I got a bunch on FB, but I figured I'd put the ones of MOST interest....starting with me and pictures with or of hot women in costumes, those always come first
Hot chick as "Red She Hulk"

Poison Ivy...had to get me some calamine lotion after this pose, but it was worth it. lol

Me and Black Cat (one of Spidey's old-flames)

The Asguardian's, SIF, Valkerie, Loki, and I forget the one in green

Starkette, couldn't find the rest of them.

Another Red Hulk same one

Hot chick in a skimpy outfit that I don't recognize, but who cares, right (All Anime' outfits look alike) plus Beetlejuice.

Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader

Beetlejuice on the ECTO1



DUH...we all know who these people are

More cute girls in outfits I don't know, but they just look cute in them

Cat woman

Okay....and for the GRAND FINALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You ready for it....it's the official NEW graphic for the Cain's Lair Banner.....
The Ghostbuster and Team Fortress Mash-Up!!
Hot chick as "Red She Hulk"

Poison Ivy...had to get me some calamine lotion after this pose, but it was worth it. lol

Me and Black Cat (one of Spidey's old-flames)

The Asguardian's, SIF, Valkerie, Loki, and I forget the one in green

Starkette, couldn't find the rest of them.

Another Red Hulk same one

Hot chick in a skimpy outfit that I don't recognize, but who cares, right (All Anime' outfits look alike) plus Beetlejuice.
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader

Beetlejuice on the ECTO1


DUH...we all know who these people are

More cute girls in outfits I don't know, but they just look cute in them

Cat woman

Okay....and for the GRAND FINALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You ready for it....it's the official NEW graphic for the Cain's Lair Banner.....
The Ghostbuster and Team Fortress Mash-Up!!
