After the very fishy debacle that was the World Cup 2022 finals bidding, English journalists promised to dig into Fifa to prove it was corrupt after losing out to Qatar..... and now it's all starting to emerge.
Around 50% of the executive commitee is now suspended for ethics/corrutption allegations.
BBC Sport - Qatar's Bin Hammam accused of buying 2022 World Cup
Hopefully this puts an end to Fifa.

Suspended Fifa vice-president Jack Warner has made public an e-mail that claims Mohamed Bin Hammam "bought" the 2022 World Cup finals for Qatar.
Fifa general secretary Jerome Valcke admitted he sent the e-mail, which also questioned why Asian football boss Bin Hammam was running for Fifa president.
Valcke wrote: "[Hammam] thought you can buy Fifa as they bought the World Cup."
However, Bin Hammam responded by telling BBC Sport on Monday: "I don't know why he [Valcke] has said that."
The Qatari added: "If I was paying money for Qatar you also have to ask the 13 people who voted for Qatar."
Asked whether Valcke's allegation was true he said: "What do you think?"
Valcke stressed that his e-mail to Warner was intended to remain "private" and pointed out that Warner had only published selected parts of it.
"He [Warner] sent me an email asking if I want that [Bin Hammam to run for Fifa president], he said that I should ask Bin Hammam to pull out," Valcke added.
Valcke also denied that he had influenced Fifa's ethics committee, which Fifa suspended Warner and Bin Hammam on Sunday over separate allegations of bribery, pending further investigation.
He stated: "The first time I met the chairman of the ethics committee was yesterday [Sunday] at 1700 [BST] before we went to the press conference. I had no contact at all with anyone."
Bin Hammam was suspended a matter of hours after withdrawing from the Fifa presidential race on Sunday morning.
Fifa general secretary Jerome Valcke admitted he sent the e-mail, which also questioned why Asian football boss Bin Hammam was running for Fifa president.
Valcke wrote: "[Hammam] thought you can buy Fifa as they bought the World Cup."
However, Bin Hammam responded by telling BBC Sport on Monday: "I don't know why he [Valcke] has said that."
The Qatari added: "If I was paying money for Qatar you also have to ask the 13 people who voted for Qatar."
Asked whether Valcke's allegation was true he said: "What do you think?"
Valcke stressed that his e-mail to Warner was intended to remain "private" and pointed out that Warner had only published selected parts of it.
"He [Warner] sent me an email asking if I want that [Bin Hammam to run for Fifa president], he said that I should ask Bin Hammam to pull out," Valcke added.
Valcke also denied that he had influenced Fifa's ethics committee, which Fifa suspended Warner and Bin Hammam on Sunday over separate allegations of bribery, pending further investigation.
He stated: "The first time I met the chairman of the ethics committee was yesterday [Sunday] at 1700 [BST] before we went to the press conference. I had no contact at all with anyone."
Bin Hammam was suspended a matter of hours after withdrawing from the Fifa presidential race on Sunday morning.
Hopefully this puts an end to Fifa.