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Bin Laden dead?

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    Bin Laden dead?

    I thought tough talking Bush was supposed to get him. In fact, Cheney said Obama would be "soft on terror"...yet, two years into his term, he did what they couldn't. Lolol.


      Yup, shot in the head.
      Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


        This is a great day for America. The mastermind of the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks and the deaths of thousands of men, women, and children is finally dead.

        Time to knock back a Sam Adams and toast to his death.
        We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

        Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


          I don't believe he's dead. I won't believe it until I see his long-form death certificate...


            Originally posted by Skud View Post
            I thought tough talking Bush was supposed to get him. In fact, Cheney said Obama would be "soft on terror"...yet, two years into his term, he did what they couldn't. Lolol.
            1.) Yay, Osama's dead.

            2.) Obama had nothing to do with Osama going down. Right place at the right time is what did it.


              I wonder if this will burst the oil futures bubble or inflate it even more.
              Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


                Originally posted by Devilguns View Post
                I wonder if this will burst the oil futures bubble or inflate it even more.
                I'm wondering the same thing.

                We should now be planning an early exit out of Afghanistan, but i bet we stay even longer.

                I'm also wondering what the repercussions to Pakistan will be. I hope we get the ?650Mill we just gave tham as an apology for saying they harbour terrorists.

                OT: Great news!
                Last edited by juneau; 2 May 2011, 06:43 AM.


                  Originally posted by {CLR}geneSW View Post
                  2.) Obama had nothing to do with Osama going down. Right place at the right time is what did it.
                  My thought is that by putting the necessary resources into the search for the "mastermind" of 9-11 (rather than in a place like, say, Iraq) helped our forces to be in the right place at the right time.

                  And, yes, I am glad that he is finally dead.


                    Hey we already burried his body at sea. That was pretty quick.
                    Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


                      Originally posted by Skud View Post
                      My thought is that by putting the necessary resources into the search for the "mastermind" of 9-11 (rather than in a place like, say, Iraq) helped our forces to be in the right place at the right time.

                      And, yes, I am glad that he is finally dead.
                      I think you were just taking the oportunity to bash Bush.

                      Anywho it's great news.

                      Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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                        ✓ Saddam Hussein
                        ✓ Osama Bin Laden
                        ☐ Justin Bieber
                        ☐ Rebecca Black

                        Just joke but its funny


                          I love this part.


                          Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
                          Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                            This wasn't about a country willing to accept him. It was about putting him somewhere that would never become a shrine or gathering place.

                            A large part of me believes the Deltas simply kicked him out an open helo door on the way back to a carrier.

                            Credit is shared by Bush and Obama, with the caveat of Tora Bora--we never should have let him get away there. My first thoughts other than "awesome" and "Delta Force--Desert One is forgiven" was "I wonder what Obama's approval rating will be like in 2 days" and "I wonder how Fox News will spin this to put blame on him." Speaking of Fox News, I still find it odd they're the only major outlet that continues to insist on the spelling of Usama.


                            Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                            Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                              Originally posted by Skud View Post
                              My thought is that by putting the necessary resources into the search for the "mastermind" of 9-11 (rather than in a place like, say, Iraq) helped our forces to be in the right place at the right time.

                              And, yes, I am glad that he is finally dead.

                              bush is the one that had those resources in place. remember such cries as bush's war , and bush lied, people died? those were the rally calls of the left for bush putting forces over there.

                              Now obama had stated in a small article, that he liked and preferred the use of special force type ops, but again, thats just continuing something bush had already started.

                              if obama actually cares about such a thing, we will see if he apologizes about doing it. id imagine he will. i consider that wrong.
                              Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 2 May 2011, 02:52 PM. Reason: Rand--Language


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