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The Story Behind My Veterans Status!

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    The Story Behind My Veterans Status!

    A few days ago, Caddys steam'd me complaining about how EA is not registering 2 of his games in Vet. He linked me to his BFBC2 veterans page and sure enough his rating was 6 out of a possible 8. As usual, I laughed at him and called him a girl. Then I decided to build up my own veteran status. After long hard research, I decided to buy "BF2 The Complete collection" "BF 2142 Deluxe Edition" and "BF3" all on the same purchase from Origins. BF3 for its Beta and the other 2 games just so I can get the veterans status. Today, I went ahead and played both games. 2142 Registered fine and I was up to 2 Vet Stat. BF2 did not. I google'd and found that you can chat with EA CS and get your Vet issues resolved. I go ahead and contact them. One of the fastest things I have done in my life.

    Me: Hello, I need help registering BF2 toward my Vet Status.
    CS: Please give me the eMail account you used for BFBC2 and your platform?
    Me: and it's on PC
    CS: Please wait.
    *1 minutes later*
    CS: It should be all fine now, please check
    *Log into BC2 vet and find that ALL the games and ALL the expansion pack are highlighted*
    Me: Oh wow, that was quick! Thank you very much
    CS: If you need anything please let me know.
    Me: *Trying to hold out a scream and a giggle* No ma'am. Thank you very much.
    CS: Please be sure to fill out the survey you will be receiving within 24 hours.
    Me: *finally giving out* Damn right I will!
    CS: Thank you *Disconnected*

    That has got to be one of the happiest things I have had happen to me in a while. Not because I am now a Vet of 8, which includes 2 exclusive XboX360 games- which I do not own or never will. But because I can now wait for Caddys to log onto steam and call him a girl again while showing him a picture of a perfect Vet.

    Now why did that happen? I do not know. What I am thinking is either 1, It has something to do with me preordering BF3 through Origins or 2, she made a mistake.

    Either way, I am as giddy as a little girl.

    Your Vet Status is here!

    you lucky son of a gun, im doing this exact same thing with EA chat right now, hopefully i get lucky
    Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


      oh snap, guess who else got the vet to 8 #winning

      Uploaded with
      Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


        If they retract my Status I'll find you and do so many things that you won't enjoy.


          EDIT: Nevemind just registered 2142. Battlefield Vetern status: 3 with BF2, BF2142, BF Heroes, and BFBC2.

          You guys have been playin battlefield since the beginning. I started with 2142, then went back to BF2 and have been playin ever since. Never bothered with BC.
          We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

          Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


            LOL! Awesome ruthless! I guess they do not care anymore. Just give it to everyone!


              OMG!! I think I need to do this ASAP today !!




                  Originally posted by Caddys83 View Post
                  Respect people with higher vet status than you, Nancy!


                    Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                      ok this does what? Is it just bragging rights?


                        Originally posted by k Phantom View Post
                        respect People With Higher Vet Status Than You, Nancy! :d
                        We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

                        Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


                          What a pain in the @ss. Tried registering 1942, got an error, tried registering bf2, 2142, got another damn error......

                          They dont ever recognize me owning BC2 and I have "Time played MP 2d 4h 44m" ..................... Which is listed right above the damn vet button..........


                            This is the part where you chat with EA! It takes only but a few seconds.


                              i wonder if by they registering me with all those game to get 8 vets stat, now would i be able to download those games from EA/Origin since they already granted me 5 extra games as registered
                              Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


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