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EA / Steam and Gabe's Take

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    EA / Steam and Gabe's Take

    Don't know how y'all feel about the EA (origin) / Steam issue. It's really not that big of a deal to me, but Origin has some serious shortcomings that need to be addressed.

    If you haven't kept up with the EA/Steam events, it started with EA titles slowly disappearing from Steam. I think the first was Crysis 2.

    FUD began to stir amongst the community. Then the bombshell was dropped that Battlefield 3 was not going to be available on Steam.

    Seemingly, everyone in the world went bats**t crazy and accused EA of being capitalist pigs. "They just want to keep all the money to themselves..."

    Then a flicker of reason occurred in the dark world that was Steam. Someone dared mention that you can buy BF3 in other outlets besides Origin. No one cared. The capitalist pigs mantra scorched the gaming landscape, allowing all people who hate EA to pile on. (I think this was started by the MW2 punks )...

    Finally word came out from EA that the problem was with selling DLC. They wanted to be able to sale it outside of steam. Apparently if you sell something through Steam you have to sell the DLC through steam also...

    Anyway, you can read Gabe Newell's response here:

    Yeah. Like if you get BC2 on Steam you have to get the Vietnam pack through Steam as well. So you couldn't take advantage if the EA Store has a DLC on sale; if you got the game in Steam then you're out of luck.


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      by Sirex
      All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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