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Remembering September 11th Ten Years Later

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    Remembering September 11th Ten Years Later

    Ten years ago the worst terrorist attack in the history of the United States occurred and I was alive to witness it. Terrorists in an attempt to strike fear into the hearts of Americans and break our will hijacked four commercial airliners. These terrorists crashed them into the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania, but would have crashed into the Capitol Building if it weren’t for the bravery of the passengers of United
    93 who fought back against the hijackers. Approximately 3,000 Americans died on that tragic day and yet some people have forgotten. I tell you now as long as there is a breath left in me I will never forget. Let us not forget the men and women who laid down their lives to fight back when the terrorists struck.

    It doesn’t matter whether you supported the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq, what matters is that those men and women sacrificed their lives so that another terrorist attack would never happen on American soil. Today is an important day in American history. This day we remember those were will killed on that fateful day and all servicemen who have given their lives to preserve our freedom that so many people take for granted.

    Where were you on 9-11? I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was in 6th grade at St. Patrick’s School when I was told of the attacks. I was very afraid because my mother was supposed to be a flight attendant on Flight 11 once they got to Los Angeles from Boston. Instead that plane was hijacked and flown into World Trade Center 1. I was very grateful that my mother was safe. I was also very sad and upset that such a tragedy could occur.

    In the ten years since 9-11, we have sent a message to the world, may god have mercy on your soul because we shall not if you mess with us. That’s exactly what we did. We killed the man responsible, Osama Bin Laden, along with thousands of terrorists and we sent them straight to hell. This is exactly what we will do to anyone else who threatens us. The world has been put on notice. We as Americans came together on that fateful day and united as a country to get through this tragic event.

    Ten years later we are stronger than before and we remain united. We will continue to remain strong and united as long as we remember 9-11-01. We as Americans will not give up, and we will never surrender in the face of any adversary because even after 10 years we are still here and will always be here. Give thanks for the things that you have in your life, even the simplest things because some people aren’t here today to enjoy them. We will never forget and we will always remember September 11, 2001. “We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we will always be free.”

    –Ronald Reagan
    We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

    Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

    Ill never forget what happened that day, and the events that followed.


      I just think people forget how tramatic that day was and how it has forever who we are as a nation and how that single day affects our lives every day after that. I just hope people dont forget because I wont.
      We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

      Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


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