If you where to give the person posting above you an offical cains lair title,
One to go under their name, what would it be!
You can post more than once, more fun that way.
Keep it clean and no nastyness or mouthing off or itching...
Yes no itching! Its bad for your skin, try patting it or use a cream...
Esp if its red and spottied...
If it dun go away under a glass seek medical advice immediatly...
Ok off track! Enjoy!
One to go under their name, what would it be!
You can post more than once, more fun that way.
Keep it clean and no nastyness or mouthing off or itching...
Yes no itching! Its bad for your skin, try patting it or use a cream...
Esp if its red and spottied...
If it dun go away under a glass seek medical advice immediatly...
Ok off track! Enjoy!