:Gross**

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    Watch This while eating..**WARNING:Gross**

    Not safe for those with weak stomaches

    now what is all that white stuff coming out?


      this is a brown recluse spider bite, the stuff coming out is puss and tissue that has been partially digested by the venom..

      edit: You might want to put a warning on the title that this isn't for those of weak stomaches. I understand you have it in the post, but sometimes people don't really read them and simply click on the link. Simply a suggestion.


        my dinner came back onto my plate....


          mmmmm juicy
          [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [url=]
          You will donate to Cain's. Now.[/url]


            ooooh yummy


              Mmmm, fry that up for supper Why would you ever let something like that go?


                good question


                  Originally posted by {CLR}seikoAF
                  this is a brown recluse spider bite, the stuff coming out is puss and tissue that has been partially digested by the venom..

                  edit: You might want to put a warning on the title that this isn't for those of weak stomaches. I understand you have it in the post, but sometimes people don't really read them and simply click on the link. Simply a suggestion.



                    Brown recluses are nasty. They're bites can cause a necrotic reaction. Also it is possible to get internal organ damage by a brown recluse.


                      That was nasty...real nasty
                      X...Noob Slasher...X


                        Originally posted by Trooper110
                        Mmmm, fry that up for supper Why would you ever let something like that go?
                        Because theres no cure. It just runs it's course.


                          nasty spiders though. their venom frequently has flesheating bacteria that as mapes said spread. not good to leave untreated..


                            Originally posted by mapes
                            Originally posted by Trooper110
                            Mmmm, fry that up for supper Why would you ever let something like that go?
                            Because theres no cure. It just runs it's course.
                            There's a cure... cut off the infected skin... It's not a good cure, but it's a cure.


                              this is one spider i think people wouldn't be too sad about if it went extinct. that is one nasty little bugger


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                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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